Posted Wednesday, 10 June, 2015 by jorielov Cedar Fort Inc, Diana Keuilian, Front Table Books, The Recipe Hacker 2 Comments
Acquired Book By: I am a regular tour hostess for blog tours via Cedar Fort whereupon I am thankful to have such a diverse amount of novels and non-fiction titles to choose amongst to host. I received a complimentary copy of “The Recipe Hacker” direct from the publisher Front Table Books (imprint of Cedar Fort, Inc) in exchange for an honest review. I did not receive compensation for my opinions or thoughts shared herein.
In this particular instance, I was meant to be a part of the original blog tour in January 2015, however, there was an issue with the print books being shipped. Therefore I had to opt-out of hosting the tour and simply tucked the title away to check-out later; either via purchase or borrowing a copy through my local library. Whereupon I had the happy surprise of receiving my own copy via Cedar Fort around mid-Spring. Due to a variety of reasons not worth broaching I have been delayed in getting my thoughts put together to where I could share how wicked awesome this cookbook truly is!
Why vegan and gluten-free baking appeals to me:
Most of my life I noticed that whilst eating the regular way most American families do on a weekly/yearly basis was just dandy for a short period of time, I grew up in a bit of a melting pot of diverse foods and cultural fusion options that most families might not have had in theirs as both sides of my family are equally proud of their foodie heritage. Yet, something was always a bit amiss for me whilst I was growing up because it was the fruit and veg portions that held far more appeal to me than the traditional options of getting protein into your system.
Even when it came to sweets, I was a bit abash to admit, I could live without a few things, including chocolate unless I felt I wanted something sweet. It’s my father who has the dedicated sweet tooth, and by default, Mum and I have come along for the ride, but even my Da admits that there has to be better options out there than the highly processed varieties of sweets inasmuch as options for baking that are not as harsh for our systems to digest. If I were to speculate, we all have a bit of gluten-sensitivity bordering somewhere between neutral to mild. Neutral here I define as being not an everyday vice to avoid but an ingredient that crops up when you least expect it too.
When I originally heard about The Recipe Hacker I truly loved the name of the cookbook because it felt like someone had taken their time to re-write the history on recipes and get back into the heart of wholesome cookery and bakery that was not limited by ingredients but rather was high on taste, flavour, and alternative methods on how to whip, dash, dollop, and spin your kitchen into a bit of wicked bliss! I look forward to sharing what I found inside the book that truly had my heart leap a bit of joy in realising that I had a wicked awesome go-to resource now in my personal foodie library!
The Recipe Hacker: Comfort foods without gluten, dairy, soy, grain, or cane sugar
Break the recipe code for your favourite foods!
Free of gluten, dairy, soy, grain, and cane sugar, The Recipe Hacker is a mouth-watering collection of your favourite comfort foods with a healthy twist. Learn to use easy ingredient substitutions to transform traditional dishes into real, healthy comfort food masterpieces without sacrificing any of the flavour!
Enjoy healthier, whole-food versions of
Key Lime Pie
Crispy Orange Chicken
Banana Pancakes
Beautiful photos, dozens of recipes, and delicious flavours will keep you coming back for more. Enjoy all the comfort foods you crave and keep your body (and skinny jeans) happy at the same time!
Places to find the book:
Borrow from a Public Library
Add to LibraryThing
on 9th December, 2014
Format: Paperback
Pages: 200
Published By: Front Table Books (@FrontTableBooks),
an imprint of Cedar Fort, Inc (@CedarFortBooks)
Available Formats: Paperback, Ebook
Converse on Twitter via: #TheRecipeHacker, #healthyeats, #gfree, #vegan
About Diana Keuilian
Diana Keuilian is passionate about creating wholesome versions of your favorite foods. She removes the gluten, dairy, soy, grains and cane sugar from traditional comfort food recipes like cake, tacos, cookies, waffles, enchiladas and more. This hobby propelled her to start the popular blog,, where she shares hundreds of delicious recipes and mouthwatering photos. She lives in Southern California with her husband and two young children.
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Posted Wednesday, 10 June, 2015 by jorielov in Bits & Bobbles of Jorie, Blog Tour Host, Cedar Fort Publishing & Media, Content Note, Cookbook, Cookery, Fly in the Ointment, Indie Author, Non-Fiction, The Bookish Foodie
Posted Tuesday, 9 June, 2015 by jorielov Influence Publishing Inc., Return to Food, Sherry Strong 2 Comments
Acquired Book By: I was approached by iRead Book Tours to host another non-fiction title “Life Outside the Box” (which is upcoming on 22nd of June) prior to finding “Return to Food”. I decided to start hosting regularly with iRead Book Tours and their companion hosting company Italy Book Tours as a direct result of how welcoming they are to book bloggers. I received a complimentary copy of “Return to Food” direct from the author Sherry Strong in exchange for an honest review. I did not receive compensation for my opinions or thoughts shared herein.
My initial interest in this author and book:
One of the best blessings to opening Return to Food was being greeted by the author’s own artwork on the illustrative plates which coordinate and cross-reference her messages throughout the book. My favourite illustrative plate is on page 3 which shows a portrait of a teenager and is talking about how teens can become unhealthy simply by the choices they are making in their diets. A fact I could relate to myself, as my school years were not my favourite years for eating as I found the time allotted for lunch was too rushed and only focused on getting us in/out of the cafeteria without any consideration for the time needed to consume the food we were eating. It was the first taste of the crazy rat-race of corporate America and the internal harried clock of the working man, because many professional careers do not allot a lot of time for meals much less for a persona life. Hence why this first illustration struck a chord with me, and I knew, having seen how she surrounded the graphic with words clarifying the key issues, that most of our downward spiral of unwellness due begin and start in childhood and/or adolescence.
The one thing I wanted to share as I was reading Return to Food is how I’ve never sought out a ‘diet’ per se but rather a lifestyle of eating that would allow my body to thrive in a way that was not co-dependent on foods which would only deplete my health and thereby, reduce the nutrition that I could have yielded if I had eaten foods differently. I have been on a quest for most of my life to source out the best way to balance food and the combinations of foods which would agree with my system. As for each person who is seeking a healthier lifestyle, we all have to remain mindful of what works for us and how to tap dance around allergies or other afflictions that make transitions a bit trickier than those who do not have them.
As I relay my experiences reading cookbooks inasmuch as hosting author guest features by the chefs or authors behind the books I am reading on healthy eats across the divide of where savoury and ambrosial meet each other in harmonic blissitude, I am hoping that perhaps something I am sharing about my own journey will resonate with other readers who are seeking a similar path. Underneath my blog posts are related posts which can give you a quick-step glimpse into where my wanderings as the Bookish Foodie have led me to go thus far along, inasmuch as you can scout out the cookbooks directly in either my Story Vault or my Publisher’s Story Vault (hint: scroll down to Cedar Fort’s imprint Front Table Books).
As you will find as you wind your way through my showcases on food, I have a penchant for whole foods, living foods, and a quirky attachment to gluten-free vegan baking! I personally love to eat vegan foods as much as I delight in the joy of fresh veg juicing with greens. A green smoothie to me is heavenly bliss and beet juice with a fusion of carrots, ginger, & other bits is a refreshing jolt of vitality. I don’t have to have a traditional plate of food in front of me to be happy because I have been on a journey towards living my inner truth of joy for over a decade now. I personally would love to become 100% vegetarian seeking out gluten-free and vegan compliments as often as I could. I love to eat by the seasons and I look forward to getting back to a simpler way of re-routing a food map which includes staples of must-haves that can co-relate and compliment other ingredients on a regular basis.
At the moment I’m an omnivore whose missing her herbivore days, but each of us is on a path that we must walk in order to get to where we’re going next. I don’t hide the fact I had to give up the herbivore lifestyle nor my quest to return back to where my own spirit thrived in the bliss of local farm fresh fruit and veg. I appreciate the dedication farmers are giving back to us as consumers, to where we can purchase fresh off the farm vegetables at farm stands and farmer’s markets or the new hybrid of the two: a you pick it yourself farm where your salad greens and your kohlrabi are practically kissing cousins! Laughs. Being able to find ways to understand the distance my food is travelling to my plate is important to me, especially in the world of Big-Ag and the propensity for creating fast food on a farm that is commercially produced in ways that I do not find ethical nor healthy.
For these reasons you can understand my interest in Return to Food
because I am already on a mission towards that end!
Return to Food: the life changing anti-diet
by Sherry Strong
Source: Author via iRead Book Tours
Chances are if you are feeling flat, fat and tired, or are experiencing chronic illness, you are not eating real food. If you want to bounce out of bed feeling fit and fabulous you must find out what is and isn't real food. This book challenges prescriptive approaches to diet, eating and food, with a revolutionary philosophical approach based on over 20 years of working with private clients. This approach has seen thousands of people develop a more pleasurable, healthier, and more sustainable eating lifestyle.
Genres: Cookery
Places to find the book:
Borrow from a Public Library
Add to LibraryThing
Also by this author:
Published by Influence Publishing Inc.
on 1st December, 2014
Format: Paperback
Pages: 220
Published by: Influence Publishing Inc. (@influencepub)
Available Formats: Paperback
with Illustrations by Sherry Strong
Converse via: #ReturnToFood, #heathlyeats, & #vegan
About Sherry Strong
Sherry Strong is a food philosopher, chef and nutritionist who has travelled around the globe to do diet and lifestyle makeovers, and has worked with celebrities, elite athletes, Fortune 500 CEOs, billionaires, and Jamie Oliver and his Fifteen Foundation. Sherry’s philosophies and simple strategies help people feel better and live their best life by developing a healthy relationship with food and their body. Sherry was the Victorian Chair of Nutrition Australia, the Melbourne Head of Slow Food, Curator and Co-Founder of the World Wellness Project Summit and founder of the Return to Food Academy where she teaches people to become Return to Food Coaches and Entrepreneurs.
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Posted Tuesday, 9 June, 2015 by jorielov in Blog Tour Host, Chefs and Sous Chefs, Content Note, Cookbook, Cookery, Fly in the Ointment, Indie Author, iRead Book Tours, Locavore, Reader Submitted Author Interview, The Bookish Foodie
Posted Monday, 8 June, 2015 by jorielov Influence Publishing Inc., Return to Food, Sherry Strong 8 Comments
I appreciate seeking out books on wellness and healthier approaches to holistic living inasmuch as I appreciate a wicked good health-conscience cookbook which enriches my spirit to find better ways of combing the foods I love to consume. When I first learnt about the Return to Food blog tour, I was quite happy to realise I could interview the author whilst providing my own thoughts on behalf of her book.
I took this opportunity to ask some pointed questions about curating a healthier lifestyle and the reasons behind why society as a whole might have altered their perception about the realities of health and their mindfulness of approaching wellness from a plant-centered and seasonal point of view. I have been an advocate for the locavore movement in my own community, as I appreciate the farmers who are bringing naturally grown fruit and veg to the farm stands. I appreciate knowing where the food is coming from and how the food is being produced at the farm itself. It is a wonderful way to become involved with the cycle of food and the process of how what we eat (and it’s effect on our health) is in-part derivative of the nutrients the foods may or may not be able to give us depending on how they are sourced.
Join me as I start-up a stimulating conversation with Ms Strong!
Chances are if you are feeling flat, fat and tired, or are experiencing chronic illness, you are not eating real food. If you want to bounce out of bed feeling fit and fabulous you must find out what is and isn’t real food. This book challenges prescriptive approaches to diet, eating and food, with a revolutionary philosophical approach based on over 20 years of working with private clients. This approach has seen thousands of people develop a more pleasurable, healthier, and more sustainable eating lifestyle.
Published by: Influence Publishing Inc. (@influencepub)
Add to Riffle | Public Library | Available Formats: Paperback
Converse via: #ReturnToFood, #heathlyeats, & #vegan
When I first started to read Return to Food what I appreciated the most about the layout of the pages is how it felt like I was reading a personal journal about health. I was curious how did you develop your beautiful hand-drawn illustrations as the style reminds me of art journalists who combine art and words to fuse together thoughts, hopes, dreams, and an articulate guide towards what is deeply personal to them at the moment of creating the journal. The illustrations are a beautiful compliment to the text. Did this style evolve solely out of the life journal for your friend?
Strong responds: Thank you Jorie, I love how beautifully you phrased that question, the illustrations are a deeply person evolution of the book. My best friend was moving to London in 2006, it was also her 40th birthday at the time and we had a policy of no gifts for a gifts sake or more specifically out of obligation. She had the most interesting childhood and life story so in a flash of inspiration I decided to buy a beautiful green cloth-bound book and illustrate her life story. It was the best gift I’ve ever given in my entire life. She was delighted with it and her husband who is a prolific children’s author and novelist suggested I take my philosophies and use the same type of illustrations to express them. From there they continued to evolve over the following 8 years to be more dramatic and carry the themes and they really seemed to take on a life of their own from there. Read More
Posted Monday, 8 June, 2015 by jorielov in Blog Tour Host, Chefs and Sous Chefs, Cookbook, Cookery, Indie Author, iRead Book Tours, Locavore, Reader Submitted Author Interview, The Bookish Foodie
Posted Tuesday, 2 June, 2015 by jorielov Aine Press, Christina Courtenay, Close to the Wind, Pamela Ford, Sherryl Caulfield, the Iceberg Trilogy, To Ride A White Horse, Trade Winds, Zana Bell 2 Comments
Acquired Book By:
I was selected to be a tour stop on “To Ride A White Horse” virtual book tour through TLC Book Tours. I received a complimentary copy of the book direct from the author Pamela Ford, in exchange for an honest review. I did not receive compensation for my opinions or thoughts shared herein.
A Note on the Cover Art Design:
What makes the cover design for To Ride A White Horse so epic is the convergence of the two halves of the whole – you have two leading characters opposite of the horse and the horse itself is rising up in such a dramatic pose! The woman’s eyes are downcast and unseen whereas the sturdy gaze of the man and the intensity of his stare eludes to a larger whole. It is quite an evoking cover to place on a historical romance novel, but this novel’s premise is anything but typical. It was the premise itself which had such a strong sense of urgency to be read that gave me the most wicked anticipation to see it arrive by Post!
As I like to listen to music as a back-drop to my readings as I blog:
I can definitely say I am appreciating the Classical Music selections on, as I have ducked inside the Renaissance and Classical Folk channels of music to serve as ambiance behind my readings of ‘To Ride A White Horse” as the undertone of the selections matched well with the evoking drama within the novel. Some of the selections felt a bit Irish by inspiration, even though I am most certain they were not of Irish origin (at least not all save a few), but there are similarities within music and for me, it felt quite natural to have this running in the background as I devoured the words and blogged my ruminations. Although the selections on both channels were not of my own choosing more times than naught it felt the music playing in the background were serving a greater purpose – a soundscape of this novel if you will. I shall not soon forget how aptly in-tune the selections were with the drama and the angst as it played out across the pages.
To Ride A White Horse
by Pamela Ford
Source: Author via TLC Book Tours
Ireland 1846. The potato crop has failed for the second year in a row and Ireland is in famine. When Kathleen Deacey’s fiancé doesn’t return from a summer working in the Newfoundland fisheries, she faces a devastating choice—leave Ireland to find work or risk dying there. Despising the English for refusing to help Ireland, she crosses the Atlantic, determined to save her family and find her fiancé.
But her journey doesn’t go as planned and she ends up in America, forced to accept the help of an English whaling captain, Jack Montgomery, to survive. As Jack helps her search for her fiancé and fight to save her family and country, she must confront her own prejudices and make another devastating choice—remain loyal to her country or follow her heart.
A love story inspired by actual events, To Ride a White Horse is a historical saga of hope, loyalty, the strength of the human spirit, and the power of love.
Genres: Historical Fiction, Historical Romance, Literary Fiction Places to find the book:
Borrow from a Public Library
Add to LibraryThing
ISBN: 978-0-9905942-1-5
Published by Aine Press
on 3rd January, 2015
Format: Paperback
Pages: 374
Published By: Aine Press
[Aine was the Queen of the Faeries in Irish mythology, the Goddess of wealth and summer]
as revealled to me as the inspiration on behalf of her company by the author
Available Formats: Trade Paperback, Ebook
Converse via: #ToRideAWhiteHorse
About Pamela Ford
Pamela Ford is the award-winning author of contemporary and historical romance. She grew up watching old movies, blissfully sighing over the romance; and reading sci-fi and adventure novels, vicariously living the action. The combination probably explains why the books she writes are romantic, happily-ever-afters with plenty of fast-paced plot.
After graduating from college with a degree in Advertising, Pam merrily set off to earn a living, searching for that perfect career as she became a graphic designer, print buyer, waitress, pantyhose sales rep, public relations specialist, copywriter, freelance writer - and finally author. Pam has won numerous awards including the Booksellers Best and the Laurel Wreath, and is a two-time Golden Heart Finalist. She lives in Wisconsin with her husband and children.
Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | LibraryThing | FantasticFiction
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Reading this book contributed to these challenges:
- 2015 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge
Posted Tuesday, 2 June, 2015 by jorielov in #JorieLovesIndies, 19th Century, Animals in Fiction & Non-Fiction, Based on an Actual Event &/or Court Case, Bits & Bobbles of Jorie, Blog Tour Host, Death, Sorrow, and Loss, Equality In Literature, Family Drama, Family Life, Flashbacks & Recollective Memories, Folklore and Mythology, Historical Fiction, History, Indie Author, Ireland, Jorie Loves A Story Cuppa Book Love Awards, Literary Fiction, Literature of Ireland, Local Libraries | Research Libraries, Mother-Daughter Relationships, Newfoundland, Realistic Fiction, TLC Book Tours
Posted Friday, 29 May, 2015 by jorielov Donna Galanti, Joshua and the Lightning Road, Joshua and the Lightning Road series, Month9Books 2 Comments
I recognise I am a bit delayed in wrapping up the final edits for today’s Guest Author Feature, for which I apologise as I took ill and was unable to complete this stop ahead of now. IF you visited me earlier in the day, I hope you were able to come back round and see what I had to share with you! I was super excited to have the opportunity to share a bit more about this novel, as I truly was captured by the essence of the story and how it will effectively continue to gain momentum as the series continues forward in new installments wherein the author will tempt our imaginations to continue to take the journey she began with her debut!
What I like the most about finding Middle Grade novels where writers are curating their own unique style of telling a story through a hybrid of Science Fiction and Fantasy, is the incredible depth of the layers in which their worlds are built upon. To take the reader into a world where everything about it’s reality is purported out of science but culled together through fantasy, is a true suspension of where stories endeavour us to jump out of our preconceptions and embrace something wondrously new!
As you will soon read, Ms Galanti answers my question about the ‘science’ threaded behind her novel’s story inasmuch as how she drew a clarity of how to express the ‘science’ behind the lightning road! May this guest author feature help inspire you to take a chance on this exciting new title by Month9!
Stay away from the window, don’t go outside when it’s storming and whatever you do, do not touch the orb.
Twelve-year-old Joshua Cooper’s grandpa has always warned him about the dangers of lightning. But Joshua never put much stock in his grandpa’s rumblings as anything more than the ravings of an old man with a vast imagination. Then one night, when Joshua and his best friend are home alone during a frightful storm, Joshua learns his grandpa was right. A bolt of lightning strikes his house and whisks away his best friend—possibly forever.
To get him back, Joshua must travel the Lightning Road to a dark place that steals children for energy. But getting back home and saving his friend won’t be easy, as Joshua must face the terrifying Child Collector and fend off ferocious and unnatural beasts intent on destroying him.
In this world, Joshua possesses powers he never knew he had, and soon, Joshua’s mission becomes more than a search for his friend. He means to send all the stolen children home—and doing so becomes the battle of his life.
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Posted Friday, 29 May, 2015 by jorielov in Blog Tour Host, Chapter by Chapter Blog Tours, Coming-Of Age, Fantasy Fiction, Folklore and Mythology, Good vs. Evil, Illustrations for Stories, Indie Author, Indie Book Trade, Month9Books, Reader Submitted Guest Post (Topic) for Author, Science Fantasy