Book Spotlight | Featuring notes by Jorie and an extract from “Starting Over at Acorn Cottage” by Kate Forster

Posted Saturday, 21 March, 2020 by jorielov , , , 0 Comments

Books in the Spotlight banner created by Jorie in Canva.

Hallo, Hallo dear hearts!

I am wicked delighted to be featuring a lovely #newtomeauthor today – as I recently had the chance to select quite a few Head of Zeus and Aria Fiction novelists to be spotlighting throughout the Spring months this year – wherein I was rather delighted finding so many keenly interesting stories to start seeking out to read! These are stories which dance between Romance & Women’s Fiction – from Contemporary to Historical settings. Being an avid reader of these genres I couldn’t miss the chance to bring the JOY of discovering these lovely authors to my readers of Jorie Loves A Story!

It is my intention to start requesting these novels via my local library if they are not available in audio formats via Scribd. At the moment my library is experiencing an unprecedented sabbatical on requests which put me in a bit of a pickle as I’m an active patron whose constantly requesting purchases every month – which is why I’m simply saving my queue lists and will turn them in once the services resume. For now at least – I can champion the discoveries and the joy of finding the stories whilst hosting the blog tours!

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Why I wanted to host a spotlight & extract
for “Starting Over at Acorn Cottage”:

As the founder and host of @SatBookChat – I am constantly seeking to find new stories featuring strong women in the centre of Romance & Women’s Fiction. I read an equal amount of Contemporary and Historical stories within these genres of interest whilst encompassing all the lovely sub-niches of their literary styles as well. This New Year 2020 I am also seeking out Feminist Lit which celebrates the kind of stories I am enjoying to discover as well. All of which I try to champion and showcase in the chats I host on Saturdays – wherein writers, readers, book reviewers, book bloggers and the rest of the bookish community on Twitter get to engage with one another. Thereby as a regular reader of these stories I was delighted to find a #newtomeauthor to start seeking out to read!

I *definitely!* feel drawn to plots which evolve through a lens of ‘new beginnings and second chances’ – there is a lot of hope inside those kinds of stories. Especially of how characters are striving to seek a different way of life and/or want to find a way to restart their path somewhere else. Having had the joys of living in different environments throughout my life – knowing the excitement of a high paced city and the slower pacing of a country setting – I can attest there is a bit of unexpected reprieve in being able to find yourself ‘elsewhere’ than where you might expect to find happiness. As both settings provide their own joys but its the loveliness of exchanging one for the other where you can discover the most about yourself.

*laughs!* I also have a soft spot for stories which remind me of “Under the Tuscan Sun” – where there is this seemingly *large!* reno project that is going to take half of forever to resolve and as you’re watching the character go through those hours & moments, life has resumed for them in uniquely different ways. It is the ending of that film (which yes, I realise was a book as well but I never read it) which has the best capstone of the story – how even when you think you’re life hasn’t resolved in a way you had projected or hoped – things have a way of being brought into your life in a way which renews your faith in serendipity. Which is the best way I can describe the ending without having it spoilt for someone who hasn’t yet seen it!

Reading the premise of this novel feels like a cuppa of comfort – just to tuck close to Clara and observe how she’s going to react to all the unexpected joys awaiting her as she undertakes the renovation of the cottage which of course most likely will serve as a renovation of her life!

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Did I grab your eye and attention?

Sound like the kind of bookish read you’ve been needing?

Be sure to brew your favourite cuppa and enjoy this extract from the novel.

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Book Spotlight | Featuring notes by Jorie and an extract from “Starting Over at Acorn Cottage” by Kate ForsterStarting Over At Acorn Cottage
by Kate Forster

Buying a thatched cottage in the country may not be the usual cure for a broken heart. But after Clara Maxwell finds out her boyfriend and best friend have been sneaking around behind her back, packing her bags and leaving everything in London behind feels like it's the only way forward.

Clara knew Acorn Cottage would be a fixer-upper... Yet in person, the cottage is less charmingly ramshackle and more a real health and safety concern. When Henry Garnett, her (rather handsome) new contractor, turns up with his little daughter Pansy and a van shaped like a cottage in tow, she isn't sure whether to laugh or cry. What on earth has she gotten herself into?!

Still, there is something strangely lovable about the people in the little village of Merryknowe, from Rachel Brown, the quiet, lonely girl who bakes magical confections for the tearooms, to Tassie McIver, a little old lady with a lot of wisdom and a penchant for reading tea leaves. And Clara can't deny that Henry and Pansy are quickly worming their way into her heart...

With all the heartbreak of the year behind her, could Acorn Cottage be the fresh start Clara so desperately wants?

Genres: Contemporary (Modern) Fiction (post 1945), Women's Fiction

Places to find the book:

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Also by this author: Finding Love at Mermaid Terrace

Published by Aria Fiction

on 19th March, 2020

Published By: Aria Fiction (@Aria_Fiction)
a Digital First imprint of Head of Zeus (@HoZ_Books)

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Available Formats: This is a Digital First Release

Converse via: #StartingOverAtAcornCottage, #Contemporary #WomensFictionFun Stuff for Your Blog via Read More


Posted Saturday, 21 March, 2020 by jorielov in Blog Tour Host, Book | Novel Extract, Book Spotlight of E-Book (ahead of POD/print edition), Head of Zeus, Women's Fiction

#FuellYourSciFi Series Spotlight | featuring an Extract and Notes by Jorie about the Suzy Spitfire series by Joe Canzano

Posted Friday, 20 March, 2020 by jorielov , , , 1 Comment

Stories in the Spotlight banner created by Jorie in Canva.

What truly attracted me to read #SuzySpitfire:

I’ve been battling my health off/on since Autumn – specifically in a weird alternating war with my migraines & month-long colds (uniquely enough!) wherein as soon as I *knew!* Spring was about to descend on my region of the country (as the robins in the area sent up the signal of acknowledging that directly!) – a telling truth emerged, my horrid pollen allergies were going to flare and be the ‘new bane’ of my contention! Not the best year for experiencing them either (if you catch my drift) as no one is going to say “ooh wow – sorry for your *allergies!*” as they’re going to think I have something entirely different; *le sigh*.

Whilst this weird dance between migraines & colds was occupying the past six months of my life I was truly struggling as a reader to just *connect!* to stories, enjoy the books as they were coming into my postbox to review and otherwise find contended joy in the adventures of reading. My whole rhythm of reading was simply ‘off’ and I was at a proper loss how to restablised it! The #JaneAustensDragons series helped a wee bit in that regard and a few other stories as well – however, I was hoping that I’d have more ‘good days’ reading than feeling either horridly fatigued or just disinterested in picking up a book.

The turnround started coming when I became an influencer for both the Once Upon A Book Club and the Crime Fiction Book Box companies as let’s face it – for a reader whose experiencing a downspin rut of interest, #bookmail is one surefire way to reignite her JOY. Its the beauty of the unexpected and the fact I was a correspondent via postal mail for most of my life – there is just sheer #randomJOY in receiving (and of course, sending!) mail – I just get giddy over opening parcels & letters alike! And, in a smaller way #WitchAThon and #MiddleGradeMarch have become balms to my weathered soul.

I heart #SciFiMonth | #RRSciFiMonth every November – but the last several years have been a bit of a mixed bag for me. Mostly as my migraines seem to derail *all!* efforts to read the stories I’ve selected for the month (see also this annoucement from 2019 wherein I barely touched the surface of what I disclosed) which is why I’m trying to start reading Sci Fi outside of November this year! (big smirks)

To be perfectly transparent – I was in the mood for an unlikely heroine adventuring in outer space and taking me on an adventure I didn’t realise I *needed!* in my life! lol A bit like how seeing “Star Trek: Enterprise” recently filled a need as well – we’ve just finished the fourth year and are saddened for the loss of episodes – except for 3x, one we skipped (the Detroit one) and two were just too weird for words to describe and had zero bearing on the series as a whole! (“through a glass darkly” – the mirror universe duology) I wanted to read a series COMPLETELY outside my zone of comfort – I wanted to tuck into her story and just have this wicked wild ride of reading a book which would give me a healthy respite from my backlogue, my illnesses and of course, the weight of current events! And, blessedly dear hearts – #SuzySpitfire filled that void for me!

As soon as I happily read the pitch about this series by Kimberly @ Caffeniated PR, I just *knew!* I had to sign on to spotlight #SuzySpitfire! This also marks my first blog tour with her blog touring company and I couldn’t be happier! I look forward to continuing my adventure with Suzy Spitfire this weekend but for now, let’s take a bit of a closer look at what you can expect to find in the sequel “Suzy Spitfire and the Snake Eyes of Venus!” – by the by, is it me or does this series have the most brilliant titles!?

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#FuellYourSciFi Series Spotlight | featuring an Extract and Notes by Jorie about the Suzy Spitfire series by Joe CanzanoSuzy Spitfire Kills And the Snake Eyes of Venus (Spotlight)
by Joe Canzano
Source: Author via Caffeinated PR

When outlaw Suzy Spitfire flies to Venus in search of a vicious serial killer, she’s looking for the road to redemption—but instead, she quickly becomes involved in a gang war, a revolution, and a desperate attempt to protect a young girl from a violent fate. Join Suzy Spitfire and her friends for another wild ride through the solar system!

*NOTE:* This is the second Suzy Spitfire novel but works as a standalone.

Genres: Action & Adventure Fiction, Science Fiction, Space Opera

Places to find the book:

Add to LibraryThing

ISBN: 978-0990636588

Also by this author: Suzy Spitfire Kills Everybody

Also in this series: Suzy Spitfire Kills Everybody

Published by Happy Joe Control Books

on 26th January, 2020

Format: POD | Print On Demand Paperback

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The suzy spitfire series:

Suzy Spitfire Kills Everybody (book one)

Suzy Spitfire And the Snake Eyes of Venus (book two)

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Published by: Happy Joe Control Books

Formats Available: Trade Paperback and Ebook

Converse on Twitter via: #SuzySpitfire, #ScienceFiction or #JoeCanzano

About Joe Canzano

Joe Canzano

Joe Canzano is a writer and musician. He lives in New Jersey, U.S.A., in a house with a basement where he usually stays. Occasionally he leaves the basement and visits the kitchen.

He likes to write absurd comic fantasy and fun science fiction.

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Posted Friday, 20 March, 2020 by jorielov in Blog Tour Host, Book | Novel Extract, Book Spotlight, Caffeniated PR, Indie Author, Science Fiction, Space Opera, Speculative Fiction

Author Interview | In conversation discussing Titanic and setting a #HistRom inside the historical background of its living history as we converse about Jina Bacarr’s newest Historical novel “The Runaway Girl”!

Posted Thursday, 19 March, 2020 by jorielov , , , 0 Comments

Conversations with the Bookish badge created by Jorie in Canva

Hallo, Hallo dear hearts!

At the close of [2019] I had the pleasure of JOY reading a delightful war drama entitled “Christmas Once Again” – this was a time travelling Historical Romance wherein the method of travel was through the component of a ‘train’. I joyfully talked extensively about this during my #SatBookChat whilst I happily also engaged with my readers talking about the finer points of what made this Historical Romance such a beautifully evocative read! Meanwhile – it was a wicked sweet joy to highlight today’s new release “The Runaway Girl” on my #TopTenTuesday List for Most Anticipated Reads for 2020.

When it comes to reading Historical Romances – I happen to *love!* when a writer captures the truer heart and atmosphere ‘behind’ the romance wherein we get to peer into History’s window and seek out the era of the age in which these characters are alive. We get to understand the breadth of their living realities whilst gaining a foothold into how they are living their lives with the shadow of historical events behind them. Whenever a writer can intersect History with a compelling realistic #HistRom, I am definitely the kind of reader who is oft in search of their collective works because I want to consistently reside in their stories!

This is why when I first learnt about “Christmas Once Again” & “The Runaway Girl” – I knew I wanted those to be purchase requests at my local library. Not just for the joy of my own readerly pleasures but to help other patrons in my local community find inspiration out of a story I personally *loved!* absorbing! You see, I didn’t just read “Christmas Once Again” – I felt convinced I had stepped through its theshold and lived those hours as if I had inhabited the characters directly. I love feeling that pull of narrative – where you are so wholly engaged into a story it doesn’t feel fictional but a realistic impression of a life which is still being lived. Literature is powerful that way and whenever you can find Historical voices of the craft pulling us into the windows of where history and human interest stories can intersect is a wicked wonderful way to spend your readerly hours!

Thus, when I first hear a whispering about “The Runaway Girl” – of how this story was anchoured to Titanic and my own literary and science interest in Titanic – as I loved learning the real-life story of how Titanic was discovered on the ocean floor and the journey of its recovery – I knew immediately that I wanted to live inside this new novel! There is something alluring about Titanic – not the tragedy of how everyone died but how hard they fought to survive – how even in the direness of their hours as the sinking was erasing the calm of where they felt they would be embarking on a new life abroad was instead replacing it with a darkness of uncertainity – they still rallied, they fought the ocean and they tried to make peace with their fate.

At least this is what I observed and understood whilst researching Titanic and of having taking the walking exhibit where I had a third class ticket where someone had gone down with the ship. It was a harrowing walk through because of the way they told the story but also how they left you with haunting reminders of the fragilty of our lives and the uncertain balance of how we all are living with uncertain futures. A sombering contemplation on a good year and a intuitive one during a world crisis.

There is so much I love about the premise of “The Runaway Girl” and it is a pleasure of absolute for me to host my final blog tour hosted by the publisher Boldwood Books to go out with a bit of a signal boost on this novel and a wicked engaging conversation with Ms Bacarr – wherein through our conversation you’ll find notations about the story, her process of writing and the allure of Historical Fiction by a writer as bemused about her own stories & characters as the reader behind Jorie Loves A Story!

This marks my third of three featured posts I’ve be sharing on behalf of Boldwood Books this Spring, 2020. I recently interviewed Jessica Redland on behalf of her Whitsborough Bay series as well as having featured Rosie Clarke to begin this series.

Brew yourself a lovely cuppa

and journey back to Titanic with us today as we uncover “The Runaway Girl”!

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The stories I’m keenly intrigued & excited about by Ms Bacarr:

Christmas Once Again by Jina BacarrThe Runaway Girl by Jina Bacarr

Christmas Once Again (see also Review)

The Runaway Girl (listed as one of my Top Anticipated Reads of 2020!)

Published by: Boldwood Books (@BoldwoodBooks)

Available Formats: Trade Paperback, Audiobook and Ebook

Converse via: #HistoricalRomance or #HistRom
as well as #Titanic and #JinaBacarr

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Posted Thursday, 19 March, 2020 by jorielov in Blog Tour Host, Book | Novel Extract, Book Spotlight, Historical Fiction, Historical Romance, Romance Fiction

Book Spotlight | featuring an author Q&A with Jessica Redland about her Whitsborough Bay series! Including audio extracts from Books 2-4!

Posted Tuesday, 17 March, 2020 by jorielov , , , , , , 1 Comment

Stories in the Spotlight banner created by Jorie in Canva.

Hallo, Hallo dear hearts!

As you know, I love reading Romance & Women’s Fiction stories – I like to hug into series as well which allow you to get to know the characters of a small towne setting wherein you get to interact with everyone in the community and have a lovely feel for the towne itself. Settings like those are amongst my favourites because of the community atmosphere and the ways in which the community itself will band together whenever someone needs assistance. I also like seeing how interconnected small townes are and of course, the natural environs which are surrounding them.

When it comes to this particular series – what first drew me towards wanting to interview the author is the fact it is set near water as those townes are especially keen to visit in stories as the whole sequencing of time is at a different pace than one that would normally be the rhythm of a series set round a larger city. I definitely wanted to ask about how the writer wrote the finer points of the setting – how we might even recognise the IRL towne it is named after and is thereby a composite setting of where people actually live whilst trying to gain a bit of an overview of the series, too.

I’d be curious to learn what kinds of series within either Romance or Women’s Fiction draws your eye when it comes to Contemporaries and what gets you excited if a towne is set by the sea? Is it the setting itself, the pace of living or something more imploring about small towne life that draws you into these kinds of stories overall?

You’ll find extracts from three of the stories in this series attached to this post – which cleverly are not text extracts but rather extracts being featured via YT. These are taken from the audiobook editions of the novels and give you a bit of a glimpse at the narrator’s style of performance whilst also giving you a bit of a sampler of the stories themselves.

This marks my second of three featured posts I’ll be sharing on behalf of Boldwood Books this Spring, 2020. I will be interviewing Jina Bacarr on behalf of her new release “The Runaway Girl” which is dramatic Historical set round Titanic (listed as one of my most anticipated reads for 2020) as well as having featured Rosie Clarke to begin this series.

Brew yourself a lovely cuppa

and enjoy what is revealled about the Whitsborough Bay series!

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Whitsborough Bay series:

Making Wishes at Bay View (book one)

New Beginnings at Seaside Blooms (book two)

Finding Hope at Lighthouse Cove (book three)

Coming Home to Seashell Cottage (book four)

Published by: Boldwood Books (@BoldwoodBooks)

Available Formats: Trade Paperback, Audiobook and Ebook

Converse via: #ContemporaryRomance or #WomensFiction
as well as #WhitsboroughBay and #JessicaRedland

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Posted Tuesday, 17 March, 2020 by jorielov in Blog Tour Host, Book | Novel Extract, Book Spotlight, Historical Fiction, Historical Romance, Romance Fiction

Stories of Jorie | feat. #CrimeFictionBox | The story of how Jorie became an influencer for a second book subscription box!

Posted Friday, 13 March, 2020 by jorielov , , 2 Comments

Stories of Jorie Banner created by Jorie in Canva using photography. (Creative Commons Zero)

Hallo, Hallo dear hearts!

If you’re following me on Twitter, you might have already noticed there is a bit of a changing of the guard so to speak happening with my Twitter Profile today! You might feel like you’ve read that declaration *already!* – and you would be correct! I previously made this same announcement when I announced I’m a new partner and influencer for the #OnceUponABookClubBox!

You might also remember during one of my recent #TheSundayPost – I made a small footnote notation about having some wicked #awesomesauce news to SHARE!? This would be it dear hearts! I had an unexpected opportunity arrive through a bit of serendipity recently *and!* today, on Friday, the 13th no less – I can share it!! Eek.

As previously stated I never had the chance to subscribe to a book subscription service – however, I do maintain a list of these lovelies on Twitter.  I came across Julie Valarie’s website whilst responding to past comments on Jorie Loves A Story wherein she referenced the Once Upon A Book Club, though at the time I hadn’t realised she was the featured author for the December 2019 box! This was how I stumbled across an invite to become an influencer & VIP Team member for the Once Upon A Book Club!

Now fast forward – March began on better footing than February ended because I was finally within the last week of a horrid cold I caught mid-month. It was the kind of cold where I couldn’t read nor listen to audiobooks (due to extremely sore ears!) and otherwise, was just hoping March would be a kind month without adding to my recent grievances with an early onset of Spring (pollen) allergies. *knock on wood* The pollen is being kept at bay and that works smashing for me! Read More


Posted Friday, 13 March, 2020 by jorielov in #bookclubVIP, #CrimeFictionBox, Book Subscription Boxes