Hello, everyone! This is Christine from Readerly Musings, and I thought today I’d do a little something to celebrate Sci-Fi November by guest-posting here at Jorie Loves a Story.
When Jorie first told me about SFN, I was both excited and dismayed. Excited because an abundance of Sci-Fi posts in the book blogosphere for the month of November is an awesome idea! Alas, the dismay quickly set in because I, as someone who is participating in NaNoWriMo for the 8th year in a row, knew I would not be able to take part. Until today, that is!
Entering the TARDIS…
On November 2, Jorie posted about the beginning of her journey to becoming a Whovian and her excitement reminded me of how I too came to love Doctor Who – about six years ago.
I had heard rumblings about it for months online. Friends were talking about it on LiveJournal, posting fan fics, making icons, and (much like the Doctor himself) trying to welcome Martha while getting over the loss of Rose.
It was June 2007 and, unbeknownst to me, the third series of ‘New’ Doctor Who was airing. Personally, I was much more interested in preparing for the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and all that it would mean. One such way was in joining an online Harry Potter RolePlay in the vein of TV show Law & Order. One of my fellow RP-ers was a Whovian and using David Tennant to portray an original character. Upon finding out I had never watched Doctor Who and absolutely no inkling as to who David Tennant was, she quickly sent me a link to where I could watch episodes of Doctor Who online (it has since been taken down) and instructed me to watch the 2006 Christmas special, The Runaway Bride.
I know some Whovians might be shocked to discover that the first episode of Doctor Who I ever watched was The Runaway Bride. Especially because back then Donna Noble’s character was not synonymous with the word ‘awesome’ and there were Whovians who thought the character of Donna too loud-mouthed and brash, and would soon be debating the announcement that Catherine Tate would be reprising her role in series four.
I enjoyed The Runaway Bride immensely, and I fell in serious love with David Tennant’s portrayal of the Tenth Doctor, and the show itself. I mean, I’m posting this, aren’t I? *laughs* Alas, with everything going on in my life that year, I did not get a chance to watch another episode until months later in, coincidentally, November.
A Journey Through Time – And Space!
Once November came around, and I realized how long it had been since I had watched The Runaway Bride (with the last line haunting me – and still doing so to this day – due to the great deal of emotion tied to it), I made an agreement with another friend to use it as one of my word count incentives during my 2nd attempt at NaNoWriMo. December came soon after and I was already making icons from Doctor Who screen captures and owned the first series on DVD. A few days before Christmas, I wrote my first fan fiction (though it was very short, less than 500 words), and on Christmas morning my parents gave me the second series on DVD. I had quickly become rather… well, obsessed. And invested. I had not yet heard the term ‘Whovian,’ and I’ve no idea when I finally did, but looking back it had taken me about two weeks from the time I watched the Ninth Doctor’s first episode until I became one – though David Tennant was, and still is, my Doctor.
Alas, there was one problem with The Runaway Bride being my very first episode. I sort of knew what was happening in the series two finale (seriously, do you remember that line I mentioned in the last paragraph?!?!?) and, as such, I dreaded watching it unfold on-screen. And, because of how much I dreaded it, I waited almost three weeks before I finally watched Army of Ghosts and Doomsday. However, there was a light at the end of the tunnel, if you will, because once I watched them, I changed my entire LiveJournal layout so it was dedicated to the Doctor and Rose and that beautifully heart-wrenching “wall” scene.
From there, I came across a little problem. A dreaded ‘what to watch?’ dilemma because I could not decide if I dared watch series 3 or check in with Torchwood’s first series to see what Captain Jack Harkness was up to. Ultimately, I decided on Torchwood. Why? Two words. John. Barrowman. That and the fact he returned to Doctor Who at the end of series three in Utopia, but mostly because I wanted to see more John Barrowman. And Captain Jack. Although I am not a big fan of violence and gore, I did somehow manage to get through the first series – do not ask me how, but my answer will probably be ‘the promise of more Captain Jack.’
Once I finished Torchwood’s first series, it was onto series three. Which I will unashamedly admit I finished in two days. TWO. DAYS! I finished it just in time too, because series four started airing four days later so I could watch along with everyone else! And, in between episodes, I could watch Torchwood’s second series, and the first series of The Sarah Jane Adventures.
I cannot even begin to explain how much I loved Doctor Who’s fourth series, or how much it broke my heart. Actually, in a way, I can….
Full-Time Whovian
The fourth series was over, there was no new Doctor Who until Christmas and I was distraught. The kind of distraught that only happens after you spend a little over half a year getting caught up with a show that you have quickly fallen in love with only to find you have to wait almost as long for just one more episode. ONE. So I did something only dedicated fans would do – I delved further into the world of Doctor Who.
I was not yet interested in attempting to watch Classic Who because the sheer amount of episodes, not to mention the amount of missing episodes, was incredibly daunting), so instead I dived into the fandom. I made icons, I wrote another short fan fiction, I read fan fiction, I looked at fan art, I drew fan art (two of which I’ve included in this post)…. And then I did something crazy. I’m not even kidding, ‘crazy’ is the only word I can use to describe it. Don’t believe me? I made a website. A completely fan-run website. Dedicated not only to Doctor Who, but also Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures. All pretty much on my own, to boot.
A Side Note: Before I go on, I have to say that while this Whoniverse website of mine does still exist and you may be able to guess what it is, I have had to largely abandon it. This is due not to my no longer being a fan (because oh my god, am I still a dedicated Whovian!), but the fact that I spent so much time on it, keeping it updated on every aspect of the Whoniverse, and had to do so all on my own even when others promised to help, that it became more of a job than the hobby that it once was, and every time I try to update it I feel this overwhelming pressure to ‘get it right’ and it just shouldn’t be that way. Neither can I update it to say that it is closed or on an indefinite hiatus, because it literally pains me to do so. This website was “my baby” for so long that I cannot imagine giving it up and so I leave it up as it is, with the promise of updates to come, in the hopes that one day I can sit down in front of my computer and just fall back right into it, experiencing once again the joy that updating it (or simply finding something to update it with) brought me.
Now that series four was over, and I was caught up with the Doctor Who spinoffs until The Sarah Jane Adventures’ second series started airing in the fall, I continued my exploration of the fandom, and experienced a great deal of dread and sadness during 2009 due to David Tennant’s announcement he was leaving the role and the lack of episodes until 2010. During that time, there was a glimmer of hope. It wasn’t Matt Smith, whom I fell in love with from the first time I watched his interview following the announcement he was taking over the role from David Tennant, but the fact that I was able to watch the majority of the second series with my best friend in celebration of my 21st birthday (May 29, 2009) and see her enjoy most of those episodes for the very first time. Though I can’t say I introduced her to the show, as she had previously seen a few episodes, I can say that I played a major role in her own journey to becoming a Whovian. I have tried to do the same with my father, but he only saw David Tennant’s farewell story a month or so ago and has yet to watch any of Matt Smith’s tenure – which is a shame, given Peter Capaldi is taking over the role at the end of this year’s upcoming Christmas special.
Today, and Awaiting the 50th
Now its November 2013, almost a full six years since I watched the episode Rose (alas I don’t know the exact date), and I am still very much a proud, somewhat crazy, Whovian. I have a DVD tower next to my desk with the two top shelves dedicated entirely to Doctor Who, Torchwood, and The Sarah Jane Adventures. I own all the soundtracks, along with quite a few Doctor Who (new series only) novels and audiobooks, along with a bunch of other memorabilia (including some fan-made ones), and my brother recently sent me a collectible bust of my Doctor he bought me as a gift when he went to Comic-Con which I am still trying to find a place of honor for. I’ve also watched some Classic Who, including the majority of Jon Pertwee’s tenure as the Doctor whom I fell in love with simply from watching clips featured in Doctor Who Confidential – a show which I still miss greatly.
As I await the airing of the 50th anniversary special on the 23rd, I have fallen in love with a fan fiction a friend wrote that features the… well, to avoid spoilers, mystery character seen at the end of The Name of the Doctor and am planning on writing a few “deleted scenes” and a sort of “spin-off” to go along with it after NaNoWriMo is over and I have taken a short reprieve from writing. I also purchased tickets to see the 50th anniversary special in 3D at a movie theater in the area on November 25th with the same best friend I had the series two marathon with in 2009. I’m also looking forward to the next 50 years of the show, as I do agree that it is a show that can go on forever, but as far as the near future goes, I am looking forward to Peter Capaldi taking over the controls of the TARDIS.
I fear I do not have the words to properly end this post,
so instead I will leave you with this, because I find it fitting:
“I always rip out the last page of a book. Then it doesn’t have to end. I hate endings!”
~The Eleventh Doctor, Angels in Manhattan
Beginnings: How do you prepare for a challenge like long-term reading goals or a good blogging challenge?
A most excellent question to ask a girl whose a self-declared Reading Challenge Addict! As in all sincerity, I tend to fly by the seat of my pants whilst stumbling across wicked sweet bookish events in the book blogosphere like its going to suddenly evaporate OR go plumb out of fashion! I have a curious eye and a heart which typically tends to leap out of itself whenever I come across a ‘new’ book or new ‘author’ who whets my fancy! I get all giddy inside from the immense joy of discovering ‘something’ that lights me up inside with such a positively charged glow that I very nearly become luminescent! I get the same itching of joy whilst deciding to curate a long-term reading goal &/or sorting out which blogosphere reading &/or posting challenge I want to tackle next!
The joy for me not only lies in the challenge that I undertake, but in the sweet beauty of interacting with other bookish souls who are as happy-hearted as I am about the world of books! Before I joined the blogosphere as a blogger, I was a regular reader who commented heartily on all the lovely blogs she came across who spoke to her in some way! I loved showing my appreciation for the writers of the blog(s), as much as the published authors who are curating the group author blogs I came across who stitch pieces of their personal lives into their blog lives. Giving all of us a glimpse into the heart of the ‘person’ behind the book of which we as readers will come to place in our hands. I am beyond grateful that I had this apprenticeship in the book blogosphere as an outsider, whereupon I was reading & absorbing information as quickly as my eyes could devour the text!
I started to pick up on little things like “reading challenges”, “read-a-thons”, “blog posting challenges”, as much as the entire inertia of how the pulse of the book blogosphere functions. I noticed blog badges were crafted to speak about their owner’s reading personality as much as the badges book bloggers liked to collect in their sidebars. As each blog I came across had its own distinctive edge and quirk of style, the sidebars equally reflected this in the selection of participation badges which promoted various events in the blogosphere at large!
What I appreciated in seeing the most was the sense of community which was ever present, as each book blogger I would come across was striving towards connecting to another who either shared the same bookish interests OR perhaps shared a common thread of excitement for the book community overall. Sometimes the joy of meeting unexpected friends transcended the blogosphere and entered into the domain of real life. I always smiled wondering that if I would dare to join (at some later date), would that lovely experience happen to me!? I can attest now, that yes, it has happened to me, and I am forever grateful for the friends of whom I might not have met if I hadn’t started to blog myself! These lovely bookish souls know who they are and are hopefully smiling as they read these words of praise on their behalf!
To this end, I always knew that as soon as I would start to ‘take-on’ a reading challenge, I must likely would not be a planner OR a girl who would know every inch of the challenge hours as they ticked off the clock. I was raised in such a lively and light-hearted spontaneous family, that any other method would appear to be a bit ‘odd’ to me! I approach challenges in the same methodology as I approach my writing life: when the muse strikes my fancy, I pounce on it! When I have a clarity of thought towards wanting to join a new challenge, I weigh my ability to give the time needed to complete the challenge & the ability to appropriate the materials needed to do it justice.
In this last regard, I must confess, I am not always the strong finisher as I am the strong beginner! Behind the blog there have been circumstances which took such a stronghold into my everyday life, to where I was unable to complete most of the reading challenges I had originally set my mind to achieve! However, being a diehard optimist, I truly believe that any ‘challenge’ one undertakes can always be completed even if the time of which the challenge was meant to be completed grows a bit more distant from the starting gate! Its not that I purposely set out to disappoint fellow participants and/or the lovely hosts I have come to know during these occasions of joy (as how else can you view a challenge that celebrates a branch of literature?),… but life can intervene and I am not immune to its effects.
I want to take a moment to highlight the lovely reading challenges which have entered my life since I launched my blog in August of 2013:
Bout of Books: 8.0: 7 short days of intense reading joy! You pick the speed of how quickly you want to read &/or how many mini-challenges you want to participate in alongside your reading choices! There were also Twitter Parties to attend which I was a bit miffed I couldn’t partake in but back then (in August! laughs!) I was quite on the fence about joining Twitter, and simply withdrew from those events in order to strive to participate in as many sub-challenges as I could and amassed quite a hearty blog list to follow as well! I believe the final total was for 108! Bout’er blogs! I selected over 10+ books to attempt to read which were speaking to me from my shelves, aching for me to pick them up and give them some love! I completed only one book: Haunted by Heather Graham, which is book one of the Ghost Harrison series! A series I originally discovered when I read Ghost Walk! OF the remaining books, most of what I accomplished was a ‘tasting’ of what was inside them rather than completing them overall. I have this museful wink of a idea of joining Bout of Books, 9.0 to continue from whence I left off! Ooh, how daringly sinful of me, eh!? Sinful as I was wrecked by falling ill and suffered a bit of a migraine during the last Bout! Ergo, the Bout became a proper “Bout!” to overcome! Needless, I endured so many happy moments that I am all but too eager to re-attempt to achieve them once more! With one cheekily added bonus: TWITTER PARTIES! Its like my new cheshire cat happy thing to do!
Austen in August: 30 Days of celebrating the life of Jane Austen & the ‘after canons’ which came along after her original stories were published! Also viable for this reading challenge is to seek out biographies and non-fiction titles which are inter-related to Ms. Austen herself! The prospect of where your reading life could take you is quite literally limitless except to your imagination and scope of depth to research Jane Austen! Despite the fact the hours slipped through the hourglass faster than I would have preferred, I did achieve the pleasure of reading my most beloved Jane Austen novel “Pride and Prejudice”, which coincidentally happens to also be my first and only Jane Austen novel I have thus far read!
{NOTE: I began the BA Posting Challenge on 18 November, 2013; I resumed the challenge on 16 March, 2014!}
{SOURCE: Bookish Ardour provided the badge for all participants to use for solidarity!}
No one was more surprised than I was to realise this post was never released back in [2013] when in theory it was ready to post!? I can’t even imagine how that happened! I released it tonight [20th September, 2018] whilst releasing the main post with an update for which this was attached. Coming during #blogtober 2018 I will be resuming a lot of the topics Bonnie pitched for this challenge whilst embracing new topics Jenn has created as well. Thereby, resurrecting a posting challenge which has one step in the past during my 1st Year as a Book Blogger whilst embracing where I am presently as a 5th Year Book Blogger!
One Book Everyone Should Read | Once (in their lifetime)
I agree with our fearless hostess, that the book we choose to recommend to read this week, should be one that has etched itself into our minds, our hearts, and into the fabric of our being. Characters, of whom, have instilled inside us memories that haunt us long after we have met them, and of whom, re-define our perspective of how we see and view the world around us. Narrative prose that erupts as clear as lightning, permeating our mind’s eye with a hearty imaginative state where we can fully see the world that is knit and stitched together by the writer’s capacity for endeavouring us to see their world as they intended us too. A story that has a girth of knowledge and positive impression of lessons learnt are always best understood after we have transitioned through them. Yet. It’s not an easy question to respond too, because the life of a book reader bent on the written word, is hard to pin down and pick out one book that stands out amidst the shadows of all the other lovelies that we have come to know! I’ve never been one to play favourites and so, this task is rather a difficult choice! I yield to simply referring to one book I think any reader would be happy to become acquainted with, if only for one reading whilst their hunkered in to their own reading affairs and adventures therein!
Before I make my selection, I want to talk a bit about the type of books that I am always anxious to meet and am forevermore blessed to have my path crossed with theirs! You see, there are several books that come to mind, books who strong heroines have touched my life at precisely the right moments to give me a lift of spirits and a breath of a world that has always felt enchantingly familiar!
The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein – I had the benefit of growing up in a house where literary inspiration was at the forefront of discovery! Long before I could sort out how each word was meant to be said by voice, I had the pleasure of ‘listening’ to stories (of all varieties and forms) become brought to life by my Mum! She had a knack for knowing exactly how to empathise each syllable with articulation and clarity! I marveled at how I would ever grow into shoes large enough to understand how to purport the ‘telling of’ a story in the same manner of how I ‘heard her’ speak them to me! It’s an ongoing process even now! What I loved about Silverstein’s poems and visionary genius is his ability to cleverly etch into his collective writings the wit and banterment of a life filt with humour! He gave the best gift you can give to children: thought-provoking rhymes, poems, and stories of characters who ‘teach through their actions’. In this, I have always held close the fond memories of his books. As once I could sort out the words, I could not help but soak into his collections breathing in the world as he saw it through his creative eyes!
The Secret Garden & A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett – By far, The Secret Garden was more than a mere story for me, as the life of Mary Lennox was one that nestled inside my heart from the very first moment I became acquainted with her circumstances! She had this genuine ability to draw you out of yourself and into the world as she perceived it from a different set of eyes than most. Curiously keen on everything happening around her and yet, with such a graceful measure of innocence that bespoke of a childhood we all hope every child can experience. She was searching for stability and of a place to call home; where roots could grow as strong as she would soon mature! Her friendships with Collin and Dickon are lessons knitted together from the simple truths we all need to accept if we are meant to grow inside our own journey. Whereas with A Little Princess I felt rather akin to Sara Crewe, feeling her thoughts, her emotions, and her uncertainties as she was quite unceremoniously deposited into such a difficult situation without the benefit of protection from a guardian! Where Mary Lennox was independently spunky, I always felt that Sara truly needed a little extra confidence to know she could stand on her own feet and survive. They are each living shattered lives where circumstance and ill-will of those around them start to affect their happiness. These were the stories that compelled me to seek out the depth of historical fiction and epic multi-generational sagas. To see the underpinnings of how characters grow into their shoes so to speak and the passageways they have to walk in order to arrive inside their futures.
Mandie {series} by Lois Gladys Leppard – I was quite young when I first began to read the Mandie series as what attracted me to the premise was the fact that a girl who was in search of her father, grandmother, and origins of birth found unforeseen comfort in her Uncle Ned, a Native American. I loved how Leppard moved between the different cultures, as much as how she showed how Mandie’s grandmother influenced her grand-daughter to have a world-view based on experiences, adventures, and travel opportunities. She instilled in Mandie a true sense of freedom which comes from knowledge, empathy, charity, and faith. Mandie is the type of ‘best friend’ you always hope to meet whilst your growing up due to how genuine of a friend she truly is! I liked that she was a bit spunky in some ways too! She never found a challenge too difficult to overcome nor did she pass up a good mystery to solve! She was a girl a threshold ahead of her time, set in the historical past to where even growing up in the 20th century you could see the frameworks of her living world as it was painted so very clearly for you to observe!
Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery – I suppose you could say you have noticed a trend in the type of lead characters and stories that I have been drawn too since I was a child! Anne of Green Gables is the epitome of a heroine whose spirit and mirth of life will long outlast all of us who have come to know her as intimately as though we were childhood confidantes! Montgomery gave us a real portrait of life and living through Anne’s eyes, and kept Anne rooted in her unique personality whilst the Anne we knew and loved grew into a woman with her own means and family. She dared to step out of the comfort zones of society and willed herself to achieve what many I think in her plight might have simply given up on obtaining at all! She’s the inspiration for all young girls to realise how strong women can be at the times in life we need to assert ourselves and stand strong!
Little House in the Big Woods {Little House series thereof} by Laura Ingalls Wilder – I still remember curling up with my boxed set of paperback novels by Ms. Wilder wildly lighting my imagination with frontier life! Her stories were so real to me, that I would always make a bit of a tradition out of when I would read the Little House books! IF I could wing it, I would always like to begin them in the early murmurings of Autumn, when the weather would feel unlike Summer! I was fascinated by the simple inclusions of Laura’s life such as the biscuits in her pocket to keep her hands warm and the method of making ‘candy’ out of snow and maple syrup! How many days and years I longed to attempt that recipe myself yet never experienced more than an hour’s worth of frost on the windshield? When the tv series was well on its way of finding its own heart of inspiration from the stories in the books I held close to my heart, I found myself living by extension of the original stories through everything that evolved in the teleplay! I realised years later that there were creative liberties taken, but for me, both Little Houses will always be felt with warm affection! They each in their own way gave us so much more than we could return in thankful notes of gratitude!
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens – Ah, Ebenezer! Who doesn’t know of Ebenezer Scrooge! I must have read this story numerous times to the brink that each time it was re-made into a tv mini-series, tv movie, and/or theatrical released motion picture; I would always have the general aspects of his story pop back into my mind! I must say, that there each new variation of this story I see something new and wholly different from the others. Each adaptation if you will focuses on something else that Dickens was attempting to impart on the world. I have not come across one adaptation I haven’t enjoyed and if I may be so bold to lament: I hope there are several more variations in the future still yet to come! The best life lesson to give any child is the one of generosity without the expectation of returned gratitude. To give without conditions is the greatest gift we can give each other! And, to remain humble to all walks of life and circumstances whilst we traverse our lifepaths is an even greater philosophy to aspire towards!
White Fang by Jack London – I remember when I first started to mention to my teachers I wanted to read the works of Jack London, I was deeply surprised by their reactions! IF they were not explaining to me that they were meant for ‘boys’ not ‘girls’ they were trying to persuade me to read lighter fare! The truth of the matter is I have always felt such a natural curiosity and attachment to the natural world, that it was a natural progression for me to discover White Fang! I never understood why there had to be such strict perimeters when I was growing up! Boy. Girl. Gender this, gender that! Goodness! What I loved about the book (as my parents noted my desire and took me to the bookshoppe to pick out a copy!) is the pure and raw adventure to it! I loved it beyond what words could express and when I saw the motion picture — it felt as though I had come full circle! Very impactful for a young girl!
A Wrinkle in Time {Time Quartet series thereof} by Madeleine L’ Engle – This particular book didn’t greet me until I was in my twenties as I was seeking out a way to jump-dive into reading quantum physics! The full story is hidden within the link I’ve just provided! What I wanted to say in this post is that I would love to complete my readings of the Time Quartet to see what occurs ‘after’ they return home! I remember wondering ever so curiously what would happen next and even, how what they had experienced with their cheeky and quirky visitors would affect the rest of their lives? As each new experience alters your perception and how you proceed forward. In this particular case, its a rather extraordinary excursion! I suppose I shall remain patient until I can gather the remaining three books! I still stand by my declaration that this is the best introduction to Flatland which can serve as the next stepping stone into any quantum physics or mechanics book of your choosing!
The Indigo Notebook {book one: The Notebook series} & What the Moon Saw by Laura Resau – Around the age of nine and twenty, I stumbled across Ms. Resau’s books at my local library! Intrigued I started to pick them up and read them. Before long I realised I wanted to read more, so I started to generate purchase requests to keep up with her publication schedule! Until one day I realised, my goodness! The breadth of what she writes into these tales is not only for the emotionally mature young adult (due to the story-lines and character arcs), but they are for the reader who likes to transcend out of the regular offerings and seek out something a bit heartier to chew on! IF you like to ruminate about your readings and allow the heart of a story to soak into you, I can give you no higher recommendation than seeking out a title by Laura Resau! The fact that she writes about cultures in Latin America only warms my heart more being that I have traveled to Mexico myself and saw such a keen insight into the foods, culture, and traditions that I had observed myself!
The Sixty-Eight Rooms {book one: The Sixty-Eight Rooms series} by Marianne Malone – Ah, adventure through time travel which stems out of a museum! How many of us read From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil F. Frankweiler when we were younger!? Hoping to have the courage to sneak away, tuck into a museum and see what happens when you turn on your torches? (flashlights!) The fact that I had the chance to stay-over at a Children’s Museum for a Night Away made this book even more exciting because I truly did ‘live that adventure’ even if I was surrounded by chaperones! You know children always find a way for ‘alone time’ and let their curiosity get the better of them! Laughs. Back to the story here, this is one of the books that sparked my interest into seeking out more stories of the French! I won’t spoilt anything and tell you why at this junction in time,… but if you are curious about Chicago’s Art Institute’s Thorne Rooms, look no further! Dig in!
The Golden Hour {book one: The Golden Hour series} by Maiya Williams – If you are reading carefully you will have noticed I provided a guiding map of which books to read in order and which to proceed into next. However, to make it easier to follow whatever you do, do not feel the inclination to read this book *ahead!* of From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil F. Frankweiler & The Sixty-Eight Rooms! You will thank me later! Of course, technically you could read A Wrinkle in Time either ahead of the first of three in this sequence or have it proceed directly after The Golden Hour! Reason being, there is a play on themes that are integral to each of these stories! And, yes, this one has a French connection as well! I think what I loved about this one is the plausibility factor of how time is treated and shifted around. Alas, plausible in the sense if you have already accepted elementary truths of science fiction!
The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate by Jacqueline Kelly – Calpurnia Tate took me by complete surprise around two years ago! I was holding off checking out this novel for the longest of times, until one day I realised why not? IF I felt the story was not one I could readily soak into the only thing I’d have to do is return it directly in other for another reader to give it a bit of a go! Inside this coming-of age tale is a spunky (eh, smiles!) wholly true-to-herself girl who is striving to make a connection to a family member who is not readily understood or accepted in her family unit. I felt anguish along with Calpurnia whilst the events unfolded for both of them and I felt my heart grow as the ending chapters brought me to my farewell of her life. I must confess, I could have entertained another installment if only to see what ‘came next’ in her ‘evolution’.
Red Thread Sisters by Carol Antoinette Peacock – My book showcase review of this novel paints my feelings and thoughts in such a deeply personal way that I know it can stand on its own as to express my gratitude for finding this story! However, what I felt I should impart right now is that how powerful we can give children the ability to accept and process all families at a young age! Orphans and children without families are rather commonplace in today’s world, but how many children who grow up with a family know of their fears, hopes, and dreams? Or, how difficult it is for them to accept a ‘new’ family when they were not fully sure if they wanted to leave behind the only home they had ever known? Peacock writes a compelling story of two girls who befriended each other at a group home in China and how their evolving lives would remain entwined!
The clever observer will note immediately that I have chosen to focus on books that we are generally meant to read during our growing years, and of course, I haven’t spotlighted all of them (from my own readings OR generally known by others), but I have picked out the Lucky 13 (it is 2013, after all!) Picks, which holds within the list the selection I shall showcase in a moment! Each of them are interconnected on the level that, in each story, the main character(s) are undertaking a transition in their lives. The shape and nature of the transition is as widely unique as the characters’ themselves, yet each boy and girl featured in these lovely books has to dig a bit deeper than they ever thought possible to even hope to understand the unique situations and circumstances that start to affect their personal worlds directly! They must take on adversity and circumvent outcomes that might not have been as keenly positive if they had not found the true strength to carry-on through what crossed their paths!
Having said this, the one book that I would refer someone to read to have a reading experience that would give them the benefit of all of these stories combined is:
Mr. Silverstein has the ability to transport us through a portal of literature, by which, our curious and innocent eyes remain fully intact. Even if we are re-visiting this story as adults, who may or may not be jaded by life experiences, or as a new reader, who never had the proper chance to read this story in their growing years. It’s a book that is not hinged to one particular age or another, but rather is universal in its message and at its very core, is a lesson that substantiates all the other titles on the list! For you see, if you never were introduced to “The Giving Tree”, you might not be as readily accepting of the themes, subjects, topics, and climaxes that these other stories contain! Do you not agree?
{*NOTE: All books featured in this post are listed under *Children’s Lit: The Undiscovered Frontier*, for the express purpose of highlighting my work-in-progress to stitch together reviews of the books I have written down on that page! As for each book &/or series listed, there is a world of transformative literature awaiting the reader!}
This post was originally intended to be shown on 21 September 2013!
{SOURCE: The Book Chat badge is provided by Sweet Green Tangerine
for participants to show their solidarity!}
You can read Gamber’s Full Biography, on her website, however, I learnt quite a few things about her whilst I was composing my questions for an interview! For instance, the essence of what she knew of dragons that originated from a dream she had that was the impetus to create “Redheart” shattered the misconceptions and perceptions of dragons, thus known in fantasy! She has a wicked sense for knowing which teas pair nicely with the books your palette is whet to taste! She took up knitting for its meditative qualities. If music is in the background whilst she writes, it has to be instinctively nondescript and ambient in nature, as if she hears a curious lyrical line it could shift her scene whilst its being penned! She is a retired servicewoman, secretary, and beloved Mum! She finds a keen balance between her writing and her family life. She adores the zoo beyond what words can express. She is a prolific short story writer. She runs a multi-verse platform for story-telling entitled: Allotrope Media, alongside her husband. Believing that a story has the freedom to express itself through multiple mediums. Insofar as being an accomplished playwright and screenwriter! She excels at genre jumping but her heart is attached to science fiction, fantasy, and horror.
By which the interview commenced,
between Jorie and Ms. Gamber!
I am thankful to announce that I have my second Seventh Star Press author dropping by my blog for an interview today! I am always seeking to propose questions that are not overly asked previously, and I am hopeful, that if you have known of Ms. Gamber’s work previously, you will find something new to learn about her through her visit on Jorie Loves A Story! I look forward to listening to her replies and learning more about a writer who showcases dragons, as they are one of my favourites in the fantastical realms to encounter! Let me yield, to Ms. Gamber!
I presume that dragons are your favourite fantastical creature who reside outside our physical realms, as they are at the forefront of the Leland Dragon series? Was this a lifelong passion to bring dragons into a sweeping epic such as the Leland Dragons, or did it develop a bit more slowly, taking you for an adventure as it unfolded?
Gamber responds:
My writing of the Leland Dragon Series definitely came as an adventure as I went along. I’ve always been drawn to science fiction and fantasy as a reader, and as a writer, because of the “what-ifs” and the vast storytelling capabilities; I love the challenge of making something utterly fantastical seem perfectly probable and real. Kallon Redheart and Leland Province grew from that place. I had a germ of an idea, and wanted to make Kallon and his world as real as possible.
I can appreciate this myself, because whenever I settle my heart and thoughts to write in a fluid moment of clarity, I find that my pen yields to the adventure of discovery! I never know precisely where my pen will lead, as I always have attributed writing as being a vehicle that is inspired by One not of ourselves but as a Guide to allowing the creativity to flow through us and outwardly fuse inspiration into ink which spilts onto the page! The adventure for me in pursuit of story and characters is singularly one of the best moments a writer can experience! And, I could not have stated it better ‘making something utterly fantastical seem perfectly probable and real’ as this is a sentiment I could have spoken myself on behalf of my own writings! We breathe life into nothingness which paints a palette of pictures through the words which give life to our stories!
What draws your eye when it comes to story-telling in general?! Were you a natural bourne writer or did you have to develop it as you progressed from one story to another!? Did your pursuit of writing stem out of your love of reading, such as my own path developed!?
Gamber responds:
I’m not sure which came first; my love for reading or my love for writing. I remember loving books as mysterious little tickets into great unknowns. I remember teaching myself to read, and struggling over words that didn’t look like something I remembered hearing. I wanted to read, so I could go to the places books promised to take me. I wanted to write, too, because I had so many worlds in my own head, so many places I’d escape to in my imagination, and I wanted to make stories for others to escape into.
In a sense, then, I must have been born into writing. But just as I was driven to improve my reading, I have also been driven to always improve my writing. If talent is a seed, it must also be nurtured and cultivated, and practiced. My ultimate goal is that each story I write is a little more skillfully told than the last; in that way, I get closer and closer to opening each world a little more real.
You struck a chord inside me with this response, as I have always referred to myself as ‘a natural bourne writer’ yet I think I mistakenly left out a significant piece of the puzzle! As like you, the lines between when I became the ‘writer’ and the ‘reader’ are blurred,… due to my learning difficulties as a child I did not have the ability to learn to read on my own, but I yielded the words inside the stories to my Mum! She had this magical way of imparting the inflections of character, story, setting, and locale in such a way that I had my favourite ‘go to reads’ of which she read to me nightly! A winding path lateron led me to a quirky out-of-the-box 4th grade teacher who helped me develop my ‘passion for reading’. Yet. At the very same time, I was ‘writing’ solely through the influence of my maternal grandfather’s insistence that I ‘play a game’ called “Once Upon A Time” — a game that involved world-building and story structure! No action. Just your thoughts and your creativity! I concur with your ability to rise in your growth as a writer – each story I craft I notice stepping-stones of progression that although rather microscopic in size I can see the transformations!
Has your writings always developed out of your dreams? In this way, would you consider yourself a think-writer!? Whereupon your characters and stories stir together through your mind’s eye, traversing the gates of your imagination before you bring them into the present?
Gamber responds:
Wow, I really like that term, “think-writer”. That’s exactly how I would describe my process. I’m rarely ready to sit down to a story without a good lot of pondering, first. I do find that morning time, in between sleeping and being fully awake, to be some of my richest fodder for creating. When I’m starved of that time, I generally suffer for it.
Ahh, yes, I wish I could explain exactly ‘when’ and ‘where’ I first learnt of the expression “think-writer” but ever since the very day a fellow writer imparted the merit of what this term encompasses; I have had the honour and privilege to pass on the term to other writers who create their stories in this manner! It opened a door inside my mind as a way of self-reflection and self-expression of ‘how’ I create and in that truth, I understand a cardinal piece of who I am as a writer. I am thankful that I not only recognised it as a possibility in you (smiles) but that in my mentioning of it you have found it applies to you! I love random joy! No one has quite put into terms my own methodology of writing practice until I read this reply of yours! Its one of the moments in this interview I saw myself looking through a reflection of a mirror and was touched by the blessing of our paths crossing each other!
Do you remember the origins of your passion for epic fantasy? Do you recollect a singular book, author, or character that leapt off the page, and gave you the impression that your heart would be warmed by fantasy evermore!? I am not necessarily asking about your ‘favourite’ or ‘go-to’ author/book, but rather, where the underpinnings of your passion for the genre first developed!?
Gamber responds:
I know exactly what book I was reading when something clicked. I didn’t realize at the time, of course, that it would be considered “fantasy”, I only knew it was a story about kids just like me who got caught up in a supernatural adventure. I realized then that stories didn’t have to be about here, and now, they could be about anything! Anywhere! I decided then that’s what I wanted to figure out how to do. The book, which I still own today, was “The Frightened Forest” by Ann Turnbull. It was a Scholastic Book I ordered through my elementary school back around 1974.
Oh, my dear stars! Books through schools! A programme they had whilst I was growing up a few years following you (as I was in elementary school in the early 80s) which sparked a curiosity inside me! They were called ‘book faires’, where inside the libraries (ironically my grades never had the option to go to the library very often! perhaps too crowded?) on such rare occasions we could go in them to find a long table (several put together into one long line) stacked high with books! I was the cheeky girl (as I was told by the attendants!) who refused to find books ‘in her own age group’! I had special permission to choose a book a good two grades if not more higher than my ‘supposed’ reading age! This is even before I met my 4th grade teacher who helped me find true enjoyment in reading without making it arduous! I had the curiosity, I had the will to read, but I had hurdles! Ironically or naught, my inspiration to write and read fantasy fiction came from two motion pictures (rather than books!): “Pete’s Dragon” and “The Neverending Story”!! (the latter is a book but I didn’t realise this at the time!)
Are there storytellers, artists, musicians, artisans, and other creatives in your family who might have planted the seed for the creative arts in your life from an early age!?
Gamber responds:
My mom is definitely a creative who has always strived for outlets. She was involved in Community Theater and similar pursuits. She loved to sing. She had a box of snippets of writing; stories, I think, and poetry. I didn’t understand the significance at the time, but I remember now how she had enormous bookshelves, always filled, and that many of the books were “how-to’s” for writing. She never talked about it, but I think she wanted to be a writer, too.
I smiled whilst reading about your Mum and her secret dream of being a writer. I have a grandfather in my family who dreamt of being a writer as well, and am thankful I too, have pieces of his writings left behind to not only cherish but to see the beginnings of his own writing life! At first I felt sorrowful that he couldn’t obtain his dream, but then, a part of me reflected that if he hadn’t worked on writings and drawings in his spare time – the legacy of his talents might not have filtered down in my family line! As creativity is one of those rare gifts that is best given through passion and time ignited in harmony. All creatives, whether professional or amateur give back to the greater whole simply by leaving a fingerprint of their creative soul behind for others to find! How lovely you had someone to inspire your own path too!
I learnt in a previous interview you had mentioned that you were ‘a soldier, a secretary, and a Mum’, of which I found fascinating, because writers’ live such dynamically different lives, as the whole of our experiences shape our perceptions and inspire the stories that nestle into our spirits that find their way spilt onto the page! I would well imagine you’d have a lot to draw from given this revelation! First and foremost, thank you for your service, as I always try to give back a bit of gratitude to soldiers’ whenever I can (which is why I volunteer with Soldiers’ Angels), and secondly, my own Mum was a secretary so I know that the fast pace of an office can be such an interesting set-up for diverse characters and personalities! Do you find that people you’ve either interacted with or met have formed the basis of a character of yours?
Gamber responds:
Thank you for appreciating those who serve!
I think everyone I meet, or even observe, has become the basis for any number of my characters. Many of my “why” questions come from meeting or knowing someone whose choices puzzle me. I get to wondering about motivation, about what might have happened in their past to set the framework for their life perception…all that stuff. Those are the good bits that get tucked away into the corners of my mind for me to do my “think-writing”. Somehow, and at some point, from all that pondering, characters are born from it.
Your quite welcome! Its my pleasure and honour to give back to those who give so much to all of us! Little ripples of gratitude I am thankful I can give freely and randomly! Its nice to give a piece of joy to someone who least expects to receive it! I smiled seeing you incorporated your new favourite superlative into this response! I do this as well, but more than naught, not necessarily from ‘people watching’ but rather from environment watching! I get caught up and lost in the small details of everyday hours. Usually attached to my museful eyes peering out into nature through the windows of the car and/or whilst walking in nature. My mind’s eye is free to associate wherever a creative thought wants to take me. I created some lovely poems lost in my daydreams, think-writing in the supreme sense, only to wander back inside to my desk and pen — the words lost and tangled in the thoughts which resumed from whence I returned! I think though seeds of those ramblings etch themselves back into my writing when I least expect them too! Do you find this as well?
Have you ever found your creative voice to take a backseat or absence, whilst you had to live through a particular period of your life?! How did you walk through that time, and what led you back to the pen, so to speak!? IF you’ve never experienced writers’ block, what do you think helped forestall its arrival, in case others’ are worried it could affect them!?
Gamber responds:
There have been long, dry periods in my life when there has been no writing. At all. Sometimes it’s been by choice, thinking my real life needed me to be perfectly present. Other times, I’ve suffered a block, when I haven’t been able to get my thoughts in line to make any kind of sense worth writing. I used to think that people who say, “I write because I have to, or I’ll go crazy!” needed a reality check, because I thought I was able to set aside writing as I needed, if life needed me to, and I was just fine. Becoming older (and hopefully wiser), though, I’m realizing that even during dry periods, whether by choice or by block, I never really stopped processing. That whole “observe life, input questions, fill in the blanks, make character-people” is so much of part of how I live, not just write, that it goes on whether I’m aware of it, or not. Sometimes it’s in full swing, under a bright, blue sky—other times it’s getting smothered, as though I’ve thrown a blanket over it. The more I learn to release the process as a part of who I am, the better I feel. And the stronger I become.
Any time I’ve suffered a block, it hasn’t been my writing that’s stoppered up. It’s me. When I understand that being blocked isn’t a wall, it’s a signal, it helps me find that thing in my life that’s out of alignment. Address that, and the words flow again.
When I first read your response I was partially confused – did I write a longer paragraph of a question than I remembered? OR was Ms. Gamber’s response so bang-on accurate for my own inner reflections that I could not distinguish her voice from my own! It was a brilliantly classic moment of seeing how the writing world is as small as the art world! You tend to seek out and find others’ who create in a manner in which is familiar to your own style as much as you find others’ who write in a different vein. At this moment, I found happiness in seeing another writer I could directly relate too speaking on a subject I could personally attest to being one of my own struggles as much as one of my own transitions! This particular question I asked to better understand what was rather dear to me to know! Thank you for helping me connect the pieces!
I know you’ve referenced your heritage in several interviews, as you disclosed how you passed on the gene for webbed toes to your son, however, I was curious, did your family pass down living histories of generations past!? Mine did, but even with that blessing, my Mum and I are still unearthing family lore and hidden ancestral roots that we could only have dreamt possible a few years ago! Do you find research into your family’s history an enjoyable adventure that sparks ideas of setting, time, place, and locale!? I am starting to find that my own wanderings are encouraging me towards historical fiction, even moreso than my own readings of that branch of literature! Have you uncovered anything particularly smashing to share? For us, it was sorting out that our fabled Civil War Captain was actually bourne of immigrant parents who crossed over from Ireland! Learning about our connections to the Underground Railroad is also rather exciting, but for each piece we recover, we find a labyrinth of questions!
Gamber responds:
Much of my family history is an enigma. Dysfunction has splintered generations; I knew my paternal grandmother, but that’s as far back as any real history I’ve got. However, my dad has done a lot of research on his side of the family, and discovered a whole book written about “The Gentle Johnstones” (that’s my maiden name) and our ancestry from prehistoric Scotland, to Northern Ireland, and into the New World. “Gentle” was meant to be ironic. Apparently they were fiercely territorial! And I remember reading a passage that described their women as just as fierce, and hefty, with big arms that could swing weapons with all the might of their male counterparts. And the men were proud of their women for it. It clicked something in me to read that; a sort of acceptance of myself I hadn’t previously had, because I’m no petite woman. My husband likes to say I’m “strong like bull”. And I’ve fought my whole life against my own body; starving it, punishing it, hating it, wishing I could fit into today’s standard of waif-like beauty. But look at my ancestry! This body has been hundreds of years of genetics in the making, and today’s fads don’t have anything to do with it. I’m healthy and strong, and finally, I’m okay with the way I’m made. My dreams don’t have anything to do with the size of my jeans. Or genes.
Thank you for being fearless, honestly open and forthright in your sharing of such a impactful moment of your life! This is such a powerful and empowering statement of growth and self-acceptance! The connecting ties to your ancestry as much as pulling forward from the annals of time a singular truth which as it was brought forward to the present directly impacted your own self-image and self-confidence! Rock on, Ms. Gamber!
What do you like to do when you decompress from writing!? Do you like to travel, walk in nature, or pick up an interest or pursuit that has to fall by the wayside whilst your either knee-deep in research OR wholly consumed by the current story at hand!?
Gamber responds:
I love nature, nature, nature. The more I’m in it, the better I feel, and the more fuel I have for more writing. My husband has a love for motorcycles, and when he finally talked me into riding on one with him, I accidentally discovered I loved it! I get to be up close and personal with nature, all over the place! I love to be with trees, and to touch them and smell them, and to hear them shimmying about in the wind.
By Jupiter’s moons, I could not agree with you more! Every daring chance I get to resume my sojourn in nature, I take the chance! Even the day before this interview went live I had a small window of where I could take a walkabout drinking in the Wintry breezes, clean air, and lumbering stillness of the natural world. I stumbled across a lazy alligator (a baby by all counts!) rolling through the drifting waves of the lake-shore as he ambled along to a berm! His entire countenance was of ease, tranquility, and joy. You could barely make out the essence of his head above the surface of the water, whilst his tail haphazardly appeared every so many feet strokes! (alligators tend to swim by dog-paddling using their tail as rudders!) Off in the distance as the crow flies was a lovely elegant White Egret who took flight just as I was dipping around a corner as the softest blue sky you ever did see was shrunken from sight due to the foliage of the forest obscuring its view! Do you know trees speak to you? I would love one day to visit a tree long enough to hear its whispers! My favourite embrace of a tree was given at a Welcome Station in New England as I met the biggest tree of my years and simply had to give the tree a big ole bear hug! I never fail to acknowledge the gentle lullings and movings of trees as the winds shift through their branches,… absolute bliss if you ask me!
I read in a previous interview that you took up knitting, (back in 2011), have you continued this pursuit as you were lamenting that you weren’t sure if you were going to improve OR simply enjoy the mediated repetitiveness that knitting can provide? I speak as a novice knitter, who took up the needles herself, infused with yarny dreams in the Spring of 2009, and can actually assert she can ‘cast on’ in 2013! As previously, I had to have a bit of assistance, as I was better at the ‘stitches’ than I was at beginning the casting! I celebrate each milestone I achieve, as I find knitting to be my balm in the sea of life! If you continued to pursue it, do you have a favourite type of yarn or pattern?
Gamber responds:
I do still pick up knitting here and there, in fits and spurts, and usually have to re-learn again each time I want to make something. I love wool, and the wool blends of today that make it softer and practical for washing. As an extremely tactile person, yarn is such a boon for my creative senses. When it comes to really decompressing, from writing or otherwise, the best of both worlds is to knit outside. An ideal life would be a front porch rocking chair, looking out onto leafy mountains, with soft yarn in my hands.
To borrow a sentiment of knitting from my Mum (whose my knitting soul sister!), the textural joy of threading natural fibers through your fingers is both a blessing and a blissful joy of comfort! I was like you for most of the years since my first cast-on project – constantly having to re-learn and be re-taught how to do everything. I tend to be the tortoise in the room, where I might take a bit to pick up something I am learning but then, I reach the stage where I even surprise myself, tucking my skirts into a rhythm of knowledge that flows freely through my fingers! My Mum put it best when she said working with wool and natural fibers (she and I adore alpaca and baby llama!) is such a tactile love of happiness! Ohh, I want to live inside your dream as to where to ‘knit’ and ‘be’.
Have you always been a tea drinker!? I read in one of your interviews (from 2012) that you’ve mastered the art and delicacy for making homemade green tea lattes! I find this wicked sweet, as I, myself, have started to make green chai infused tea lattes with almond-coconut milk! My journey towards incorporating natural medicines, green and herbal teas started in my early twenties. Nowadays, although I do indulge in a sinfully smooth coffee latte, my favourite is still soaking into the aroma of a tea latte! I have found that this can change per region (whilst on my travels I noted this!), as I had a Dragonwell Tea Misto in Fargo, North Dakota, but to interpret this in the Southeast I nearly found it impossible to duplicate without confrontation! Have you noticed differences in tea culture as well!? And, do you still continue to match tea with books?
Gamber responds:
Your green chai sounds delectable! I do enjoy almond and coconut, both. I find that tea culture seems to be spreading throughout the U.S. of late, with even grocery stores carrying a far wider selection than they ever used to. The advent of online shopping has brought all sorts of teas into anyone’s home; it’s so great! I do see the tea cultures, though, in differing regions, and I enjoy experiencing it that way. I still have a lovely website for my Booktasting (www.book-tasting.com)* although it has been a while since I’ve added new content. I have a bookshelf of books awaiting their tea pairing! It’s still one of my favorite hobbies.
*Am not certain the website is active at the moment. I could not get it to launch. Am checking on it!
It is quite delectable! All you need to do is put in 3 mugfuls of almond-coconut milk (it comes in a blended form in the refrigerated milk section?) into a medium saucepan, turn the heat up a bit, and place the green chai tea bags (or you can use loose tea if you happen to have them!) inside one of those tea steepers? I used to have the metal ones which clasp to where you can have them bob or sink depending? I could not find those for the life of me, so I took out our mesh steeper which has a ‘loose fitting top’ and placed that in the center of the saucepan? I turnt up the heat ever so slightly (so not to curdle the milk!) until the temperature reached perfection. I steeped it for approx. four minutes or so, as I used three tea bags once the temperature of the milk was level! You simply remove the steeper and pour the decadent liquid into your favourite mug! Enjoy the cuppa!! I put the footnote on your website as at the time of this interview posting I could not get the url to go live? :(
What is the one thing that readers might be surprised to learn about you, that you haven’t previously disclosed in an interview!?
Gamber responds:
I can moonwalk! Yes, like Michael Jackson. Also, I can do a pretty darn good robot. I’ve been doing the robot as a dance since before it really became one
Loved your response here! That’s the coolest thing you could say as I love how unexpected and wickedly brilliant the answer truly is!
If you could change any part of your life, would you take the steps to make a radical change OR have you already arrived at the place by which you hoped to be!?
Gamber responds:
I’ve definitely taken steps to make radical changes in my life. I’ve always endeavored to not let fears and anxieties keep me from pursuing the things I really want (even though I don’t always manage it the first or second try. If worrying burned calories, I’d be Kate Moss). But I also believe the moment I believe I’ve “already arrived”, I’ve stopped growing. Living. I’ve still got plenty of steps to take!
You and me both on this level! I am in a season of transition and I think whilst these occur in our lives, we have to live through our faith as a guiding source of courage! Life is best lived when we embrace the risks that alter our stars in the best ways possible! Generally speaking, the serendipitous nature of change can affect our lives in such creatively curious ways, that the journey becomes an adventure in being mindful of the hidden paths are feet will walk in order to arrive where we are meant to be! The time in which we find ourselves where we are going is not always when we perceive ourselves to arrive but rather, we are led to where we are needed at the time that is right. None of us are ever fully grown until the day the world offers us no inspiration, curiosity, or a healthy thirst for adventure! May our hearts always be open to the unexpected and embrace all the seasons that life will bring us. For knowledge arrives in gentle whispers whilst we are making plans that may not be meant to transpire!
Jackie Gamber is the award-winning author of many short stories, screenplays, and novels, including “Redheart” and “Sela”, Books One and Two of the Leland Dragon Series, as well as the upcoming Book Three of the series, “Reclamation.” For more information about Jackie and her mosaic mind, visit http://www.jackiegamber.com
Thank you, Ms. Gamber for dropping by Jorie Loves A Story today! And, thank you to Mr. Zimmer for making this Interview possible as a bookend to my review of “Redheart”!! Ms. Gamber I was humbled and honoured to not only have you here today on my blog, but to peer into a window of a writer’s life which mirrored my own! The little murmurings of our synchronicity made me smile as wide as the moon! I am forevermore grateful that our paths have crossed in this way, as you truly touched me by your ability not only to be earnestly honest in your answers, but share such an intimate view into who you are as a woman, a writer, a nature-loving soul, and as a creative! My heart is full of gratitude which is overflowing! Please leave a note for the author if you have anything you’d like to say or ask!
Be sure to catch the first half of this showcase:
Jorie reviews “Redheart“, Book One of the Leland Dragon series!
This interview was made possible by Seventh Star Press! They have my full gratitude!
{NOTE: There is no affiliation with Amazon and Jorie Loves A Story,
the link to the author’s page was provided by the author herself.}
Similar to blog tours, when I feature a showcase for an author via a Guest Post, Q&A, Interview, etc., I do not receive compensation for featuring supplemental content on my blog.
I decided to include this for:
as I simply want to spread the joy of this interview!
{SOURCES: Cover art of “Redheart” by Matthew Perry and Jackie Gamber’s photograph were all provided by Tomorrow Comes Media and used with permission. Seventh Star Press logo badge provided by Seventh Star Press and used with permission. Post dividers were provided by Shabby Blogs, who give bloggers free resources to add personality to their blogs. Author Interview badge provided by Parajunkee to give book bloggers definition on their blogs. Jorie submitted her Questions to Mr. Zimmer, who forwarded them to Ms. Gamber, for which she replied in earnest. Jorie was grateful to have this opportunity to interview her. “That Friday Blog Hop” badge was provided by XOXO Rebecca!}
Acquired Book By: I was selected to be a stop on the second blog book tour for “Gracianna” hosted by Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours. I received a complimentary copy of “Gracianna” in exchange for an honest review by the author Trini Amador. I was thankful to be placed on the tour as I was able to not only able to read the book but interview the author! I did not receive compensation for my opinions or thoughts shared herein.
Author Biography:
Trini Amador vividly remembers the day he found a loaded German Luger tucked away in a nightstand while wandering through his great-grandmother’s home in Southern California. He was only four years old at the time, but the memory remained and he knew he had to explore the story behind the gun. This experience sparked a journey towards Gracianna, Amador’s debut novel, inspired by true events and weaving reality with imagination. It’s a tale drawing from real-life family experiences.
Mr. Amador is a traveled global marketing “insighter.” He is a sought-after guru teaching multinational brand marketers to understand how customer and consumer segments behave based on their needs, values, motivations, feeling and values. He has trained over five thousand brand marketers on how to grow brands in over 20 countries in the last 15 years. His counseling has been valued at global brands including General Electric, Microsoft, AT&T, Yahoo!, Sun Microsystems, Google, Jack Daniel’s, The J.M. Smucker Co., DuPont, Mattel, and Rodale, Inc..
Amador is also a founding partner with his wife and children of Gracianna Winery, an award-winning winery located in Healdsburg, California. The winery also pays tribute to the Amador Family’s maternal grandmother, Gracianna Lasaga. Her message of being thankful lives on through them. The Gracianna winery strives to keep Gracianna’s gratitude alive through their wine. Learn more at: www.gracianna.com, like Gracianna Winery on Facebook or follow them on Twitter @GraciannaWinery.
Amador resides in Sonoma County with his family.
Synopsis of Gracianna:
The gripping story of Gracianna–a French-Basque girl forced to make impossible decisions after being recruited into the French Resistance in Nazi-occupied Paris.
Gracianna is inspired by true events in the life of Trini Amador’s great-grandmother, Gracianna Lasaga. As an adult, Amador was haunted by the vivid memory of finding a loaded German Luger tucked away in a nightstand while wandering his great-grandmother’s home in Southern California. He was only four years old at the time, but the memory remained and he knew he had to explore the story behind the gun.
Decades later, Amador would delve into the remarkable odyssey of his Gracianna’s past, a road that led him to an incredible surprise. In Gracianna, Amador weaves fact and fiction to tell his great-grandmother’s story.
Gracianna bravely sets off to Paris in the early 1940s–on her way to America, she hopes–but is soon swept into the escalation of the war and the Nazi occupation of Paris. After chilling life-and-death struggles, she discovers that her missing sister has surfaced as a laborer in Auschwitz. When she finds an opportunity to fight back against the Nazis to try to free her sister, she takes it–even if it means using lethal force.
As Amador tells the imagined story of how his great-grandmother risked it all, he delivers richly drawn characters and a heart-wrenching page-turner that readers won’t soon forget.
As the Story Opens:
Amador reflects on his childhood discovery which launched him on a lifelong journey towards unraveling the truth behind his great-grandmother Gracianna. This innocent look into a young boy’ s childhood find of a German gun gives a pointed insight into Gracianna herself who even in this memory had a formidable presence. Upon recollecting her early years, he made a choice to focus not only on her hard work ethic but to give a light on her ability to realise how important knowledge and learning is to a person’s life; through her passion for reading. She was proud of her language (the Basque) due to its uniqueness as compared to the surrounding languages of the Spanish, French, and Portuguese. I noted this as a nodding towards her self-reflection of her self-identity and how interesting it is that she wanted to hold onto a language that might have been passed over for a more commonly spoken one by another.
The pacing of Amador’s narrative reads and asserts itself as a biographical fiction piece which is an ingenious way of writing a non-fiction story (i.e. biography or memoir) with the inclusions of painting in the in-between moments of a person’s lived life with a familiar resonance to where a reader can walk alongside rather than trudge through a straight-up recollection of dates. He walks between his own tellings of her life and borrowing from metaphoric and mythological stories of ancient truths. He chooses to paint his great-grandmother’s life in point-of-face and point-of-fact accuracy of bone-chilling realism that is at times gutting and emotionally convicting. The imagery is not always easy to drink in but neither is the life she lived an easy path to endure.
Her formidable training taking her from girlhood to womanhood (after her mother’s death) was due to the stability and presence of the imposing Anastasia. One begs to wonder if through this relationship, Gracianna formulated her own persona and identity as a reflection of Anastasia. Anastasia was Ann’s mother, making her Gracianna’s maternal grandmother. Proving that she comes from a lineage of strong women who endure as a living testament and legacy to those of whom they lose in death.
My Review of Gracianna:
The story of Gracianna’s life is pivoted against a brief re-telling of her ancestral roots and beginnings of her enriched life as a descendant of the Basque from the Pyrenees. (on the border of France and Spain) As Amador disclosed his great-grandmother’s ability to walk and read in harmony, I was drawn to think back on my own life where I would do the same during my school years as my head was always cast inside of a book whilst walking to and from class. She shifted from childhood into adulthood during harrowing personal tragedies which became an epoch of trauma and loss for her family. At the moment she lost her mother, she had to be reminded about who she was and how strong she was as despite her fortitude she lost her footing at the death of her mother. A fracture of her spirit was repaired by the family members who stood beside her and reminded her of who she was and of where she came. This rooted her ability to carry-on and proceed forward at a time when she didn’t feel motivated to do so.
My mind had trouble staying in tow with the story of Gracianna due to the overwhelming disconnects that ensue as you watch her life unfold. One moment she’s endearing to the point of humbling a graceful measure of humanity in every action she takes and on the next page, it’s as though this Gracianna your heart is rooting for is replaced by a stranger you have not yet met. I reflected that this could be due to the author’s stop-and-go writing process as he wrote Gracianna’s story whilst traveling for his work’s intense schedule. It’s almost as though he resumed the story without realising he had started a piece of it in a different vein of thought. I can sympathise with his situation but as a reader, it’s a bit difficult to work through as your second-guessing who Gracianna really is. His thoughts were being pulled in too many different directions for the story to fuse together properly. As the story proceeds, I began to wonder if Gracianna’s greater legacy would have been better off told through a collection of antidotes and short missives of life lessons rather than through a novel where her essence becomes entangled and muddled.
On wine and story-telling:
Originally I had wanted to select a hearty choice of red wine as my preferences are Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, however I surprised myself by settling on Sangria! Sweet. Robust. Flowery. My choice of wine I felt would match well with a story of Gracianna as she originally came from a region of where there was a fusion of wine, story-telling, and living life with passion infused into everyday living. I occasionally admit that rather than pairing a book with a cuppa tea or a steamingly smooth coffee latte, I opt instead for a smooth glass of wine! Whether the atmospheric murmurings of the story about to be read is the inspiration or the pure indulgence of being an adult who can relax into a story with a subtle nod to the novel at large, makes reading a blissful adventure for me! Being that the author owns a vineyard it only felt fitting that I make a selection to pour a bit of decadence into a rose-hued glass goblet and have it accompany me on my journey into his début!
Fly in the Ointment:
Despite the flawless words of the author in recounting Gracianna’s young life, he failed to include the formidable years between eight and seventeen. It’s a shame we were not privy to more details of her young life. This exclusion jutted me out of the context of the story momentarily as it felt as though the story shifted forward without a proper segue to account for the loss of years. Perhaps this was due to a lack of information of the years in question, in which I can fully accept and understand. However, there wasn’t a footnote to guide the reader. There is a passage on page 12 which takes a detour from the Gracianna who is first introduced to us in the opening pages (as much as being included in his interview), where she is now painted as a humbled, caring, and empathic woman. I found this a bit out of step with her character as she was previously introduced as a hardened, slightly embittered, over-bearing grandmother. The juxtaposition feels a bit unrealistic to me either due to two reflections of the same woman or of a grandson unsure of which personality his grandmother was the truer one of the two. The disconnect truly stems from his interview answer in which he describes her as quick-tempered, stubborn, and controlling. If this was a woman whose personality shifted due to her life experiences I would have preferred this to be explained in the text as her life is described for the reader to drink in and accept.
My honest feeling in this last regard is that the story was rushed to print too quickly and needed a bit more time to become polished and absorbed into being. Amador has brilliant moments of flucidity in which he writes with heart and soul. Unfortunately, his pen undermined his passion to bring her story forward in the light I believe he was attempting to place her.
Inspired to Share: I truly had expected this story to wrap around my heart and not let me go. As you watch this book trailer, the story in the heart of the premise unfolds before you as Amador narrates his grandmother’s story. However, I was unfortunately unable to fully conceive his vision of the story as I couldn’t connect with the context as it was presented in Gracianna.
{SOURCES: Cover art of “Gracianna” as well as Trini Amador’s photograph and biography, the blog tour badge, and the logo banner for HFVBT were all provided by Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours and used with permission. The book trailer by Greenleaf Book Group had either URL share links or coding which made it possible to embed this media portal to this post, and I thank them for the opportunity to share more about this novel and the author who penned it. Blog tour badge provided by Parajunkee to give book bloggers definition on their blogs. Post dividers by Fun Stuff for Your Blog via Pure Imagination.}