Library Loot #1: Reading Knows No Boundaries!

Posted Wednesday, 28 August, 2013 by jorielov , , , , , , , , , 0 Comments

Library Loot hosted by Claire of The Captive Reader and Marg of The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader.

Library Loot is a Weekly Event on {Wednesdays} to showcase which books we each have hauled back with us from our local libraries! This is to encourage everyone to realise that if there is a book that tempts you to read it, there is no reason not to stop by your local library either to check it out, place it on hold/reserve, request it to be purchased, or to borrow it through ILL! Most readers have such a steady stream of TBR Lists either written down OR maintained by memory, that it’s nearly impossible to even manage the continuation of purchasing each and every single book that strikes a reader’s fancy! I ought to know, I sort of boomeranged right past my own budget for books, and celebrated with glee over the induction of a new local library! We have five branches now, which makes it rather ingenious if you want to ‘jump your holds/reserves’ or visit a different branch that focuses on a specific topic, subject, or genre! This specific event is co-hosted by: Claire of The Captive Reader and Marg of The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader. Personally anything and everything that celebrates the love of libraries is something that I am going to be keen on advocating! Be sure to add your linked post to one of their blogs!

*ILL= inter-library loan; TBR= To Be Read

Library Loot for the Week:

Eek! I am bursting at the seams to share the story of how I came to find “The Irresistible Blueberry Bakeshop & Cafe” by Mary Simses, in my canvas [reuseable] sack by which I cart out my library finds + books weekly! You see, this tale originates in Norway, whereupon a dear friend of mine who blogs at “Shh! Reading is in Progress” asked me if I had come to read this novel!? Curious, as the title eluded to a story that just might be a book I couldn’t put down {as isn’t that what we all hope for when we initially find a book!?}, I pulled up the card catalogue to see if my library had purchased a copy! It sounded new, as in either within the last month or sooner! And, sure enough, the book was nowhere to be found! I had a sneaking feeling it was a book that may have been overlooked to purchase OR simply left to purchase at another time. Libraries always have to weigh and balance what they purchase, at which time of year, and if they have an audience willing to read the materials! Ooh, the migraine of sorting all that out, must be dreadsome! :( I quickly pulled up our virtual Purchase Request box, and wrote about this book that my dear friend spoke to me about! I told the Acquisition’s Librarian everything she might need to know to sort out if the book would be a good fit for our library collection and as I clicked the submit button, I murmured to myself, “I wonder,…”

Truly, reading knows no boundaries when connecting friends with books they are sure to love!

Of course, dear hearts, the tale does not end there! Surely, no! I had other lovelies to pick up and betwitched my furrowed brow a questioning mark as to how to properly consume the stories all the while knowing my onions about them too! I am curious, are other readers bemused such as I am when more than a plentiful amount of books come in ALL AT ONCE!? :) :)

  • The Mouse with the Question Mark Tail by Richard Peck
  • The Other Typist by Suzanne Rindell
  • Widow of Gettysburg by Jocelyn Green
  • & Once Upon a Prince by Rachel Hauck

The Mouse with the Question Mark Tail, is a discovery I made whilst browsing through my library’s card catalogue! Such blissful and wonderous moments await anyone who keys in a ‘subject’, a ‘keyword’, or ‘publication year’!! I oft search straight-up publication years, although I am known to toss things up a bit and opt instead for one of my favourite subject searches! :) It’s hard to speculate how this particular title drew my eye originally! Oh, my dear stars! Look what I have done! I have re-found an author I discovered a year or two ago! This is the follow-up companion to Secrets at Sea!! A fact that I overlooked whilst placing this one on hold! And, what fun! A quick search procured a query to confirm there are plenty of copies available! Ooh boy, indeed! I get to read Part I and then, happily this Part II! Ooh, now that I’m this enthused I am hopeful that the story is as inviting as the premises and the lovely cover art that accompany these lovely books! Eek. Happy is the reader who is me! :)

I’m not sure how many of you are aware of the typosphere!? However, I’m a girl who wants to own a retrofitted &/or restored vintage typewriter {hence the rumblings of such in the sidebar hugged close to the badge for The Ethical Treatment of Typewriters! A ha, so she does have a reason for adding such curiosities! Gotcha!}, and anytime there is even a winking of a mention of a book, motion picture, tv serial, song, OR daresay, musical or theatre production that has become inspired by OR whose story surrounds the ‘typing world’,… I am posed and at the ready! In this vein, how could I bypass the opportunity to read The Other Typist??

In my rush of excitement to see my library had picked up a title by Ms. Green, I failed to remember that Widow of Gettysburg is actually book two in the Heroines Behind the Lines Civil War series! Wedded to War is the first book, by which, somewhere in my memory I mistook for book two, rather than the start of the series! Aye! I will have to return this book unread, and let everyone else get into it first, as although I do make a few exceptions for reading books out-of-order {the Coffeehouse mysteries come to mind, by Cleo Coyle!}, I am quite firm in my choice to read a series ‘straight-through til morning!’ :) I enjoyed reading about this series initially, by way of OWG, whilst Ms. Green was visiting and responding back to comments! I always find myself grateful for the interactions I am blessed with published authors!

Being a regular visitor on the Porch {ie: Southern Belle View Daily}, I am quite in the loop with books that are upcoming for each Belle that brings her wit and wisdom to the Porch each week! Therefore, I am rather keen and happy to see that its my turn now to dig into Once Upon A Prince and let the magic of a happily-ever-after-fairy-tale story wash over me like moondust sprinkles of joy! We all need light-hearted stories to cheer us up or make our smiles that much larger whilst living through an extended period of bliss! Joyful hearts and happiness are always a pleasure to uncover and sink into!

Ooh, boy! I wonder what will come in next!?

I’m alternating between Sunday Showcase + Library Loot on a weekly basis, as whichever feels right to me to post on, is where you will find me sharing my library tales of glee!! :) :) Be sure to scroll down into my sidebar to scope out the posts in either category that you may have missed previously! And, yes, each book I’ve mentioned will surely pop up again once I am able to consume its story and settle its characters into my mind’s eye! Stay tuned! IF a book doesn’t re-appear on my blog, I was not able to finish it OR on the offhanded chance, it wasn’t one that soaked into me the way I had hoped!

Book badge provided by Squeesome Designs and used with permission.{SOURCES: Jorie Loves A Story badge created by Ravven with edits by Jorie in PicMonkey! Seriously wicked bookish badges {entirely FREE!} provided by Squeesome Designs!}

Copyright © Jorie Loves A Story, 2013.


Posted Wednesday, 28 August, 2013 by jorielov in Library Find, Library Loot, Library Love, Southern Belle View Daily

WWW…Wednesday #1: What is a girl to do? Except continue onward!

Posted Wednesday, 28 August, 2013 by jorielov , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 5 Comments

WWW Wednesday badge by Jorie in Canva

I loved the premise of this meme {WWW Wednesdays} due to the dexterity that it gives the reader! :) Clearly subject to change on a weekly rotation, which may or may not lead to your ‘next’ read which would provide a bit of a paradoxical mystery to your readers!! :) Love the concept! Therefore, this weekly meme is hosted by Should Be Reading. Each week you participate, your keen to answer the following questions:

  • What are you currently reading!?
  • What did you recently finish reading!?
  • What do you think you’ll read next!?

Afterwhich, your meant to click over to Should Be Reading to share your post’s link so that the rest of the bloggers who are participating can check out your lovely answers! :) Perhaps even, find other bloggers who dig the same books as you do! I thought it would serve as a great self-check to know where I am and the progress I am hoping to have over the next week!

What are you currently reading!? Such a question, this week! :) I must confess, this is my first day past my migraine, and even I am a bit surprised at how well I am doing! I had to let go of Bout of Books, 8.0 whose postings are still a bit run amuck as I haven’t had the proper chance to go back and flesh out what needs to be completed! I’ll get to it, just not today! Which is why I am still in-progress with my first Austen in August selection: “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen, of which I am hoping to conclude either tonight or on the morrow! I want to post my review of this lovely novel before September whips into view!! I have plans for how I want to read through my other selections, but those plans will be revealed at a later time! :)

I am going to forego attempting to read my first Annie’s Attic mystery, until Bout of Books, 9.0 in January! However, I may or may not dig into “The Crimson Petal and the White” by Michael Faber at some point between now and then! The reason I’m holding off on Annie’s Attic’s series, is because that is what my focus for Bout 9.0 will be! Ha! I’m going COSY!! :)

Meanwhile, I have seven! lovely books in progress at different stages of absorption:

  1. Larkrise to Candleford by Flora Thompson
  2. Bluebird or the Invention of Happiness by Sheila Kohler
  3. The Secret Papers of Madame Olivetti by Annie Vanderbilt
  4. The Forest Lover by Susan Vreeland
  5. Death by Darjeeling by Laura Childs
  6. Murder on Monday by Ann Purser
  7. & Thyme of Death by Susan Wittig Albert

If you choose to click over on each title, you will be drawn back into the days of the Bout, and see what first motivated me to read each book and the progression of reading them as each day lulled forward!! I must say, it’s a remarkable chronicle of one week out of my life, of how unwellness and rollicking thunderstorms can swerve in and out of your reading hours, and cause quite a bit of havoc on your overall outcomes!! 1 out of 10 books consumed isn’t quite so bad, when you think on it!

What did you recently finish reading!? “Haunted” by Heather Graham was the 1 out of 10 books I consumed during the Bout, and “The Prayer Box” by Lisa Wingate is the book I read for review whilst taking part in my first book blog tour for JKS Communications Publicity Firm!! I had such a profound personal attachment to the book, that I wasn’t quite sure how I wanted to direct my review of it, but after putting the finishing touches on that post this afternoon and evening, I must say, I am happy with where it led me to go!! :) My review of Haunted will be clustered closer to when I can finish more of my Bout books!!

What do you think you’ll read next!? A far easier answer to provide! :) You see, after I read “The Golem and the Jinni” by Helene Wecker, I wrote a very cheeky note about what I wanted to read next!! Which is why, dear hearts, as soon as I get my tail caught up with all these lovely books I am reading, I will be digging into Mistress of my Fate. However, short of that, I will be picking up my copy of Jane Eyre, as I am participating in Books of Eyre 2013 + Septemb-Eyre 2013! Evenso, there are a few books that came into my hands via the library, which I’ll be outlining in my next post, “Library Loot #1“, which surely will curtail my reading of Mistress of my Fate, a wee bit more due to the fact the books will need to be returned forthwit! And, there is the issue of Lucid Stars finally making its way to me, as there was a bit of a glitch in my ILL’ing recently, to where, I received the two books AFTER this first one! Oy! Time shall reveal!

{SOURCE: The WWW Wednesday badge created by Jorie in Canva as a way to
promote the weekly meme for those who want to take part in it.}

Copyright © Jorie Loves A Story, 2013.


Posted Wednesday, 28 August, 2013 by jorielov in Austen in August, Books of Eyre, Bout of Books, Septemb-Eyre, WWW Wednesdays

Day Six: Bout of Books, 8.0: In walks the reader, tride and true!

Posted Saturday, 24 August, 2013 by jorielov 1 Comment

Bout of Books Readathon
Day Five: Bout of Books, 8.0.

I must say, yesterday was rather fruitful in my efforts to become acquainted with the cosy mysteries that I selected to read during this end-part of the Bout! :) So much so, that I completed my mini-goal of reading 20 pages per book! I was quite delighted when I noticed that I had achieved that! :) :) What overwhelming joy to settle into books I’ve dreamt of knowing what was underneath the covers, and here, I am knee-deep in a read-a-thon and getting myself all nestled and warm into stories that perplex and intrigue me all at the same time! Today, I knew would be quite unusual as far as when I could read and when I could log online to take a walkabout the Bout’er blogs! I am still delayed miserably due to fierce thunderstorms that are ravaging my area rather well in the mid-afternoon to early to late evening!! Hard to be online in a blog hop, if your worried that lightning could ground at any moment!! Sighs. I digress, today has been a good day!

I took my ‘sticky’ down for the Bout of Books for most of the day, as I wanted to draw any visitor I might have today to the attention of: The Reading Hour! I explained fully in the post I made what this involves, but in case, you haven’t had the proper chance to see it, this is a scheduled day of ‘reading’ hosted by the Australian libraries and the Loves2Read programme that sponsors The Reading Hour! They even have produced a song, to inspire young children to read! :) I am ever so thankful that I could participate twice! in one day, and spend my ‘two’ hours wrapped up in the life of Fern and Wilbur!! :) :) Instead of writing up a new post, I simply added to the one I had originally written as a way to archive the excitement of the day!

I am holding my head up rather proudly, because today, I am the reader who walks into view, tride and true!! I have recovered the joy of digging into books for the pure and sheer joy of it!! To wander through genres, be as you please, and snuggling into stories that shock you, jolt you, invigorate you, and illume your perspective and mind whilst you hungrily read the pages your consuming! Today, is a day to celebrate!

Saturday – Bemused if there are hours enough, to carve out the time to drink through at least one or two more in time!

Number of Pages Devoured | Out of: Death by Darjeeling: ? | ?; Murder on Monday: ? | ?; Thyme of Death: ? | ?  Bluebird or the Invention of Happiness:  ? | ? ; The Secret Papers of Madame Olivetti:  ? | ? ; Lark Rise to Candleford:  ? | ?

Tally of Pages Read Thus Far:

Books in Progress | continuing onward | happily consumed:  ? | ? | 1!!

A six word summary of today’s reading:

Favourite Character:

Challenge Participation? [unofficial] Bookish Wishes and Acrostic Book Poem

Bout of Books blogs I visited: Sadly, not a one! :( I had a furious bout of food poisoning mixed with a severe migraine! :( I didn’t even get to read except for The Reading Hour challenge(s), due to the strength of how bad I actually felt and how hard it hit me!

Tick Tock, there goes the clock:

2:55a: [wake up! wake up!] The Reading Hours is nearly upon us! :)

3a-4a: [The Reading Hour] My selection for my two reading hours: “Charlotte’s Web” by E.B. White

5a: [re-entering the dreamscapes!]

10a-1:30p: [writing workshoppe] On the merits of how to realistically insert real-life crime solving techniques and protocols into your mysteries and psychological suspense novels! I was quite happy with the lively lecturer who joyfully discussed his history with the police force and made an impression on detecting and investigating that brought to mind that I true do have a forensic scientist’s heart! I couldn’t help smiling and nodding to myself, realising that I am just like “Abby!” on NCIS, truly, as I was fascinated by all sorts of murmurings that would make most people turn green and ill! I simply focused on the science of it all, rather than on the gore or the horrific! It does help that I grew up in a field adjacent to this one! :)

3p-4p: [mad dash!] My library account was thoroughly in disrepair as I have been so focused and engaged with the Bout, that nearly half the books I had checked out were called back because I never had the proper chance to go in and renew!! I happily carted them back, placed holds on the few I wanted to see boomerang back to me, and rather sleepily went home to pick up Charlotte’s Web!

5p-6p: [reading!!] I might not have been reading my Bout books, but I was reading nonetheless! [The Reading Hour: Part II]

6:30p-?: [reading!] Shh!! I am all wrapped up in my Bout 8.0 Books of Choice!! If I cannot have the hours to be online to visit the lovely Bout’er blogs, I shall make my rounds starting on the morrow and shifting forward into the week AFTER the Bout! As truly, there are only a certain amount of hours one can have to accomplish everything we each hope to do! :) :) I shall get to them as soon as I can, but right now, Lois Meade, China Bayles, Lucy Dillon, Emily Carr, and Laura are calling to me!!

**The above paragraph was not meant to be! I fell quite ill soon after I posted that message of reading bliss — to the brink that I was up all night rather miserable and consumed with food poisoning and a severe migraine on top of it! Nothing was accomplished in other words except the sanity of riding through one of the worst nights that beseeched my ability to yield to the unwellness that afflicted me! This week had been blundered by woeful unwellness, I’ll tell you! :(

Review(s): soon coming!

Book Nerd badge provided by Squeesome Designs and used with permission.

Daily Bout Musings:

All the posts interlinked to *Bout of Books, 8.0* are a work-in-progress post! Therefore, what you read on one visit, might alter/change or be added to by the time you swing back!!

{SOURCES: Bout of Books Badge created by Jorie in Canva to give readers & visitors who come to her blog a way to know of its existence and therefore increasing the mystery & lore surrounding it!! This is one of three badges Bout of Books uses for promotion. Seriously wicked bookish badges {entirely FREE!} provided by Squeesome Designs!}

Copyright © Jorie Loves A Story, 2013.


Posted Saturday, 24 August, 2013 by jorielov in Bout of Books, Love2Read, The Reading Hour

Day Five: Bout of Books, 8.0: Murder Most Cosy!

Posted Friday, 23 August, 2013 by jorielov , , , , , , , , 0 Comments

Bout of Books Readathon
Day Five: Bout of Books, 8.0.

Realistically, by Friday, the start of Day Five of the Bout, I had hoped to be progressing through the first five books to where I could start to dig into the cosies that I had selected to read as the weekend began! However, I lost quite a large number of hours earlier in the week, ironically, not all due to my own devices, but rather instead with life  moments & dearly horrid lightning & thunderstorms!! Therefore, I am not sure if I will be able to open these lovelies today! but I am going to make a fervent attempt to spend time in each book that I am currently attempting to read, so that I can ascertain a bit of its story and pacing!

Whilst heading towards the finish line such as the tortoise I am! :) :) Fearless. Determined. Confident. And, happy with what I’ve accomplished even if I am falling a bit short of where I had hoped to be! :)  The adventure of reading far out ways any unexpected limitations of completing the challenge, because I’ve been able to focus on reading and reading alone! whilst the week has progressed forward,.. my mind has lit up with characters and plots, and I am finding myself smiling again as I read! Who could consider that an epic fail when you have conquered the one thing you were intending to do!? To jump out of a looming reader’s rut!? They are as follows:

  • Death by Darjeeling {Book One: Teashop mysteries} by Laura Childs
  • Murder on Monday {Book One: Lois Meade mysteries} by Ann Purser
  • Thyme of Death {Book One: China Bayles mysteries} by Susan Wittig Albert

Each of them is the first book in a continuing series by their author, as I had come across them earlier in my 20s, yet hadn’t had the proper chance to dig into their settings, stories, and lead characters! I forget when I began to purchase the ‘first books’ of not only these series, but a few others as well, but it was my intent to read + collect them one at a time! I have amended that goal now, to reading the first in the series, and borrow the rest through m local library! :) I’ll leave the gathering for another time!!

Acquired Books By: Honestly, I am not certain which bookstore I purchased these books at, but they were purchased by me, that much I do recollect! :) It was the start of being able to sink into cosy mysteries that I had stumbled across whilst browsing big box bookstores, hoping to further my adventures past my initial introductions to the genre by way of Agatha Christie, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Dick Francis, and !?

And, why they appealed to me:

Teashop mysteries:

Lois Meade mysteries: coming soon!!

China Bayles mysteries:

Friday — Murder can be ever so cosy!

Number of Pages Devoured | Out of: Death by Darjeeling: ? | ?; Murder on Monday: ? | ?; Thyme of Death: ? | ?  Bluebird or the Invention of Happiness:  ? | ? ; The Secret Papers of Madame Olivetti:  ? | ? ; Lark Rise to Candleford:  ? | ?

Tally of Pages Read Thus Far:

Books in Progress | continuing onward | happily consumed:  ? | ? | 1!!

A six word summary of today’s reading:

Best Moment of the Day: OOh, my dear ghouls!! When I originally asked Squeesome to create some *library love!* badges, I was thinking they might make one or two,.. guess what they did instead!?!? They made enough for me to promote my LOVE + ADMIRATION of libraries [and everyone else as well!] from today until the full life of this blog is fulfilled!! :) :) Check out their new LIBRARY LOVE badges + READING is smashing collection!!! There are now *3*!!! new rows of bookish love to spread around!!! Run! Grab them! Promote library goodwill!!

Llibaries badge provided by Squeesome Designs and used with permission.EEk!! I was so seriously consumed by the bookish love they are promoting, I completely missed they added more COFFEE + JAVA love too!! OOhh, my dear, dear ghouls, this IS a day to REMEMBER!!


Favourite Character:

Challenge Participation?

Bout of Books blogs I visited: [Must Read Faster]– need to repost my comments– [Pretty Pug], [Quinn’s Book Nook], [Pen in Her Hand],

Tick Tock, there goes the clock:

Book badge provided by Squeesome Designs and used with permission.

3:00p: Not quite the proper start I was hoping for today, as I am languishing behind in my slumberments to the brink, that I am now on an off-setted 12 hour clock! I turn in nearly by 3am each day, and I am not ready to ‘begin!’ the new day until 12 hours have thus expired off the clock! How horrid, I know! Yet. Hopeful, too! I spent the time cleaning up my postings today, sorting out what I want to add-on to my Bout posts, and how to manage visiting all the Bout’er blogs whilst the storms keep raging outside the windows!! Oyy vie. Of all the weeks to be involved with the Bout, I’m the unlucky Southerner who gets a hearty dose of thunderstorms to compliment the atmosphere of digging into books for the first time since I brought them home! :) :)

Omm Nom Nom badge provided by Squeesome Designs and used with permission.4:45p: Unquavering in my attempts to prouse my books,… I was on page 19 of Madame Oliveretti when the aromas of homemade cookies beckoned to me, and I found myself delighted in noshing on: rolled oat, rice krispie, marshmallow, chocolate chip delicate whispers of cookies that taste like a pillow of a cloud with the gentle kiss of toffee! Beyond YUM! I devoured three before I realised that could be considered excessive! Fresh pulled from the oven, who dare resist!?

5p-6:43p: I am on a tasting fest; sampling at least 20 pages per book, savouring the small doses, with a curious mind that wants to drink in more of the narratives! I travel between time and settings; Revolutionary France backlit with a surge of anguished memories and the terror of how the future could hold anything positive; the French Riveria sun-drenched beaches, quaint village life bubbling with a mecca of settling inward peace; a seemingly docile English village set-back from the urban cities yet to its own beguiling truth forestalls murderous thoughts!!

6:43p: Updating my Bout posts + visiting Bout’er blogs!! :) :) Soon dinner shall be here, with a plump and boiling rich pizza topped with cheese, onions, spinach, and mushrooms giving me a thrist for comfort food and a balm before I inhale more cookies!

?? continuing,…


All the posts interlinked to *Bout of Books, 8.0* are a work-in-progress post! Therefore, what you read on one visit, might alter/change or be added to by the time you swing back!!

{SOURCES: Bout of Books Badge created by Jorie in Canva to give readers & visitors who come to her blog a way to know of its existence and therefore increasing the mystery & lore surrounding it!! Seriously wicked bookish, coffee and foodie badges {entirely FREE!} provided by Squeesome Designs!}

Copyright © Jorie Loves A Story, 2013.


Posted Friday, 23 August, 2013 by jorielov in Bout of Books

Day Four: Bout of Books, 8.0: Marching forward with a grin on my face!

Posted Thursday, 22 August, 2013 by jorielov , , , 0 Comments

Bout of Books Readathon
Day Four: Bout of Books, 8.0.

The Secret Papers of Madame Olivetti by Annie Vanderbilt and The Forest Lover by Susan Vreeland

Acquired Books By: Vanderbilt’s book was purchased by me, whilst scouring through all the rows and stacks of discounted books at BAM! [Books-A-Million] approx. Autumn 2010! :) It was a blissful afternoon, where you just wander around a bookstore, not really in search of anything in particular, but your eye and heart are drawn into the stories that your reading, as you pick up one book at a time and realise that with the price marked down as low as it is, you could afford a nice stack of ‘new!’ paperbacks that are all but discarded and disinterested by others! Authors you’ve never heard of and a few that you have! This was one of those books that I felt had to come home with me that day! Whereas the Forest Lover was gifted to me by Mum! :)

Why these two books have intrigued me to read them!?

Thursday — Sinking into literary fiction, one of my favourite places to be!

Number of Pages Devoured | Out of: Haunted:  43 | 43 ; Bluebird or the Invention of Happiness:  46 | ? ; The Secret Papers of Madame Olivetti:  0 | 0 ; Lark Rise to Candleford:  0 | 0

Tally of Pages Read Thus Far: 490!!

Books in Progress | continuing onward | happily consumed:  3 | 3 | 1!!

A six word summary of today’s reading: at long last the mystery eclipses!

Best Chapter: coming soon!

Favourite Character: Toss up between: Darcy, Mrs. O’ Hara, & Penny!

Challenge Participation? Book Road Trip & I Spy my Bookshelves! Simply overjoyed I could take part in these challenges because they were an absolute delight! :) What I loved about the Book Road Trip is that it proved where I have the tendency to travel in the books that I gravitate towards reading AND with the I Spy my Bookshelves, it shows that even if you have a small collection of books, you will surprise yourself by what is included on the cover art!! :) :) I put in quite a work-out darting from one shelf to another! Laughs. The Book Road Trip took approx. 4 hours in total, as it took a long time to not only sort out which books qualified for which category but which categories I wanted to focus on! :) :) Such a lovely day for challenges! I look forward to visting the others’ who took part as well! :)

Book Road Trip : All Books Pulled from my TBR Jar! :)

Hallo, Hallo! :) :) This was a heap of fun! I loved yesterday’s book spine poetry challenge AND today’s is even sweeter as I organised books in my TBR Jar by ‘locale!’ :) Wicked sweet! Mind you, with my list you need to travel by car, ferry, and ship/or/plane!! Bless Book Browse & my local library for helping me sort this all out!! :) Rock on, Bout’ers!! I added on the fact I needed to find at least 5 books I want to read under each section! :)

  1. ENGLAND: Remarkable Creatures by Tracy Chevalier
    • Mrs. Queen Takes the Train by William M. Kuhn
    • The Haunting of Maddy Clare by Simone St. James
    • The Uninvited Guests by Sadie Jones
    • The Map of Time by Felix J. Palma
    • The American Heirest by Daisy Goodwin
  2. CANADA:  Galore by MichaelCrummey
    • Emily of New Moon by L.M. Montgomery
    • *clearly i need to sort out more Canadian lit!*
    • *I refrained from listing *every!* Montgomery title I want to read!*
  3. AUSTRALIA|NEW ZEALAND: The Light Between the Oceans by Margot L. Stedman
    • Cocaine Blues {Phryne Fisher mysteries} by Kerry Greenwood
    • The Fine Colour of Rust by P.A. O’Reilly
    • Beauty for Ashes by Dorothy Love
    • The Colour of Tea by Hannah Tunnicliffe
  4. INDIA: Life of Pi by Yann Martel
    • Miss New India by Bharti Mukherjee
    • Beneath a Marble Sky by John Shors
    • The Hope Factory by Lavanya Sankaran
    • Garment in Shadows {a Mary Russell mystery} by Laurie R. King
    • Sideways on a Scooter {Life & Love in India} by Miranda Kennedy
    • Secret Daughter by Shilpi Somaya Gowda
  5. KENTUCKY|TEXAS|OHIO: Calling Me Home by JulieKibler
    • Looking for Me by Beth Hoffman
    • Courting Marrow Little by Laura Frantz
    • Roses by Leila Meacham
    • Love on the Line by Deeanne Gist
    • Head in the Clouds by Karen Witemeyer
    • The Last Runaway by Tracy Chevalier
    • The Kingdom of Ohio by ?
    • *honestly, this could be a overfilled section if I were truthful!*
  6. PACIFIC NORTHWEST: Hotel on the Corner of Bitter & Sweet by Jamie Ford
    • Bread Alone by Judith Ryan Hendricks
    • The School of Essential Ingredients by Erica Bauermeister
    • The Shop on Blossom Street by Debbie Macomber
    • *i love this region, i need to explore it further!*
  7. CALIFORNIA: The Obituary Writer by Ann Hood
    • The Lemon Orchard by Luanne Rice
    • The Bughouse Affair {Carpenter & Quincannon mystery} by Marcia Muller
    • The Roots of the Olive Tree by Courtney Miller Santo
    • The Forgetting Tree by Tatjana Soli
    • Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan
    • The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Piffenbaugh
    • The Perfect Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender
    • The Wives of Henry Oades by Jonathan Moran
    • Daughter of Fortune by Isabel Allend
    • *clearly i am ‘california dreaming’!!*
  8. BOSTON|&/or|MASSACHUSETTS: The Art Forger by Barbara A.Shaprio
    • The Technologists by Matthew Pearl
    • Next To Love by Ellen Feldman
    • The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane by Katherine Howe
    • Cascade by Maryanne O’Hara
    • The Gilly Salt Sisters by Tiffany Baker
  9. NEW YORK: The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty
    • The Other Typist by Suzanne Rindell
    • Wonderstruck by Brian Selznick
    • The Interestings by Meg Wolitzer
    • Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran
  10. EUROPE:  The Ocean at the End of the Lane by NeilGaiman
    • The Painted Girls by Cathy Marie Buchanan
    • The Paris Wife by Paula McLain
    • The Butterfly Cabinet by Bernie McGill
    • The Anatomy of Ghosts by Andrew Taylor
    • Madame Tussand by Michelle Moran
    • A Secret Kept by Tatiana de Rosnay
    • The Confessions of Catherine de Medici by C.W. Gortner

I Spy My Bookshelves,… and here’s what I am finding: [all books are physical books – either hardback or softcover!]

I cannot wait to dig into my shelves and see what I can find! :) Ironically, I wish I had all my books unpacked, as I might have had a better chance at finding, say ‘combat boots OR hand-cuffs’!! Laughs. I’ll do the best I can! At least, I get to re-appreciate my book covers!! Hmm,… I wonder how everyone else is progressing with this challenge!?

  • snowflakes | does ‘fresh fallen snow’ count? on the front cover of “The Parson’s Christmas Gift” by Kerri Mountain
  • flames | 3 lit flickering flamed candles one each on the following: front cover, back cover, & spine of “An Unexpected Pleasure” by Candace Camp; 3 lit flaming candles in canning jars on the front cover of “Fly Away” by Kristin Hannah
  • a city skyline | “London, England, UK” on the front cover of “Ticket to Danger” {a Cassandra mystery} by Jennifer Austin; “Miami, Florida, USA” on the front cover of “Blood Ties” by Sharon Sala
  • the moon | on the front cover of “Deadly Gift” {Flynn Brothers trilogy} by Heather Graham; on the front cover of “Dragon Rider” by Cornelia Funke
  • a sword | more than one! on the front cover of “Eragon” by Christopher Paolini; one sword on the front cover of “At the Captain’s Command” by Louise M. Gouge; on the front cover of “Love’s Pardon” by Darlene Mindrup
  • a wedding dress | on the front cover of “A Bride in the Bargain” by Deeanne Gist; on the front cover of “Deep in the Heart of Trouble” by Deeanne Gist; on the front cover of “The Convenient Groom” by Denise Hunter; on the front cover of “Spring Creek Bride” by Janice Thompson; on the front cover of “The Wedding Dress” {Annie’s Attic mysteries} by Mary O’ Donnell
  • high heels | on the front cover of “Murder in Volume” by D.R. Meredith; on the front cover of “Little Town, Great Big Life” by Curtiss Ann Matlock; 3 pairs of them on the cover of “The Good Kind of Crazy” by Tanya Michaels
  • fog | on the front cover of “Essays and Poems” by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • a Christmas tree | a pink Christmas tree w/ ornaments planted in the waves at a shoreline! on the cover of “Holidays are Murder” by Charlotte Douglas
  • sunglasses | of course I found plenty of beach hats & umbrellas — no sunglasses!
  • lightning | on the front cover of “Stormbreaker” {Alex Rider novel} by Anthony Horowitz
  • a tattoo | the skull & vine pattern reminds me of a fancy tattoo design! on the cover of “Thyme of Death” {a China Bayles mystery} by Susan Wittig Albert
  • combat boots | of course I found all sorts of ‘boots’, just not for combat!
  • hand-cuffs | the very one I knew I wouldn’t find!
  • a road | on the back cover of “The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane by Katherine Howe; on the front cover of “Just Shy of Harmony” by Philip Gulley

Bout of Books blogs I visited: [by 2:30p] 11!!! [Devouring Texts], [The Paige Turner], [Divergent Gryffinder], [Library of Mallory], [Read. Run. Study.], [Listful Booking], [The Polished Page Turner], [Miss Reader’s Reading Adventures: had to email my comment instead!], [Life: Merging I, II & III], [Bookeater/Booklover: I & II], [Bookworm in Barrie], and I had meant to continue going backwards to the start of my Master List of Blogs to Visit, except that the fierceness of the storms blocked my attempts!

*Thanks to Bree, of [Coffee Bean Bookshelf] to help me re-organise this part of my daily journals of the Bout!

Tick Tock, there goes the clock:

Coffee badge provided by Squeesome Designs and used with permission.11:00a-2:30p: Making my rounds to all the lovely Bout’er blogs! I am starting at the bottom of my list and shifting upward! Morrow I’ll reverse course and start at the beginning! :) I had planned to do this each day since the Bout began, but let’s not digress!! I am also not acknowledging my inability to wake prior to 11a! Let’s face it, how many NIGHT OWLs can actually get up EARLY if you turn in by 2 or 3am!? Hmm, mmm, I bet there was a show of hands and nodding going on!!!

There is seriously nothing better to start one’s day than a large espresso raspberry mocha latte!! And, if you’ve been reading my blog for a bit, you’ll notice that this is my cuppa of choice!! Mind you, I would have preferred to be snuggled into the ending chapters of Haunted! whilst I sipped this divine concotion, but the next best thing!? Blog hoppin’ through the Bout’ers!! :) :)

Cuppa love: lunch in a mug! :) :) Yum, yum leftover quinoa casserole all warm & toasty in a blue mug! Yumm!

2:30p: Digging into the books!! Now, who in their right minds would steal a heap of bones, unless to discredit the identification!? Haunted is surely getting interesting in the ending chapters!! :)

5p-6p: Wickedly smashing homemade ice cream w/ specks of real vanilla bean, crumbled cookie, and caramel! Smothered over a fresh-pressed waffle cone! Yum, Yum!

[ as seems the favour, the afternoon was littered with firece lightning and thunder!! the rain at least dropped the muggy atmosphere quite a bit! ]

6:30p: [round, round the Bout’ers!] + [sorting out y Bookish Road Trip!]

8:00p: [dinner break!]

10:00p: Finished Haunted! Went on a mad-dash search for the “I Spy my Bookshelves” challenge and came up with some surprisingly plentiful answers! I thought I wouldn’t have nearly as much as I have! Goodness! :)

All the posts interlinked to *Bout of Books, 8.0* are a work-in-progress post! Therefore, what you read on one visit, might alter/change or be added to by the time you swing back!!

{SOURCES: Bout of Books Badge created by Jorie in Canva to give readers & visitors who come to her blog a way to know of its existence and therefore increasing the mystery & lore surrounding it!! Seriously wicked bookish, coffee and library badges {entirely FREE!} provided by Squeesome Designs!}

Copyright © Jorie Loves A Story, 2013.


Posted Thursday, 22 August, 2013 by jorielov in Book Browse, Bout of Books, Library Find, Library Love