Author Interview | Conversing with debut novelist, Julie Reece on behalf of her #Month9Books #YALit novel “The Artisans”!

Posted Wednesday, 20 May, 2015 by jorielov , , 0 Comments

Conversations with the Bookish badge created by Jorie in Canva

I honestly have been properly smitten with the book releases coming out of Month9Books, which is quite easy to understand if you follow the category threads for my book showcases & guest author features highlighting the new releases coming out of this Indie Publisher! When it comes to reading Gothic Literature, this is a topic I’ve explored on my blog as it has a tendency to be a genre I am quite intrigued by and readily find myself seeking out authors who write either Southern Gothic or Traditional Gothic Lit stories! And, of course, there is the realisation that I am still attempting to dig back inside Jane Eyre after picking it up for the first time in September 2013! One day. One day I shall find myself happily entrenched and will not re-emerge until I know how it all ends as it was originally written!

Late last year, I came across Sarah E. Boucher’s fairy-tale style of story-telling where she took on the legend, lore, and essence behind Beauty and the Beast. Becoming introduced to this style, I started to notice how many times I was being drawn forward into modern writer’s take on the classic fairy-tale story by re-aligning it inside their own worlds of fantasy and/or taking the lesser travelled historical fiction route. I have believed the key elements inside Beauty and the Beast, have always been arching back into the Gothic sub-genre sections due to it’s broodingly dark tone hanging over the Beast and the castle itself.

Part of the appeal for me to seek out these modern variants on the classics, is a step forward into reading fairy-tales as a previous #ChocLitSaturday chat already proved that more than two of us in our huckleberry circle of chatters are not meant to read the originals due to how dark and how horridly horrific they read on the page! I am finding enjoyment in seeing a new thread of chapters which pull back the dark horror side of the fairy-tale segments and instead fuse our imaginations into a story we can honestly enjoy reading without being on pins on what our eyes will drink in.

This is how I came to approach a yearning to read The Artisans and why I requested to be placed on the tour to host the author in an interview, such as the one your about to read below! I know each time I catch sight of a Month9Books title I dearly want to read, I will be hosting the author for a conversation or a guest post in lieu of reading the book(s) in print editions. It is my hope after six months from publication, I can start to query the books out of inter-library loan. I find I have quite a good bit of luck in this regard, as I recently queued up another Young Adult release I had yearned to read last year (not Month9Books) which was Snow Like Ashes. Until then, the Month9Books & Swoon Romance novels I wish to read in the near future will be populating my Riffle Lists!

As an aside, I was attempting to participate in the Book Blitz for this novel last week, but due to a variety of different reasons not worth mentioning I lost the hours to do so. However, in the end, it worked out for the best as I hadn’t realised there were ‘required bits to include’ as I was going to write a bit more about the book itself and why it entranced me to read it whilst giving the First Chapter a bit of a go too.

I received a copy of the ePub version of this novel (as this is a new compliment to hosting Month9Books blog tours), but as mentioned several times on my blog, I can only read novels in their full length in print. Therefore, the best I can do is settle inside the opening bits of the First Chapter or even a smaller portion of that if it is a chapter on the longer end of the spectrum. I consider these little ‘tastes’ prior to reading the novels in full. To understand what I mean, you might want to visit how I expressed my appreciation for another Fantasy novel for Middle Grade readers based on a Chapter Sampler. I will be separating my thoughts on behalf of The Artisans from this interview and publishing them (hopefully) lateron in the day.

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The Artisans by Julie ReeceBook Synopsis:

They say death can be beautiful. But after the death of her mother, seventeen-year-old Raven Weathersby gives up her dream of becoming a fashion designer, barely surviving life in the South Carolina lowlands.

To make ends meet, Raven works after school as a seamstress creating stunning works of fashion that often rival the great names of the day.

Instead of making things easier on the high school senior, her stepdad’s drinking leads to a run in with the highly reclusive heir to the Maddox family fortune, Gideon Maddox.

But Raven’s stepdad’s drying out and in no condition to attend the meeting with Maddox. So Raven volunteers to take his place and offers to repay the debt in order to keep the only father she’s ever known out of jail, or worse.

Gideon Maddox agrees, outlining an outrageous demand: Raven must live in his home for a year while she designs for Maddox Industries’ clothing line, signing over her creative rights.

Her handsome young captor is arrogant and infuriating to the nth degree, and Raven can’t imagine working for him, let alone sharing the same space for more than five minutes.

But nothing is ever as it seems. Is Gideon Maddox the monster the world believes him to be? And can he stand to let the young seamstress see him as he really is?

Published By: Month9Books (@Month9Books)

on 12th of May, 2015

Available Formats: Paperback, Ebook | Public Library | Add to Riffle

Converse on Twitter via:

#TheArtisans & #YALit OR #Month9Books

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Posted Wednesday, 20 May, 2015 by jorielov in Blog Tour Host, Book Spotlight of E-Book (ahead of POD/print edition), Chapter by Chapter Blog Tours, Coming-Of Age, Debut Author, Debut Novel, Fantasy Fiction, Folklore and Mythology, Good vs. Evil, Gothic Literature, Indie Author, Indie Book Trade, Inspired By Author OR Book, Month9Books, Re-Told Tales, Stories on the Rise, Urban Fantasy, YA Fantasy, Young Adult Fiction

Blog Book Tour | “Enslaved to Saved: The Metaphor of Christ as our Master” by W. Reid Litchfield This is a #nonfiction #mustread for readers of #ChristFic, #INSPY, & #LDS! It reaches across hidden barriers and unites all of us together.

Posted Monday, 18 May, 2015 by jorielov , , , 0 Comments

Ruminations & Impressions Book Review Banner created by Jorie in Canva. Photo Credit: Unsplash Public Domain Photographer Sergey Zolkin.

Acquired Book By: I am a regular tour hostess for blog tours via Cedar Fort whereupon I am thankful to have such a diverse amount of novels and non-fiction titles to choose amongst to host. I received a complimentary copy of “Enslaved to Saved” direct from the publisher CFI (imprint of Cedar Fort, Inc) in exchange for an honest review. I did not receive compensation for my opinions or thoughts shared herein.

On why I elected to read Enslaved to Saved:

The title of this book implored me outright to become interested in reading it as I have had a curiosity to uncover more about Christ (as a man as much as the Son of God) in regards to who He was whilst He lived on earth and how the legacy of His teachings left behind for us to find after He left. On a similar vein, Mum and I have wanted to dig inside the women of the Bible, to uncover more biographical bits about who they were and the lives they lived because too often we only get to know fragmented pieces about the men and women who lived centuries ago yet who have such a crucial part of our shared religious history. As far as the women go, I know we want to seek out Biblical Historical fiction as a gateway, but when I saw this non-fiction release about Christ, it was definitely a moment where I felt as if I had stumbled across a book I was meant to read ‘at this moment in time’.

– excerpt taken from my explanation on the top anchour of Litchfield’s Guest Post

Blog Book Tour | “Enslaved to Saved: The Metaphor of Christ as our Master” by W. Reid Litchfield This is a #nonfiction #mustread for readers of #ChristFic, #INSPY, & #LDS! It reaches across hidden barriers and unites all of us together.Enslaved to Saved: The Metaphor of Christ as our Master
by W. Reid Litchfield
Source: Direct from Publisher

Who is your Master: Sin or the SAVIOR?

This thought-provoking book examines the cultural and political background of slavery during the time of Christ and what it means to our modern-day commitment to the Lord.

Where our King James New Testament reads "servant of Christ", the original Greek translates to "slave of Christ." This nuance will change how you read the New Testament.

*Unlock the deeper meanings of the Savior's most beloved parables

*Discover how the early Saints viewed their relationship to Christ

*Explore the difference between servitude and slavery in several well-known verses

Reid Litchfield, a Harvard-trained endocrinologist and longtime gospel scholar, shows how you can become a slave to Christ and paradoxically free yourself from the captivity of sin and death.

Genres: Inspirational Fiction & Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction, Spirituality & Metaphysics

Places to find the book:

Borrow from a Public Library

Add to LibraryThing

Also by this author: Guest Post by W. Reid Litchfield

Published by CFI (imprint) Cedar Fort Inc

on 12th May, 2015

Format: Paperback

Pages: 160

Published By: CFI (imprint) of Cedar Fort Inc (@CedarFortBooks),

an imprint of Cedar Fort, Inc (@CedarFortBooks)
Available Formats: Paperback, Ebook

Converse on Twitter via:

#EnslavedToSaved, #ChristCentered, #BibleStudy & #ChristianNonFiction

About W. Reid Litchfield

Dr W. Reid Litchfield

W. Reid Litchfield is an endocrinologist from Henderson, Nevada. He is a graduate of Brigham Young University (B.S.) and University of Calgary (M.D.) and completed his endocrinology fellowship at Harvard Medical School. In addition to a number of scientific publications he has published medical history papers entitled On The Physical Death Of Jesus Christ and The Bittersweet Demise of Herod the Great. He is the recipient of numerous Top Doctor awards as well as professional awards for leadership in his community and medical society.

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Posted Monday, 18 May, 2015 by jorielov in 21st Century, Adoption, Ancient Civilisation, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Balance of Faith whilst Living, Biblical History, Bits & Bobbles of Jorie, Blog Tour Host, Catholicism, Cedar Fort Publishing & Media, Christianity, Compassion & Acceptance of Differences, Equality In Literature, Good vs. Evil, History, Important Figures of Ancient Times, Indie Author, Inspirational Fiction & Non-Fiction, Judiasm, Lessons from Scripture, Modern Day, Mormonism, Non-Fiction, Passionate Researcher, Philosophy, Political Narrative & Modern Topics, Religious History, Short Stories or Essays, Social Change, Sociological Behavior, Spirituality & Metaphysics, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, The Deep South, World Religions

Month9Books Friday Reveal | “Joshua and the Lightning Road” by Donna Galanti #YALit

Posted Saturday, 16 May, 2015 by jorielov , , , 0 Comments

Month9Books Friday Reveal Team by Chapter by Chapter Blog Tours

Last Autumn, I had the happenstance to stumble across an Indie Pub of Children’s Lit focused on #MGLit and #YALit respectively, as well as an emerging new market for Romances set within YA and NA categories of interest (i.e. Swoon Romance). It was always my intention to participate more often in their Friday Reveals inasmuch as their blog tours, however, it is the latter I’ve been able to maintain with a bit more frequency than the Reveals!
Unfortunately for me, the hours dart off too quickly for the half dozen reveals I wanted to participate on, as the others I take a pass if the story itself isn’t one that I would read. I like to feature emerging new authors and the stories that re-invent genres and/or take established areas of literature to new heights of where fiction can enchant as much as educate the reader whose imagination is hungry for thought-provoking stories.
As it were, a lightning storm caused a few tech issues today, and this post is coming a bit later than planned – but as it was in-progress I decided late is better than never! I’m on the blog tour for this novel, and smiled when I saw the materials come in yesterday for today’s *big!* Reveal. Now, without further adieu, let’s get the bookish delights of joy hoppin’! Whilst acknowledging the ‘irony’ of how lightning played a role in my post being published!

Joshua and the Lightning Road by Donna Galanti

Published By: Month9Books (@Month9Books)

on 5th of May, 2015

Available Formats: Paperback, Ebook | Public Library | Add to Riffle

Converse on Twitter via:

#JoshuaAndTheLightningRoad,#MGLit or #JuvenileFiction

#M9BFridayReveals, & #Month9Books

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Posted Saturday, 16 May, 2015 by jorielov in Blog Tour Host, Book Cover | Notation on Design, Book Spotlight of E-Book (ahead of POD/print edition), Book Trailer, Bookish Films, Chapter by Chapter Blog Tours, Coming-Of Age, Fantasy Fiction, Folklore and Mythology, Good vs. Evil, Illustrations for Stories, Indie Author, Indie Book Trade, Month9Books, Science Fantasy, Stories on the Rise

Blog Book Tour | “Nourish: The Beginner’s Guide to eating #healthy and staying fit” by Christi Silbaugh This is one of my wicked new #recipe creators I *love!* reading!

Posted Friday, 15 May, 2015 by jorielov , , , 4 Comments

Cookery Delights | Savoury & Ambrosial | Cookbook reviews by the Bookish Foodie Banner created by Jorie in Canva. Photo Credit: Unsplash Public Domain Photographer Monstruo Estudio.

Acquired Book By: I am a regular tour hostess for blog tours via Cedar Fort whereupon I am thankful to have such a diverse amount of novels and non-fiction titles to choose amongst to host. I received a complimentary copy of “NOURISH” direct from the publisher Front Table Books (imprint of Cedar Fort, Inc) in exchange for an honest review. I did not receive compensation for my opinions or thoughts shared herein.

Why I positively *LOVE!* Front Table Books!:

Front Table Books creates visually appealing cookbooks, in a super portable size with amazing in-line features such as crisp and clean food photography, styling the recipes to be representative in real-world relate-ability! These are the kinds of pictures you want to reach through the page, grab the plate of food, and enjoy a good nosh! The sections of interest in-between the recipes have cunningly tasty samples of the foods you can create with the ingredients you’ve already might have selected from the in-front guide provided by the author.

I might not judge books by their covers (read this tweet) but when it comes to cooking & baking, I find photographs help me envision what the ingredients are trying to tell me will be the end product. I am not naturally akin to the kitchen arts as my Mum, as I side-stepped into it as her sous chef, but somewhere between my late twenties and mid thirties, I’ve started to come into my own. I never even collected cookbooks with a zest for self-motivated exploration until this same time frame as it all began with the Vegan Soul Kitchen by Bryant Terry (synopsis on author’s site). His soulful approach to curating this passionate connection between food, heart, and soul through the comforting foods that can give us solace and joy was a turning point for me.

Ever since then, I’ve been a bit more in-step with my Mum’s pursuit of seeking out wicked quality cookbooks for #healthyeats in combination of living foods, whole grains, (local) farm fresh fruit & veg staples (by eating through the seasons vs going against them), and seeking out the alternative lifestyle choices in eating via vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and macrobiotic practices in a self-guided wellness pursuit of harmonic bliss. The attributes of natural living and green sustainability practices to cut down the footprint of commericalised veg production walks hand in hand with seeking a route that is right for your family and stepping outside the box of where others walk.

Stumbling across Cedar Fort Publishing & Media became a godsend in so many interconnected ways, as it opened up the door to discovering a wide net of debut novelists and established story-tellers, but concurrent to that, it allowed me the grace of seeking out cookbooks and books on bakery delights to finally seek out my own path towards establishing my own foodie style in the kitchen. I have a small tome of cookbooks whose authors have given me a heap of joy in reading their books, but moreso even than the joy, is recognising even late bloomers in the kitchen like Julia Child and I, can start to walk confidently when we find a collective set of authors whose own lifepaths are walking side by side our own. People who have chosen to seek out healthy alternatives and a way of how to thrive on food that is organically natural in it’s benefits and uplifting in it’s purity.

Front Table Books have editions fit for any home cook’s library as they master the cross-indexed system for easy reference and a detailed style of breaking down the bones of cooking (and baking) everyone from a newbie to a seasoned cook can enjoy using! For those who graduated out of being their family’s sous chef and have surprised themselves in wanting to take a more active role (such as I), there will be an instant appreciation for the low-yield (on your budget) ingredients to snazzy ways to stay gourmet without stretching you past your limits. Even if you are outside the economic crunch, but are seeking quality and healthy meals with a wicked sweet array of focus, Front Table Books needs to be on your radar!

IF print books provides a budget issue, you can get their releases in ebooks, however as my blog’s subtitle implies (inasmuch as my twitterverse feeds), I am a fierce advocate for local libraries. You’d be plumb surprised, but libraries do not always know which cookbooks (or fiction for that matter!) to purchase that would fill a need of their patrons. My Mum started requesting cookbooks on all the different styles of foodie culture I’ve mentioned thus far, and she received a thank you from the Acquisitions Dept. for finding the books which hold a wide appeal for others seeking the same healthy avenues as our family.

I always lament: if you cannot personally purchase book, hop over to your local library (by car or by computer) and submit a purchase request! Not only are you helping yourself, but your helping to inspire a network of like-minded readers discover what you’ve found and thereby have spread the joy of the discovery tenfold!

IF your library has the same ILL (inter-library loan) rules as mine, you can request ALL books 6mos outside of Pub! The tricky bit is with hectic lives we forget when those 6mos expire, but if your able to keep notes and track the dates to request for your ILL holds, your a surefire step ahead of me!

Most of all, if you want to read for health or for personal enjoyment, there is always a will to find a way to get the book your seeking into your hands! Ooh, I had forgotten to mention, that the largest depository of ebooks in the United States are public libraries (they even wrote an article about this recently); it might not be my route to books, but I don’t mind passing along information that helps another reader! After all, I spotlight Digital First editions of novels I eventually read in print editions!

Blog Book Tour | “Nourish: The Beginner’s Guide to eating #healthy and staying fit” by Christi Silbaugh This is one of my wicked new #recipe creators I *love!* reading!NOURISH: The Beginner's Guide to eating healthy and staying fit
by Christi Silbaugh
Source: Direct from Publisher

Discover a happier you in this beginner's guide to a healthy lifestyle!

There's more than cookery in this cookbook! Give your body what it wants and your taste buds what they're craving with these mouthwatering morsels.

[sampling of the menu choices]

Kate, Potato, and Smoked Gouda Quiche

Shoestring Garlic Parsnip Fries

Spicy Quinoa Cakes

Vegan Caramel Cheesecake Bites

Green Piña Colada

Of course, you'll get lots of delicious recipes and meal plans - free from processed foods, gluten, and sugar. But you'll also find yoga "recipes" step-by-step exercise routines, and Pilates photos to nurture your mental and spiritual health too.

Perfect for college students or anyone who wants to turn over a new leaf, this book will nourish your body, mind, and spirit for life!

Genres: Cookery

Places to find the book:

Borrow from a Public Library

Add to LibraryThing

Also by this author: Gluten-Free Made Easy, Gourmet Cooking for Two

Published by Front Table Books

on 14th April, 2015

Format: Paperback

Pages: 240

I previously hosted her for Front Table Books blog tours:

Published ByFront Table Books (@FrontTableBooks),
an imprint of Cedar Fort, Inc (@CedarFortBooks)

Available Formats: Paperback, Ebook

Converse on Twitter via: #NOURISH, #healthyeats, & #ChristiSilbaugh

Fun Stuff for Your Blog via pureimaginationblog.comChristi Silaugh

Christi Silbaugh started cooking gluten-free in 2009 when her daughter was diagnosed with celiac disease. Since then, she has created and posted over one thousand gluten-free recipes. Her cooking obsession and love for her family has turned a hobby into a full-time career of blogging and writing. She is the self-educated chef and author of three cooking blogs, including Mom, What’s For Dinner; Gourmet Cooking For Two; and Zero Calorie Life. She writes for foodie media giants Glam Media and Federated Media and works for Fast Forward Events, covering food and wine events in San Diego.

Be sure to check the author out on YouTube!

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Posted Friday, 15 May, 2015 by jorielov in Bits & Bobbles of Jorie, Blog Tour Host, Cedar Fort Publishing & Media, Cookbook, Cookery, Indie Author, Non-Fiction, The Bookish Foodie

10 Bookish (& Not-Bookish Thoughts) No.1: from the BBC to @ChocLitUK to Indie #SFF & a dash of #HistFic; this #bookblogger is celebrating quite a heap! Including a special note of gratitude to her #library in regards to the #SRC2015!

Posted Thursday, 14 May, 2015 by jorielov , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 2 Comments

10 Bookish Not Bookish Thoughts banner created by Jorie in Canva.

Week of Thursday, 30th of April thru 7th 14th of May, 2015 | Hostess List

I’ve honestly wanted to start participating in this weekly meme in 2014, however, I would always seem to get distracted during the hours leading up to Thursdays OR completely forget to compose my thoughts for this meme until into the weekend; at which point, the time had come and gone. I like the fact we can exchange thoughts percolating in our minds that run the gambit of the bookish world, creative outlets, or thoughts we want to share that might show a bit more about who we are behind the bookish blog we maintain. I am going to attempt to thread the journal of my 10 Bookish / Not Bookish Thoughts by order of the entries arrival into my life rather than a preference of 1-10.

NOTE: This list was originally meant to publish on the 7th of May, however, due to unforeseen reasons which delayed it’s posting, I had intended to share it on the 14th of May when I came down with a migraine, thus taking me away from finishing the edits as I found out a few things earlier in that second week I had not known originally on the 7th. I am back-posting this on the 14th (today) on the 19th of May, as that is the day it belongs hereafter to be seen. A new list will be generated for this upcoming Thursday, the 21st!

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No. 1 | Borrowing the BBC through my local library

One of my favourite joys of being a regular library patron is the access to the BBC through either direct  purchases made by my local library OR the ability to ILL serial dvd collections for mini-series, tv serials, or motion pictures! For the past two to three weeks, I’ve had the incredible joy of being able to catch up with one of my favourite BBC serials: Foyle’s War! I have a soft spot for war dramas and for mystery series because I truly grew up on murder mysteries on tv!

Michael Kitchen plays the title lead as Foyle, and it is such a convicting narrative of stories pulled out of research by the series creator and writer Anthony Horowitz. I knew of his works previously through Alex Rider, as I watched the motion picture hoping there would be more installments; however, this was a bit like hoping the latest Nancy Drew film would have sequels starring Emma Roberts. I cannot even express how much I celebrated there is a Series 7 and a Series 8, except to say, it equaled the joy I had in realising there is a Series 3 for Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries!

You’re taking back to the world wars of the early 20th Century going straight through to the start of the Cold War; the transition in Series 6 to 7 is impressive because Horowitz has amazing continuity by giving his audience the pleasure of staying with characters they are attached too and seeing them move forward with their lives. The only characters I regretted not seeing come forward were Foyle’s partner Paul Milner and of course, Foyle’s son Andrew. Andrew was portrayed by singer Julian Ovenden and his exit I believe was nearly predicted by the fact his career took off. I was thankful I could participate in a live chat with him via PBS last year, and he even answered one of my questions! This was not in reference of Foyle’s War but for his guest starring role on Downton Abbey.

To see Honeysuckle Weeks return as Sam and Foyle to be back as the moral backbone of MI5 is such a true delight of authenticity, I can only hope others are seeking out Foyle as much as I am! He has become such a delight to watch, my family hopes like I do that we have much more Foyle yet to come! It is definitely a series where fans are helping guide the series forward, as it was cancelled and revived!

After Foyle, I wanted to keep the joy of selecting to see new BBC serials, (either newly released or past releases still unknown) which is why I selected to watch Last Tango in Halifax. A drama about two families that are on the verge of coming together due to the fact their Mum and Dad have fallen in love with each other after reuniting after living 60 years apart! It’s such a tragic opening to the story, where a lost letter does not get delivered and they each went their separate ways!

They find each other on social media and as they meet-up for the first time after all these decades, learnt that they are still very much as important to each other as they were then. However, the drama of what ensues is both honest and representative of a families in transition and shifting in/out of difficulties that arise whilst life continues to carry on. The last episode of the 1st Series nearly put me under, because of what happens to Alan, but thankfully, we read up a bit about the series finding that as this is based on a real-life couple who found each other and wedded after a 60 year absence, the series is thriving on fans in the UK who love the show! Already in it’s 3rd Series and moving towards it’s 4th, I can say we devourted the 1st and are about to embark on the 2nd! Read More


Posted Thursday, 14 May, 2015 by jorielov in #SRC2015 | BookSparks, 10 Bookish (& Not-So-Bookish Thoughts), Blogosphere Events & Happenings, CSI: Cyber, Foyle's War, Last Tango in Halifax, Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, NCIS, When Calls the Heart