Posted Friday, 22 May, 2015 by jorielov Alaina Claiborne, British Agent Series, MK McClintock, Trappers Peak Publishing 4 Comments
Originally I had fully intended to interview Ms McClintock when our paths had crossed last Autumn, as I was quite stirred by her Western sensibility to bring the culture of the West to such vivid reality inside her short stories contained within the collection of A Home for Christmas. Time swept me away into it’s folds, and when I caught sight of her next blog tour hosted by Amy Bruno, I was eagerly excited to sign-on, as I had already developed a healthy curiosity about her serial fiction!
I used to love riding horses and read Westerns hand-in-hand during my youth, where the days spent in the saddle were wickedly extended a bit as I drank in the novels I’d hungrily seek out! I appreciated serial horse dramas such as: The Saddle Club, Thoroughbred (it is my favourite breed!), The Black Stallion, and a lovely stand-alone Fiddler & McCann. I have never lost my appreciation for horse dramas (either in novels or on the silver screen) and I credit the writers like McClintock for enveloping us in worlds where the wilds of the forest lay the foundation for a mountain country spin on a traditional historical wherein small townes and the wits of man to survive both elements and hardships thrive.
It is a true pleasure and joy for me to welcome Ms McClintock to Jorie Loves A Story, today! I am revealling the conversation we shared ahead of my review on behalf of Alaina Clairborne, in order to give both posts a chance to catch an audience! I will release the review lateron ahead of the early evening hours, thereby allowing my readers and visitors off the blog tour to leave a comment or question for Ms McClintock in the threads below!
Alaina Claiborne by MK McClintock
{ Book No.1 of the British Agent series }
Published By: Trappers Peak Publishing
Available Formats: Paperback & Ebook
Converse via: #MKMcClintock, #BritishAgentSeriesBlogTour, #AlainaClaiborne
#Western + #CosyHistoricalMystery
Thank you for welcoming me to spend some time with your readers at Jorie Loves A Story. To your readers, thank you for the valuable time you’ve spent to visit; I hope you enjoy your time with us today.
As you’ve declared in the Author’s Note about this series, it was not originally planned to be extensive but rather a stand-alone story. Do you envision the series branching forward past the trilogy or do you have a preference for writing story arcs over trilogies rather than quads or serial fiction into the teens? What was the clarifying moment you realised this story had the scope to carry forward?
McClintock responds: Devon and Charles appealed to me so much during the course of writing Alaina Claiborne, book one, that I wasn’t ready to say goodbye. It was then I knew they’d have their own stories. While writing book two, I foresaw the potential for books beyond a trilogy, but I always received emails from readers who said how much they loved a character and hoped they would get their own story. At this point there is a fourth book planned with the potential for two more after that. The characters would carry over, but each book will remain a stand-alone.
As for having a preference about carrying over story arcs, well, that depends upon the story. I’ve written both, and it all comes down to what’s right for the characters and the stories they have to tell. Read More
Posted Friday, 22 May, 2015 by jorielov in 19th Century, Blog Tour Host, Book Trailer, Bookish Films, Britian, British Literature, Castles & Estates, Cosy Historical Mystery, Death, Sorrow, and Loss, Grief & Anguish of Guilt, Historical Fiction, Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours, Historical Mystery, Historical Romance, Indie Author, Life Shift, Modern British Literature, Reader Submitted Author Interview
Posted Thursday, 21 May, 2015 by jorielov Cindy Pon, Month9Books, Serpentine 0 Comments
As per my return to the Month9 Friday Reveals, I am happily on the look-out for wicked new stories about to hit bookshelves as much as celebrating the authors who are being published by Month9Books! When I caught sight of today’s reveal author [ Cindy Pon ] my first thought was — wait a second! I know who this is because I remember tweeting a s/o to her whilst her ARCs were being shipped! Lovely print edition ARCs of whom I had hoped would find a happy return of readerly support!
Let me share the short exchange with you:
Now when it comes to icon speak on Twitter I’m at a loss but when a creature is preempted by a heart, I knew it was a compliment! Imagine my happiness in being able to feature the *Cover Reveal!* for the same book I was happily tweeting out a bit of joy to the author earlier this month!? I love when serendipity plays a central role in our lives, because we truly are all connected and sometimes things are meant to be before we even realise the why and how we find the authors and stories which alight on our paths. Read More
Posted Thursday, 21 May, 2015 by jorielov in Bits & Bobbles of Jorie, Blog Tour Host, Book Cover | Notation on Design, Book Spotlight of E-Book (ahead of POD/print edition), Chapter by Chapter Blog Tours, China, Chinese Literature, Coming-Of Age, Compassion & Acceptance of Differences, Equality In Literature, Fantasy Fiction, Folklore and Mythology, Good vs. Evil, Historical Fiction, Illustrations for Stories, Indie Author, Indie Book Trade, Library Love, Local Libraries | Research Libraries, Month9Books, Multi-cultural Characters and/or Honest Representations of Ethnicity, Parapsychological Gifts, Stories on the Rise, Teenage Relationships & Friendships, YA Fantasy, Young Adult Fiction
Posted Thursday, 21 May, 2015 by jorielov Anaiah Press, Angela Schroeder, Love Overcomes 2 Comments
Acquired Samplers By:
Chapter Samplers for her Contemporary Romance “Love Overcomes” was provided for free download by the author, Angela Schroeder via her Smashwords Author’s Page. The samplers are complimentary of the author, Ms Schroeder to encourage readers to become familiar with her writing style for Contemporary Romance ahead of purchase. I was not obligated to post a review nor share my opinions of the chapter samplers I downloaded; as I elected to do this for my own edification. I did not receive compensation for my opinions or thoughts shared herein.
I was selected to be a tour stop on the “Love Overcomes” book blitz through Lola’s Blog Tours. I did not receive compensation for my opinions or thoughts shared herein.
Inspired to Read:
If you spend a bit of time with me on Jorie Loves A Story, you’ll find a heap of commentary on my bookish blog reflecting my hybrid readings and adventures taking me across literary divides whilst enveloping me inside both mainstream and INSPY markets. It is quite the happy day when you can discover not only a ‘new-to-me’ author but one who knits together a sweeter side of a genre I personally have loved for absolute ages!
I love relationship-based Romances (irregardless of which section of the genre they take up a niche inside) and when I first read the synopsis for this one, I felt as if it was a bit unique in it’s conception and a read that would interest me if it were available in print. I have started to become a bit more organised with how I present the Digital First book releases of whom I showcase time after time as a measure of joy ahead of being able to devour the books in their physical formats! It took a bit for me to realise how to navigate this changing tide of the pub world, as I originally felt that perhaps a traditional reader like me might be left behind but happily I was mistaken!
Instead, I am finding a lot of readerly love from Digital First publishers, as I regularly host releases by ChocLitUK and Month9Books where I split the bookjoy between reading print editions of the Romance novels via ChocLit whilst focusing on guest author features by Month9. I do host a weekly Romance chat on Saturdays @ChocLitSaturday (all writers and readers of Romance are welcome to drop-in!) which was directly inspired by ChocLitUK inasmuch as I try to host their authors for special events and guest features as often as I can. In this unique world of publishing even traditional readers can navigate the changing tides and find a heap of joy in the stories they gravitate towards reading regularly.
I am grateful Lola started to feature authors by Anaiah Press as I might not have found them otherwise, and this to me is one of the benefits of hosting blog tours, author guest features, and even Book Blitzes! For me hosting a Book Blitz is more about an ‘introductory announcement’ of a book I am seeking to read whilst giving my readers an impression of how the novel interested me at first sight. With Chapter Samplers, I am finding myself quite wicked happy authors are giving readers a snippet of a glimpse into their stories — not only to help us decide to pick up the novels themselves but to be allowed to blog about the beginnings as we elect to reach out to those who follow us about a new story we’re happy to have found.
You’ll notice this isn’t my first Chapter Sampler impression I’ve blogged as I am only just getting started to bringing to my readers attention the samplers I am finding (both in ePub or audio formats)! I do list these posts in my Story Vault, because to be truthful they are my first encounter with the stories ahead of further reading.
Love Overcomes
by Angela Schroeder
Source: Author via Lola's Blog Tours
Going to Hollywood was supposed to be something that would change Clara Mackenzie’s life forever.
Her younger sister, single mother Arabella, never imagined that going to California with her sister would have such a huge impact on her life. Now, she needs to try to overcome her past and try to trust again or be doomed to be single forever.
Arabella Mackenzie and her son Liam have never wanted or needed anyone other than their family. When Arabella meets Jeremy Fowlis she begins to have feelings for a man for the first time since before her son was born. Shy, Clara begins to fall for an actor of her own when she meets dashing Jake.
Jeremy is not use to women who do not want to date him because he is an in-demand actor let alone a woman who does not even recognize him. He finds he wants to know more about her but is not sure if he can handle the fact that she is a single mother and has a past that seems to be shrouded in mystery.
Can Arabella and Jeremy both overcome their doubts, fears and past in order to find love?
Genres: Contemporary Romance, Inspirational Fiction & Non-Fiction, INSPY Realistic Fiction, Romance Fiction, Sweet Romance Places to find the book:
Add to LibraryThing
Published by Anaiah Press
on 14th November, 2014
Format: eBook
Published By: Anaiah Romance {an imprint of} Anaiah Press (@anaiahpress)
{ a Digital First Christian Indie Publisher }
Available Formats: Paperback and Ebook
Converse on Twitter via: #LoveOvercomes, #AngelaSchroeder,
#INSPY or #ChristFic & #AnaiahPress
About Angela Schroeder
Angela was born and raised in Iowa, in a river town known for its pearl buttons. Having four siblings, she never lacked for someone to play with. As she grew older, she found herself pulled into books and writing more and more. Her parents are her heroes, her siblings her confidants and tormentors, and her children her wonderful blessings.
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Posted Thursday, 21 May, 2015 by jorielov in 21st Century, Balance of Faith whilst Living, Bits & Bobbles of Jorie, Blog Tour Host, Book | Novel Extract, Book Trailer, Bookish Films, Contemporary Romance, Dating & Humour Therein, Family Life, Fathers and Daughters, Indie Author, Inspirational Fiction & Non-Fiction, INSPY Realistic Fiction | Non-Fiction, Lola's Blog Tours, Modern Day, Romance Fiction, Single Mothers, Singletons & Commitment, Small Towne USA, Sweet Romance
Posted Wednesday, 20 May, 2015 by jorielov Julie Reece, Month9Books, The Artisans 0 Comments
I honestly have been properly smitten with the book releases coming out of Month9Books, which is quite easy to understand if you follow the category threads for my book showcases & guest author features highlighting the new releases coming out of this Indie Publisher! When it comes to reading Gothic Literature, this is a topic I’ve explored on my blog as it has a tendency to be a genre I am quite intrigued by and readily find myself seeking out authors who write either Southern Gothic or Traditional Gothic Lit stories! And, of course, there is the realisation that I am still attempting to dig back inside Jane Eyre after picking it up for the first time in September 2013! One day. One day I shall find myself happily entrenched and will not re-emerge until I know how it all ends as it was originally written!
Late last year, I came across Sarah E. Boucher’s fairy-tale style of story-telling where she took on the legend, lore, and essence behind Beauty and the Beast. Becoming introduced to this style, I started to notice how many times I was being drawn forward into modern writer’s take on the classic fairy-tale story by re-aligning it inside their own worlds of fantasy and/or taking the lesser travelled historical fiction route. I have believed the key elements inside Beauty and the Beast, have always been arching back into the Gothic sub-genre sections due to it’s broodingly dark tone hanging over the Beast and the castle itself.
Part of the appeal for me to seek out these modern variants on the classics, is a step forward into reading fairy-tales as a previous #ChocLitSaturday chat already proved that more than two of us in our huckleberry circle of chatters are not meant to read the originals due to how dark and how horridly horrific they read on the page! I am finding enjoyment in seeing a new thread of chapters which pull back the dark horror side of the fairy-tale segments and instead fuse our imaginations into a story we can honestly enjoy reading without being on pins on what our eyes will drink in.
This is how I came to approach a yearning to read The Artisans and why I requested to be placed on the tour to host the author in an interview, such as the one your about to read below! I know each time I catch sight of a Month9Books title I dearly want to read, I will be hosting the author for a conversation or a guest post in lieu of reading the book(s) in print editions. It is my hope after six months from publication, I can start to query the books out of inter-library loan. I find I have quite a good bit of luck in this regard, as I recently queued up another Young Adult release I had yearned to read last year (not Month9Books) which was Snow Like Ashes. Until then, the Month9Books & Swoon Romance novels I wish to read in the near future will be populating my Riffle Lists!
As an aside, I was attempting to participate in the Book Blitz for this novel last week, but due to a variety of different reasons not worth mentioning I lost the hours to do so. However, in the end, it worked out for the best as I hadn’t realised there were ‘required bits to include’ as I was going to write a bit more about the book itself and why it entranced me to read it whilst giving the First Chapter a bit of a go too.
I received a copy of the ePub version of this novel (as this is a new compliment to hosting Month9Books blog tours), but as mentioned several times on my blog, I can only read novels in their full length in print. Therefore, the best I can do is settle inside the opening bits of the First Chapter or even a smaller portion of that if it is a chapter on the longer end of the spectrum. I consider these little ‘tastes’ prior to reading the novels in full. To understand what I mean, you might want to visit how I expressed my appreciation for another Fantasy novel for Middle Grade readers based on a Chapter Sampler. I will be separating my thoughts on behalf of The Artisans from this interview and publishing them (hopefully) lateron in the day.
Book Synopsis:
They say death can be beautiful. But after the death of her mother, seventeen-year-old Raven Weathersby gives up her dream of becoming a fashion designer, barely surviving life in the South Carolina lowlands.
To make ends meet, Raven works after school as a seamstress creating stunning works of fashion that often rival the great names of the day.
Instead of making things easier on the high school senior, her stepdad’s drinking leads to a run in with the highly reclusive heir to the Maddox family fortune, Gideon Maddox.
But Raven’s stepdad’s drying out and in no condition to attend the meeting with Maddox. So Raven volunteers to take his place and offers to repay the debt in order to keep the only father she’s ever known out of jail, or worse.
Gideon Maddox agrees, outlining an outrageous demand: Raven must live in his home for a year while she designs for Maddox Industries’ clothing line, signing over her creative rights.
Her handsome young captor is arrogant and infuriating to the nth degree, and Raven can’t imagine working for him, let alone sharing the same space for more than five minutes.
But nothing is ever as it seems. Is Gideon Maddox the monster the world believes him to be? And can he stand to let the young seamstress see him as he really is?
Published By: Month9Books (@Month9Books)
on 12th of May, 2015
Available Formats: Paperback, Ebook | Public Library | Add to Riffle
Converse on Twitter via:
#TheArtisans & #YALit OR #Month9Books
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Posted Wednesday, 20 May, 2015 by jorielov in Blog Tour Host, Book Spotlight of E-Book (ahead of POD/print edition), Chapter by Chapter Blog Tours, Coming-Of Age, Debut Author, Debut Novel, Fantasy Fiction, Folklore and Mythology, Good vs. Evil, Gothic Literature, Indie Author, Indie Book Trade, Inspired By Author OR Book, Month9Books, Re-Told Tales, Stories on the Rise, Urban Fantasy, YA Fantasy, Young Adult Fiction
Posted Monday, 18 May, 2015 by jorielov Cedar Fort Inc, CFI (imprint) Cedar Fort Inc, Enslaved to Saved, W. Reid Litchfield 0 Comments
Acquired Book By: I am a regular tour hostess for blog tours via Cedar Fort whereupon I am thankful to have such a diverse amount of novels and non-fiction titles to choose amongst to host. I received a complimentary copy of “Enslaved to Saved” direct from the publisher CFI (imprint of Cedar Fort, Inc) in exchange for an honest review. I did not receive compensation for my opinions or thoughts shared herein.
On why I elected to read Enslaved to Saved:
The title of this book implored me outright to become interested in reading it as I have had a curiosity to uncover more about Christ (as a man as much as the Son of God) in regards to who He was whilst He lived on earth and how the legacy of His teachings left behind for us to find after He left. On a similar vein, Mum and I have wanted to dig inside the women of the Bible, to uncover more biographical bits about who they were and the lives they lived because too often we only get to know fragmented pieces about the men and women who lived centuries ago yet who have such a crucial part of our shared religious history. As far as the women go, I know we want to seek out Biblical Historical fiction as a gateway, but when I saw this non-fiction release about Christ, it was definitely a moment where I felt as if I had stumbled across a book I was meant to read ‘at this moment in time’.
– excerpt taken from my explanation on the top anchour of Litchfield’s Guest Post
Enslaved to Saved: The Metaphor of Christ as our Master
by W. Reid Litchfield
Source: Direct from Publisher
Who is your Master: Sin or the SAVIOR?
This thought-provoking book examines the cultural and political background of slavery during the time of Christ and what it means to our modern-day commitment to the Lord.
Where our King James New Testament reads "servant of Christ", the original Greek translates to "slave of Christ." This nuance will change how you read the New Testament.
*Unlock the deeper meanings of the Savior's most beloved parables
*Discover how the early Saints viewed their relationship to Christ
*Explore the difference between servitude and slavery in several well-known verses
Reid Litchfield, a Harvard-trained endocrinologist and longtime gospel scholar, shows how you can become a slave to Christ and paradoxically free yourself from the captivity of sin and death.
Genres: Inspirational Fiction & Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction, Spirituality & Metaphysics Places to find the book:
Borrow from a Public Library
Add to LibraryThing
Also by this author: Guest Post by W. Reid Litchfield
Published by CFI (imprint) Cedar Fort Inc
on 12th May, 2015
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
Published By: CFI (imprint) of Cedar Fort Inc (@CedarFortBooks),
an imprint of Cedar Fort, Inc (@CedarFortBooks)
Available Formats: Paperback, Ebook
Converse on Twitter via:
#EnslavedToSaved, #ChristCentered, #BibleStudy & #ChristianNonFiction
About W. Reid Litchfield
W. Reid Litchfield is an endocrinologist from Henderson, Nevada. He is a graduate of Brigham Young University (B.S.) and University of Calgary (M.D.) and completed his endocrinology fellowship at Harvard Medical School. In addition to a number of scientific publications he has published medical history papers entitled On The Physical Death Of Jesus Christ and The Bittersweet Demise of Herod the Great. He is the recipient of numerous Top Doctor awards as well as professional awards for leadership in his community and medical society.
Website | Facebook | Goodreads
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Posted Monday, 18 May, 2015 by jorielov in 21st Century, Adoption, Ancient Civilisation, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Balance of Faith whilst Living, Biblical History, Bits & Bobbles of Jorie, Blog Tour Host, Catholicism, Cedar Fort Publishing & Media, Christianity, Compassion & Acceptance of Differences, Equality In Literature, Good vs. Evil, History, Important Figures of Ancient Times, Indie Author, Inspirational Fiction & Non-Fiction, Judiasm, Lessons from Scripture, Modern Day, Mormonism, Non-Fiction, Passionate Researcher, Philosophy, Political Narrative & Modern Topics, Religious History, Short Stories or Essays, Social Change, Sociological Behavior, Spirituality & Metaphysics, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, The Deep South, World Religions