I ♥ the premise of this meme {WWW Wednesdays} due to the dexterity it gives the reader! Smiles. Clearly subject to change on a weekly rotation, which may or may not lead to your ‘next’ read providing a bit of a paradoxical mystery to your readers!! Smiles. ♥ the brilliance of it’s concept!
After which, your meant to click over to THIS WEEK’s WWWWednesdayto share your post’s link so that the rest of the bloggers who are participating can check out your lovely answers! Score! Perhaps even, find other bloggers who dig the same books as you do! I thought it would serve as a great self-check to know where I am and the progress I am hoping to have over the next week!
To help introduce you to the books I’m reading, the Synopses link to Riffle.
If you’d like an alternative to GoodReads, I highly suggest trying Riffle*.
I’m still boggled by the fact my Riffle Lists have been viewed *20, 276* times! I’ve only just started to curate the lists and embed them into my blog where I expand on why I created them, too! I have 18 Lists published out of 32 lists I’ve drafted! I am looking forward to revealling more of them this year!
The Particular Appeal of Gillian Pugsley by Susan Örnbratt (Synopsis)
All Hallows at Eyre Hall by Luccia Gray (Synopsis)
Twelfth Night at Eyre Hall by Luccia Gray (Synopsis)
The Land of Look Behind by Aaron Blaylock (Synopsis)
The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George (Synopsis)
#ChocLitSaturdays The Silver Locket by Margaret James (Synopsis)
Letters from a Patchwork Quilt by Clare Flynn (Synopsis)
Emmy Nation: Undercover Suffragette by L. Munro Davis (Synopsis)
Shivers and Signposts: The Journey Continues by Len Richman (Synopsis)
Originally I was meant to review The Particular Appeal of Gillian Pugsley in late Autumn of [2015] or early Winter, as I had begun reading this novel so many months ago. On my review, I am outlining the small history I have had with the story and how despite life’s disruptions taking me out of it’s scope, I was able to find this particular novel to be a mainstay in my reading queue. It’s interesting because I do not often read stories in this manner of reading only a few chapters a day, as I generally can read books in one or two sittings. Circumstances shaped how I read #GillianPugsley and if anyone on Twitter noticed my spontaneous tag for mentioning my reading reactions, I am sure I caused a stirring curiosity to seek out who this #GillianPugsley is and if so, I am overjoyed! She’s a uniquely conceived character and the entire style of the novel is set apart from most of it’s peers.
Jane Eyre has been in queue since Septemb-Eyre 2013, which in of itself is a bit of a depressing thought as I thought I’d return to it’s core of heart long before now. It wasn’t until I crossed paths with an Eyre sequel author in late [2015] I felt encouraged to re-examine where I left off inside Eyre, borrow an after canon sequel Wide Sargasso Sea and read both in tandem of each other before setting my mind inside All Hallows at Eyre Hall & Twelfth Night at Eyre Hall. If I hadn’t taken ill in December (a thirty day virus is not easy to get rid of!) and if I hadn’t had my heart broken in January, I know I would have read all four of these novels one after the other. I had first felt after the tragic loss last month I could re-soak inside Eyre due to the emotional-driven narrative, but as I tried to wrap my mind around the story, those heavy emotions which seemed so benign and unaffecting at first put me into quite a sombering state! I truly had to repair my own emotional state before I could re-enter into the world of Eyre and due justice to what was left behind for me to find in one Classical canon, one alternative sequel and two after canons which continue the story out of all of it. Read More
Acquired Book By: I was selected to be a part of the blog tour for “Shivers and Signposts: the Journey Continues” hosted by iRead Book Tours. As I signed up for the blog tour, I realised the book being featured is a sequel to “Raindrops Glimpses Moments” which is why I requested to see if I could read both together rather than to enter the narrative without knowledge of the former. I received a complimentary copy of “Raindrops Glimpses Moments” direct from the author Len Richman in exchange for an honest review. I did not receive compensation for my opinions or thoughts shared herein.
Seeking more non-fiction and memoir:
I started noticing that I was appreciating reading selected non-fiction and Creative Non-Fiction for awhile now, and before the New Year began I felt I should continue this quest to seek out writers who are penning their life story rather creatively moreso than traditionally. I become more invested when non-fiction is not set to the tone of traditional releases as I find them a bit difficult to get involved with personally as it’s more bone fact than personable touches of a lived life.
Whilst keeping my eyes open for non-fiction, I am also mindful of the fact I have been appreciating reading more literature by Canadian writers, as I enjoyed my discoveries through Rebelight Publishing in [2015]. I am hopeful to find a few more stories from them this year, but until they’re published, I am happily finding more #CanLit authors are being introduced on blog tours across the board. This is how I found myself interested in reading Mr Richman’s duology of memoirs.
Raindrops Glimpses Moments Subtitle: An Unconventional Memoir of an Unplanned Journey
Len Richman creates an atmosphere of candor with a broad scope, describing inspirational people, books, moving flashes of insight, and passionate views of ordinary and extraordinary places, disclosing clues as to why life unfolded as it did. Richman's writing projects an attitude of appreciation for images of beauty, a participation in understandings achieved, a sharing of experiences assimilated, and obstacles overcome.
He has an unabashed love for people and nature, an unshakable confidence in life, and an abiding enthusiasm for communicating it. From working class asphalt-urban-immigrant beginnings to wilderness treks, literary explorations, international adventures and back to the wonders found close to home, this is a voyage of self-discovery, a passionate, probing, eclectic, and energetic journey. About the Author Born and raised in Montreal, Québec, Canada,
Len Richman finds joy transforming his "academic accumulations" into realities of "raindrops, glimpses, moments" with books, outdoor projects, overseas adventures, and more recently, the performing arts. He and his wife continue to juggle a varied schedule that includes three sons, six grandsons and a bonus granddaughter. Richman continues his association with the Thomas More Institute, and is currently writing a play.
Len Richman has a long history with the Thomas More Institute of Montreal: student, course designer/ leader, Board of Directors member, and Chair of the Accreditation Committee.
He holds a teaching certificate from McGill University’s MacDonald College; a B.A. from the University of Montreal (Literature); an M.A. in education from Concordia University (Outdoor Education), and a post-graduate Comprehensive Certificate from TMI (Culture and Identity Studies.)
Travel, work and field background continue in parts of Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, South Pacific, and Canada’s northern communities. An educator in the areas of literature, wilderness/ outdoor pursuits, adult learning programs, international and multi-cultural studies for decades, a “redirection” of interests after 60 resulted in his becoming engaged in the performing arts: acting, directing, producing and writing. He is presently associated with Quebec Drama Federation (QDF), Black Theatre Workshop (BTW), Advisory Board of Pointe Claire Library, English Language Arts Network (ELAN), Quebec Writers’ Federation (QDF), Playwrights’ Guild of Canada (PGC), and Alliance of Canadian Cinéma Télévision & Radio Artists (ACTRA).
Born, bred and residing in and around Montreal (his favourite city next to New York, Prague, Budapest, and Dawson City, Yukon), he and his wife have three sons who have provided almost “free entertainment” with six grandsons and two “bonus” granddaughters from six to twenty-six years of age. He hopes to maintain sharing his wondering and wandering from his previous book, Raindrops Glimpses Moments: An Unconventional Memoir of an Unplanned Journey, to the present Shivers and Signposts: The Journey Continues, and beyond.
The intangible nuances of ordinary life become the embodiment of Richman’s memoir as he allows time and memory to arch over the chronicles of his life to expound upon certain extraordinary lessons of clarity. It’s an internal respite from living life forward and turning introspective to ruminate about where you’ve been and how your experiences have both defined you and inspired you to be where you are now. It’s an interesting perspective to begin a memoir, as Richman takes a winding path towards arriving us into where he begins this part of his story; to begin is to remember and by remembering he tries to ground us in his mindset as he set down the bones of what would become this first volume of his living memories. Read More
I have happily been focusing on a concentration of Women’s Studies, Feminist Historical Fiction and Women’s Rights on Jorie Loves A Story lately; wherein I am sleuthing out a bit of Women’s History *ahead!* of the official kick-off of Women’s History Month which is in March. One of the key reasons I’ve been growing in curiosity about strong female centred literature is due to the nature of today’s gender inequality and the continuous journey we are taking to make inroads towards progress where Equality is secured for everyone without limitations or conditions.
I was recently challenged by the author of a Feminist point-of-view narrative involving a women’s rights leader (Victoria Woodhull) wherein I took encouragement from a modern day Feminist who is advocating for reading stories which not just challenge our perceptions but challenge us to go further with our readings than we might even realise we could go previously. Herein I am referring to Emma Watson. For the full ruminations and how Ms Watson’s movement of #OurSharedShelf played a role in my readings of The Renegade Queen kindly read my review.
It is by coincidence that I would find Emmy Nation so close to discovering The Renegade Queen as both parlay across similar themes and insights into the legacy of women fighting to pave a way towards progress for later generations. It is on the merits of their work (early Feminists, Suffragettes and civil rights advocates) that we are able to have the freedoms and equal rights we have now but we still have a ways yet to go before all our rights are truly acknowledged.
For this interview, I wanted to get to know this author’s inspiration and connection to a period of history that is dearly showcased moreso now than it has been in the past, and to gain insight into what inspires an author to re-examine this window of History.
Being an independent woman in 1913 London is certainly empowering, but Emmy Nation is tired of the inescapable damp seeping through her worn shoes and the hopeless grumblings of her stomach.
When she receives an offer from Scotland Yard to boost her typist income by spying on the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU), Emmy jumps at the chance. But as she grows closer to the WSPU women the lines begin to blur, and when a painful part of her past resurfaces Emmy begins to question her choices.
How far are you willing to go to secure your equality?
How did you conceive the idea to retrofit a personalised delivery for pre-orders of “Emmy Nation” (from Fly Girl Fitness) because it was quite classic and ingenious; you wrapped the books, added tags and bookmarks, whilst packing them into your basket of your bike. Have you come up with other creative ways to inspire a smile from your readers where something retro yields to more joy?
Munro responds: I really wanted the pre-ordered books to be something special. These people bought the book based on nothing more than the hope that it would be good and the back cover copy and the trailer. It was very generous of them all to buy copies before it was even published. I wanted to really get the chance to say thank you. It was also nearing Christmas, so I thought I would wrap them up like presents. I wanted to make them look pretty and also have the space to write a little thank you to each person. The bike just happens to be my main form of transportation until winter hits! Read More
Acquired Book By: I am a regular tour hostess for blog tours via Cedar Fort whereupon I am thankful to have such a diverse amount of novels and non-fiction titles to choose amongst to host. I received a complimentary copy of “More than the Tattooed Mormon” direct from the publisher CFI (imprint of Cedar Fort, Inc) in exchange for an honest review. I did not receive compensation for my opinions or thoughts shared herein.
My copy of this non-fiction release was delayed in reaching me, however it was due to illness (December) and the sudden death of my cat (January) that prevented me from being in a position to review this title prior to now. I am thankful the publisher understood my absence from the blog tour directly and allowed me the grace to pick up this book at a point in time where both my mind and my heart was clear to enjoy reading it at long last.
I decided to write Ms Carraway before I read her book:
When I participate in a blog tour, odds are in good favour I’m going to do a lot of research in regards to the author and the story prior to accepting the tour. Sometimes I take a leap of faith and go blind into reading a book based on a blurb or an expanded synopsis; sometimes it’s the mere idea of what I will find inside a book that is enough to draw my eye curious enough to yearn to read it’s contents. In this regard, I happily wanted to know more about the ‘girl’ outside of the moniker of “Tattooed Mormon” as I had a feeling there was a ‘story’ in of itself within the name!
Through my readings of her blog, I felt compelled to reach out to Ms Carraway on Twitter and happily sat thoughtfully before composing a series of tweets I hoped she see and realise someone was trying to send her a bit of an uplift of joy tucked inside a bit of reassurance.
.@22AlFox Looking fwd to #amreading your book in Dec! :) Definitely concur w/you on using the net for good! I'm the bookishly joyful tweeter
It reminded me of the random acts of kindnesses I like to give to people in my community, as we never know when we are going to be someone’s light of grace or a shelter in a storm they haven’t yet shared with us. We all need a lift of spirit and a bit of extra joy to help encourage us if we’re feeling a bit low or if appearances get us feeling a bit bogged down. The tweets I wanted to send Ms Carraway were the impressions of a book blogger who was soon to be a reader of a memoir I hoped would become one of my treasured discoveries, as when it comes to real-life biographies and autobiographies; the memoir is slowly becoming my favourite. Especially when it falls into a category of “Creative Non-Fiction” where the voicing of the narrative within reads more easily than traditional non-fiction, as it’s more like reading a story of fiction than a true account of a person’s life.
I don’t remember receiving a reply or seeing her account mark my tweets with a favourite, but I hoped perhaps, even if she only read them in a fleeting glance, in some small way she knew to me she was already ‘more than’ the Tattooed Mormon. She was a woman whose light is brightly shining to everyone who walks a life full of faith and the blessings it bestows to all of us. Rock on, Ms Carraway and never feel like your light is dimmer due to your tatts; if anything they are a happy signal of your artistic spirit and the joy of artistic expression during a time in your past they meant something to you. None of us are limited by appearances or choices we made in the past we might regret lateron; the best we can do is embrace all of who we are and hope that people ‘see us’ rather than ‘see past us’ or ‘through us completely’.
More than the Tattooed Mormon
Being baptized and following the Lord has made Al's life harder than it ever was before. She endured criticism from friends and family for becoming Mormon. She faced harsh judgements from Church members for her appearance. She gave up everything and felt more alone than she ever had in her life. All because she chose God.
Now she shares an up-close look at how trusting God has led her to places she never expected. As a blogger, YouTuber, and award-winning public speaker, her message has reached millions. Sharing her love of the Savior, Al goes beyond her own conversion and encourages readers to choose God above everything else.
This uplifting book inspires readers to build a true relationship with the Lord that will bring them real, lasting happiness.
Converse on Twitter via: #TattooedMormon, #BookOfMormon, & #LDSFaith
#INSPY #nonfiction
About Al Carraway
Al Fox Carraway has spent the last four years inspiring the world with her story of conversion, redemption, and finding faith. As a blogger and award-winning public speaker, her message has reached millions. This up-close look at her life will show you what it means to truly trust in the Lord.
I would imagine the Ms Carraway I met inside More than the Tattooed Mormon would be the very same woman I’d meet in person. Her personality is electric and it leaps off the page as if she is standing right beside you and chattering with you about her life’s story rather than having a copy of a transcript version of that story in your hands. I wanted to wait to pick up her book when I had come through the stressfulness of the past few months with a clearer mind where I could soak inside her memoir and appreciate reading it with genuine interest. Read More
Acquired Book By: I am a regular tour hostess for blog tours via Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours whereupon I am thankful to have been able to host such a diverse breadth of stories, authors and wonderful guest features since I became a hostess! I received a complimentary copy of “The Renegade Queen” direct from the author Eva Flynn in exchange for an honest review. I did not receive compensation for my opinions or thoughts shared herein.
Seeking a focus for unique stories and heroines:
Before the New Year became to take a foothold, I decided to take a mindful step back and re-examine the kinds of stories I wanted to pursue in 2016. One thing I knew for sure is that I wanted to eventually get to the books on my personal library shelves inasmuch as I wanted to carve out a better balance between the books I would seek for review and the books I became enchanted with at my local library. Going a step further, I knew I wanted to focus on Classical Literature and INSPY stories, too.
The hard part was what did I want to focus on whilst I was seeking books for review? A bit more non-fiction? More Biographical Historical Fiction or traditional historical fiction? A nice balance of Romance and Women’s Fiction interspersed between everything else that drew my eye? It’s hard to pin-point what you want to read when you read diversely and eclectically but I had hoped this much at least: to seek dynamically those stories which truly take me by surprise at ‘hallo’ and whose potential reading might truly encompass me in a new timescape of history and/or set me inside an author’s breadth of work that might endeavour me to discover a new way of thinking and/or a new way of approaching the crafting of stories as a whole. In other words, I was seeking everything which was new and different without sacrificing what I already love to read!
Here is how I expressed my happy surprise in having learnt about The Renegade Queen:
I love Biographical Historical Fiction — and this one is unique, as it’s told from a completely new perspective I hadn’t realised existed! Hidden stories of real history are always curiously curious to me to read!
However, one thing is for certain, I wanted to be mindful of seeking out heroines and heroes who would be uniquely different in of themselves. I wanted to see if I could seek out stories whose lifeblood of heart and intention of shedding a story that could change my prospective on something not yet known could truly be found. Finding more feminist points of view and the women’s rights history movement having an unsung heroine who was never mentioned in my previous studies was a good place to begin this February!
Two Renegades So Controversial, They Were Erased From History
Discarded by society, she led a social revolution. Disgusted by war, he sought a new world.
She was the first women to run for President, campaigning before women could vote.
He was the Hero of Vicksburg, disillusioned with the government after witnessing the devastating carnage of the Civil War.
Their social revolution attracted the unwanted who were left out of the new wealth: the freed slaves, the new immigrants, and women.
Who were they?
This is the true story of Victoria Woodhull and the love of her life, James Blood.
Adored by the poor, hated by the powerful, forced into hiding during their lifetimes and erased from history after death, the legend of their love lives on.
It’s 1869 and Victoria has a choice to make. She can stay in an abusive marriage and continue to work as a psychic, or she can take the offer of support from handsome Civil War general James Blood and set about to turn society upside down. Victoria chooses revolution.
But revolutions are expensive, and Victoria needs money. James introduces Victoria to one of the wealthiest man in America—Commodore Vanderbilt. Along with her loose and scandalous sister, Tennessee, Victoria manipulates Vanderbilt and together they conspire to crash the stock market—and profit from it. Victoria then parlays her fortune into the first female-owned brokerage firm.
When her idol Susan B. Anthony publishes scandalous rumors about Victoria’s past, Victoria enters into a fierce rivalry with Susan to control the women’s movement. James supports Victoria’s efforts despite his deep fears that she may lose more than the battle. She might lose part of herself.
Victoria starts her own newspaper, testifies to Congress, and even announces her candidacy for President. But when Victoria adopts James’s radical ideas and free love beliefs, she ignites new, bruising, battles with Susan B. Anthony and the powerful Reverend Henry Beecher. These skirmishes turn into an all-out war, with Victoria facing prejudice, prosecution, and imprisonment. Ultimately, Victoria and James face the hardest choice of all: the choice between their country and their love.
Eva was raised on bedtime stories of feminists (the tooth fairy even brought Susan B. Anthony dollars) and daytime lessons on American politics. On one fateful day years ago when knowledge was found on bound paper, she discovered two paragraphs about Victoria Woodhull in the WXYZ volume of the World Book Encyclopedia. When she realized that neither of her brilliant parents (a conservative political science professor and a liberal feminist) had never heard of her, it was the beginning of a lifelong fascination not only with Victoria Woodhull but in discovering the stories that the history books do not tell.
Brave battles fought, new worlds sought, loves lost all in the name of some future glory have led her to spend years researching the period of Reconstruction. Her first book, The Renegade Queen, explores the forgotten trailblazer Victoria Woodhull and her rivalry with Susan B. Anthony.
Eva was born and raised in Tennessee, earned her B.A. in Political Science from DePauw in Greencastle, Indiana and still lives in Indiana. Eva enjoys reading, classic movies, and travelling.
She loves to hear from readers, you may reach her at eva@rebellioustimes.com, and follow her: