Acquired Samplers By:
Chapter Samplers for her Contemporary Romance “Love Overcomes” was provided for free download by the author, Angela Schroeder via her Smashwords Author’s Page. The samplers are complimentary of the author, Ms Schroeder to encourage readers to become familiar with her writing style for Contemporary Romance ahead of purchase. I was not obligated to post a review nor share my opinions of the chapter samplers I downloaded; as I elected to do this for my own edification. I did not receive compensation for my opinions or thoughts shared herein.
I was selected to be a tour stop on the “Love Overcomes” book blitz through Lola’s Blog Tours. I did not receive compensation for my opinions or thoughts shared herein.
Inspired to Read:
If you spend a bit of time with me on Jorie Loves A Story, you’ll find a heap of commentary on my bookish blog reflecting my hybrid readings and adventures taking me across literary divides whilst enveloping me inside both mainstream and INSPY markets. It is quite the happy day when you can discover not only a ‘new-to-me’ author but one who knits together a sweeter side of a genre I personally have loved for absolute ages!
I love relationship-based Romances (irregardless of which section of the genre they take up a niche inside) and when I first read the synopsis for this one, I felt as if it was a bit unique in it’s conception and a read that would interest me if it were available in print. I have started to become a bit more organised with how I present the Digital First book releases of whom I showcase time after time as a measure of joy ahead of being able to devour the books in their physical formats! It took a bit for me to realise how to navigate this changing tide of the pub world, as I originally felt that perhaps a traditional reader like me might be left behind but happily I was mistaken!
Instead, I am finding a lot of readerly love from Digital First publishers, as I regularly host releases by ChocLitUK and Month9Books where I split the bookjoy between reading print editions of the Romance novels via ChocLit whilst focusing on guest author features by Month9. I do host a weekly Romance chat on Saturdays @ChocLitSaturday (all writers and readers of Romance are welcome to drop-in!) which was directly inspired by ChocLitUK inasmuch as I try to host their authors for special events and guest features as often as I can. In this unique world of publishing even traditional readers can navigate the changing tides and find a heap of joy in the stories they gravitate towards reading regularly.
I am grateful Lola started to feature authors by Anaiah Press as I might not have found them otherwise, and this to me is one of the benefits of hosting blog tours, author guest features, and even Book Blitzes! For me hosting a Book Blitz is more about an ‘introductory announcement’ of a book I am seeking to read whilst giving my readers an impression of how the novel interested me at first sight. With Chapter Samplers, I am finding myself quite wicked happy authors are giving readers a snippet of a glimpse into their stories — not only to help us decide to pick up the novels themselves but to be allowed to blog about the beginnings as we elect to reach out to those who follow us about a new story we’re happy to have found.
You’ll notice this isn’t my first Chapter Sampler impression I’ve blogged as I am only just getting started to bringing to my readers attention the samplers I am finding (both in ePub or audio formats)! I do list these posts in my Story Vault, because to be truthful they are my first encounter with the stories ahead of further reading.
Love Overcomes
by Angela Schroeder
Source: Author via Lola's Blog Tours
Going to Hollywood was supposed to be something that would change Clara Mackenzie’s life forever.
Her younger sister, single mother Arabella, never imagined that going to California with her sister would have such a huge impact on her life. Now, she needs to try to overcome her past and try to trust again or be doomed to be single forever.
Arabella Mackenzie and her son Liam have never wanted or needed anyone other than their family. When Arabella meets Jeremy Fowlis she begins to have feelings for a man for the first time since before her son was born. Shy, Clara begins to fall for an actor of her own when she meets dashing Jake.
Jeremy is not use to women who do not want to date him because he is an in-demand actor let alone a woman who does not even recognize him. He finds he wants to know more about her but is not sure if he can handle the fact that she is a single mother and has a past that seems to be shrouded in mystery.
Can Arabella and Jeremy both overcome their doubts, fears and past in order to find love?
Places to find the book:
Published by Anaiah Press
on 14th November, 2014
Format: eBook
Published By: Anaiah Romance {an imprint of} Anaiah Press (@anaiahpress)
{ a Digital First Christian Indie Publisher }
Available Formats: Paperback and Ebook
Converse on Twitter via: #LoveOvercomes, #AngelaSchroeder,
#INSPY or #ChristFic & #AnaiahPress
Read an Excerpt of the Novel:
{ this isn’t from the first Chapter but it shows
what I enjoy about the style in which the novel is written }
During those first three weeks, they saw Jeremy every day. And every day, Clara invited him to join them for lunch, which they ate at the little picnic table. The second week, more actors seemed to be present on set, and Jeremy’s costar, Jake, had joined them for lunch. He seemed closer in age to Arabella – early twenties. Jeremy, on the other hand, was probably closer to Clara’s age. Jake had a charming, boyish personality about him that put Arabella at ease immediately. He reminded her of her friend Drew, the owner of the local diner back home.
“Enjoying California?” Jake asked as he sat down at the picnic table next to Jeremy.
“I haven’t actually seen much – just this place, the motel, and two book stores.” Arabella answered, smiling at him. “Oh, and the burger joint, the Chinese place, 7-11, and the corner market. Do those count?” Clara reached around Liam, who sat between them, and smacked her on the back.
“Jeremy mentioned that you like to spend your time outside. There’s a really nice park not far from here. Have you heard of the Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area? If you want we could all meet up there tomorrow.” Jake offered before biting into his sandwich. Arabella noticed that he was looking at Clara while he spoke. Clara must have noticed too, because her cheeks were pinker than normal.
“Sounds fun.”
My impressions of the Chapter Sampler:
I personally have a penchant for reading Author’s Notes & Acknowledgements as they each approach the inclusions in different ways. Ms Schroeder wrote hers from the heart and gave out a bit of an insight into how her parents shared a common thread of parenting joy my own parents gave to me: to uplift your child’s creativity no matter how it fuses out of your imagination and heart into reality! I love how she gave back a bit of praise and joy on behalf of her parents inasmuch as the blessings she’s received from her children. It is with our family’s direct support and encouragement I believe all writers are united in being forever blessed to pursue our writerly desires to breathe life into the characters and worlds who enrich our own spirits to create.
May I just say, I have fancied the name ‘Arabella’ for quite a bit of time and I even used to remember it’s origins and meanings behind the name itself. What has been left behind is a smile and a wink of joy, and finding a lead character with this name inside Love Overcomes was a true delight indeed!
The fact we enter into this Mum’s life on the jump start of a new adventure out of state and a long distance relocation ahead of her felt a bit kismet to discover as I have my own pending relocation ahead of me this Summer. Ironically or not. I am not yet a Mum, but as Prospective Adoptive Mum who will be a singleton when she adopts, I appreciate the potential to find single Mums in fiction who I can personally relate too as much as find a measure of joy in their strength to raise their children even if their uncertainties or doubts on their bad days knock them down a bit. We all have obstacles in life to face, but seeing realistic story-lines where women can be mothers outside of marriage (either as a singleton or a widow) or after a marriage collapses (as everyone has their own path towards motherhood) is quite refreshing to me! I love what I call ‘INSPY Realistic Fiction‘ where contemporary stories are threaded through a dialogue and narrative of up to the moment events which can cross-relate to a wider audience.
Noticing that Clara (Arabella’s sister) is a quilter truly made me happy — I love old world arts and crafts (being a knitter who aspires to quilt) and outside of my readings of the Amish (in INSPY fiction) or my beloved Heartsong Presents (which happily Harlequin saved when the ship nearly sank on the publishing line!) it isn’t often I find writers exploring quilting outside of cosy mysteries! I would have thought quilting or knitting might make it inside more stories of Romance, but apparently, they have become locked inside mysteries for half a moon! Laughs. Good choice, Ms Schroeder!
The comfortable manner and exchanges of sisterly bonds of connection between Arabella and Clara were part of the joy I had in reading the opening pages of the Chapter Samplers. In theory, the samplers I find provided by authors are quite extensive (normally right round 20% of a novel’s length) however, my vision be as it is can only allow a smaller amount of what is given to be read. This one reads so warmly on the initial two pages, you feel as if you’ve spent a considerable amount of time with both sisters already! This shows the comfortability of writing inside this world on behalf of the author but also, the selections she’s making give the feeling this is one INSPY Romance I’d happily devour.
Love the optimistic hope Arabella finds inside their hotel room after they arrive in California – it is the classic quick look for a measure of certain grace in a situation that might take you a bit outside your level of comfort if you weren’t on a tight budget. Any traveller can relate to needing to get down to bare bone budget accommodations at certain points on their routes, and I felt Schroeder nailed that initial look-see because I remember thinking to myself ‘as long as the sheets and bathroom are clean, I can deal!’. Mind you, I agree on the absence of ‘scent’ as you only have to hightail it out of a budget hotel once for acrid smelling insecticide to realise how blessed you are the other 99% of the time you settle into hotels that don’t come with extra ‘issues’.
I read Chapter 1 and can honestly say I wish I could read MORE!
We were given three excerpts to select amongst to share with our readers and I elected to pick the one that didn’t feel as though it would spoilt a future reading. The one I picked ended up being the first, as the two others felt a bit too telling to me, as I was still in the warm glow of meeting the characters – Arabella, Liam (her son), and Clara. I never even saw Jeremy!
Love Overcomes by Angela Schroeder Book Trailer via Anaiah Press
Inspired to Share: One of the reasons this novel stood out to me is because of it’s heart-warming nature and of how the story felt like a ‘Hallmark Channel’ movie. The book trailer proves the point, and I must admit, whomever made the trailer did a lovely job of finding images and music which complimented each other quite nicely! Besides who could ever tire of two souls being brought together whilst embracing a second chance at Romance!? Not I! Laughs. Definitely going to keep my eyes on Anaiah Press!
This book blitz is courtesy of:
**Please Note: This is a non-giveaway stop on the blog tour. I do not host giveaways or bookaways of any kind on Jorie Loves A Story (as you can read in my Review Policy). I agreed only to host a review/spotlight/guest author feature stop whilst the tour was in-progress. Therefore, I do encourage you to leave me a comment but it will not be counted as an entry in the tour’s giveaway. Thank you for understanding!**
I look forward to hosting more blog tours & guest authors features via:
Be sure to follow my Bookish Events for (2015)
to follow my bookish journey!
Coming up in JUNE I will be reviewing two novels by Joanne Rock:
As I had to take a step back from hosting authors & stories via Lola’s Book Tours due to personal reasons which arose between February to May. I had intended to host a bit more regularly this year, but sometimes you have to take it one day at a time and do the best you can do. I received both novels by Ms Rock without a deadline to review, for which I was grateful, as I ended up needing a bit of an extension to start reading them. I used to adore following Harlequin Romance authors, as this is how I became familiar with Debbie Macomber and Sherryl Woods originally as they would publish under the MIRA imprint. There are a small circle of authors who originated their writerly careers by Harlequin and I love being able to re-connect with the stories the publisher is continuing to produce.
Previously I hosted Karen Rock and her Harlequin Romance novel ‘A League of Her Own’.
Reader Interactive Question:
Did my initial reactions to Chapter 1 convince you to give this INSPY Rom a chance!?
Due to high volumes of spam on this post for commentary I’ve had to disable the Comments. If you are a reader and/or fellow book blogger and would like to add a comment and/or response to this post kindly use my Contact Form to contact me and I will re-enable the Comments for you.
Updated on: 10 April 2020
{SOURCES: Book covers for “Love Overcomes”, “Promises Under the Peach Tree” and “Nights Under the Tennessee Stars”, author biography for Angela Schroeder, book synopsis for “Love Overcomes”, Excerpt from “Love Overcomes” and the author photograph for Angela Schroeder as well as the Blog Tour badge & Host badge were provided by Lola’s Blog Tours and used with permission. Post dividers by Fun Stuff for Your Blog via Pure Imagination. Tweets were embedded due to codes provided by Twitter. Comment Box Banner made by Jorie in Canva. The book trailer for “Love Overcomes” via Anaiah Press had either URL share links or coding which made it possible to embed this media portal to this post, and I thank them for the opportunity to share more about this novel.}
Copyright © Jorie Loves A Story, 2015.
Tweets on behalf of the “Love Overcomes” Book Blitz:
@shyjot Congratulations! I just discovered @anaiahpress via a #bookblitz I am hosting for one of their #authors! :)
— Jorie Loves A Story (@JLovesAStory) May 21, 2015
.@anaiahpress Come celebrate #reader‘s joy discovering NEW #INSPY #Romance! #chaptersamplers
— Jorie Loves A Story (@JLovesAStory) May 21, 2015
Thank you so much for your thoughts on my book. It truly made my day to read what you had to say. Thank you for taking the time to read a chapter and to write this post. Have a wonderful day.
You’ll have to forgive my late response, Ms Schroeder!
May folded into June nearly overnight, and June brought a bout of unwellness to my door. I had a delightful reading of your Chapter Sampler, so much so, it made me ache to read the full version in print! :) It’s my hope before the close of the year, I can sort out a way to do just that, too, because your characters have spoken to me in such a way I fancy to know what becomes of them as the plot moves forward! I look forward to contacting you once I secure a print edition whilst writing a follow-up to this ‘preview!’ of the novel!
I truly was thankful to have the honour of being introduced to your writing inasmuch as your publisher! A win-win for me!