#Blogmas | feat. #FantasyForChristmas19 showcases | happily celebrating another series by Melissa McShane!

Posted Monday, 9 December, 2019 by jorielov , , , , , 1 Comment

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Hallo, Hallo dear hearts!

When I saw Melissa McShane was being re-featured this #FantasyForChristmas19 – I admit, it felt a bit kismet! As this is an author I happily cheered for last year during the #FantasyForChristmas event with her Crown of Temontane series! It is lovely to become re-introduced to another layer of a writer’s collective works whilst recognising I have quite a few requests to put in at my local library next year strictly stemming from  my #FantasyForChristmas 2018 & 2019 selections! Reason being? I’ve been itching to read these lovely authors and although my intentions were to read them between both events – I never had the proper chance to focus on gathering the titles.

Next year, as I am finding my local library is receptive to the requests I am making regarding Indie Authors & Indie Press – I am going to be carry my requests forward into 2020! I am splitting my requests between my local library for print books & a regionally local library for audiobook requests. This way I can continue to seek out a better balance between reading both formats and continue to see the benefits of anchouring my readerly life in two formats which help offset my chronic migraines. It is also why I am striving towards hosting a more limited series of blog tours and focusing more on personal reads, library reads & / or showcasing authors I’ll be hosting via @SatBookChat as the past two years my health has had a few more afflictions attached to it than I’d consider healthy to juggle as a book blogger.

Thus, I’ll be honing in on authors I’ve previously showcased like Ms McShane and still haven’t had the chance to read whilst moving forward with select new titles and authors as well as previously read favourites throughout the coming year. I’d love to have a nice collection of Fantasy authors and series to discuss during our 3rd Wyrd and Wonder – outside of my focus of reading #dragonfiction as previously mentioned during my Dragons Risings series spotlight earlier in the week.

Here’s a special cheer to Melissa McShane & the lovely writers behind #WeWriteFantasy who help celebrate the fantastical each December during their #FantasyForChristmas events!

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Burning Bright by Melissa McShane

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Published by: Night Harbour Publishing

Converse via: #FantasyForChristmas19, #SuperheroFiction and #HistoricalFantasy

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Published: 25th March, 2019 | ISBN: 978-1949663136

In 1812, Elinor Pembroke wakes to find her bedchamber in flames—and extinguishes them with a thought. As an Extraordinary, gifted with powerful magical talent, she is respected and feared, but her father intends to control her and her talent by forcing her to marry where he insists. Trapped between the choices of a loveless marriage or living penniless and dependent on her parents, Elinor takes a third path: she joins the Royal Navy.

Assigned to serve under Captain Miles Ramsay aboard the frigate Athena, she turns her fiery talent on England’s enemies, vicious pirates preying on English ships in the Caribbean. At first feared by her shipmates, a growing number of victories make her truly part of Athena’s crew and bring her joy in her fire. But as her power grows and changes in unexpected ways, Elinor’s ability to control it is challenged. She may have the power to destroy her enemies utterly—but could it be at the cost of her own life?

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The Extraordinaries series:

Burning Bright by Melissa McShaneWondering Sight by Melissa McShaneAbounding Might by Melissa McShane

Burning Bright (book one)

Wondering Sight (book two)

Abounding Might (book three)

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Posted Monday, 9 December, 2019 by jorielov in #blogmas, Blog Tour Host, Book | Novel Extract, Book Spotlight, Fantasy Fiction, Heroic Fantasy, Indie Author, Prism Book Tours

#Blogmas | feat. #FantasyForChristmas19 showcases | The Dragons Rising series by Alisha Klapheke

Posted Friday, 6 December, 2019 by jorielov , , , 1 Comment

#blogmas 2019 badge created by Jorie in Canva.

Hallo, Hallo dear hearts!

When it comes to #dragonfiction – I’m the reader who enters into those fantastically curious realms with a heap of trepideration as generally speaking – most #dragons in Speculative worlds are either brutally violent, intensively cruel to humans or they are seen as these war mongering beasts who have nothing in their hearts or minds except the blood of war on their tongues! It drives me more than slightly batty as I truly *love!* a wicked good dragon centred series and/or one-off story – however, my wanderings into #dragonfiction have been a bit slowish over the years as I simply haven’t found too many to entreat inside which give me the world-building I am seeking and the *kind of dragons!* I prefer to be finding in my Dragon Fiction!

Thus, when I spied this was a series being featured – I was both eagerly curious and more than a bit cautious – as which way would the dragon scales swing this time round? I also admit – I’m seeking stories to read for our forthcoming 3rd Wyrd and Wonder event in May 2020 – of which, I’ll be reading a particularly concise list of #dragonfiction to once & firmly answer my question ‘ are there writers out there past Jackie Gamber & Kate Klimo who can give me a dragon story I can read? ‘.

(see also why I heart the Leland Dragons series)

One thing which encouraged me the most about this series is a) its Young Adult and b) it is talking about *saving!* the dragons which eludes to me this is a series wherein the humans (or other species of sentients) and the dragons are trying to live co-habitability? Very encouraging indeed! As I don’t mind some conflict in #dragonfiction but if you find a story is far more ‘darkly’ lit than illuminated with Light its definitely the story that might not be my particular cuppa tea!

Curiously – are other readers struggling to find #dragonfiction they can sink their teeth into? If so, which authors of these lovelies do you find provide a wicked good story and/or series which celebrate #dragons and benefit the niche of stories they belong to within Fantasy? Whom are your favourite dragons and/or species and which world would you love to relocate inside if you could?

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Fate of Dragons by Alisha Klapheke

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This is a self-published book series!

Converse via: #FantasyForChristmas19, #FantasyAvengers and #dragonfiction

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Published: 28th March, 2019 | ISBN: 978-0999831458

An Earth Queen desperate to wake her magic.

An elven prince fighting a ruthless betrayal.

A flood is coming. The Sea Queen has a mad plan to drown the world. Only the magic of the Earth Queen can stop her. Vahly, the last human, was born to fill that role and wield the power necessary to battle the rising oceans and save the dragons and elves.

But Vahly is the world’s biggest disappointment. She possesses no magic whatsoever.When she finds an ancient scroll that mentions a human power ritual conducted deep in the homeland of the elves, she gathers her dragon allies and journeys to see the king of that great forest-dwelling race.

Welcomed by a handsome royal cloaked in dark magic, will Vahly find answers or will a twisted and powerful elven lord destroyher chance at saving the world?

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The Dragons Rising series:

Fate of Dragons by Alisha KlaphekeBand of Breakers by Alisha KlaphekeQueen of Seas by Alisha KlaphekeSword of Oak by Alisha Klapheke

Fate of Dragons (book one)

Band of Breakers (book two)

Queen of Seas (book three)

→ Sword of Oak (book four)
*forthcoming, July 2020 (digital first release)

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Posted Friday, 6 December, 2019 by jorielov in #blogmas, Blog Tour Host, Book | Novel Extract, Book Spotlight, Dragon Fiction, Fantasy Fiction, Heroic Fantasy, Indie Author, Prism Book Tours, YA Fantasy

#Blogmas | A #ChristmasReads selection of Jorie’s featuring a #Harlequin Heartwarming Book Review | “In Love by Christmas” (City by the Bay Stories, Book Five) by Cari Lynn Webb

Posted Thursday, 5 December, 2019 by jorielov , , , , 2 Comments

#blogmas 2019 badge created by Jorie in Canva.

Acquired Book By: I’ve been hosting for Prism Book Tours since September of 2017 – having noticed the badge on Tressa’s blog (Wishful Endings) as we would partake in the same blog tours and/or book blogosphere memes. As I enquired about hosting for Prism, I found I liked the niche of authors and stories they were featuring regularly. Oft-times you’ll find Prism Book Tours alighting on my blog through the series of guest features and spotlights with notes I’ll be hosting on behalf of their authors when I’m not showcasing book reviews on behalf of Harlequin Heartwarming which has become my second favourite imprint of Harlequin next to my beloved #LoveINSPIRED Suspense. I am also keenly happy PRISM hosts a variety of Indie Authors and INSPY Fiction novelists.

I received a complimentary copy of “In Love by Christmas” direct from the author Cari Lynn Webb in exchange for an honest review. I did not receive compensation for my opinions or thoughts shared herein.

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Why I previously enjoyed reading Cari Lynn Webb’s style of Contemporary Romance:

Although Webb doesn’t fully come out and claim that her characters (as well as the dogs and cats themselves) have been suffering through PTSD, you can gather the fact that they have been. Their scars are not visible on the outside except for when their exhausted and bits of their truths are revealled. Webb explores the limitations and the challenges of people who are caught inside their own situation to where they cannot see past it. They hug close to the complacency of not wanting to construct change in their lives because change could bring factors they cannot control and this is definitely a story about how the harder you try to control your life the more angst you will give yourself because life cannot be controlled. You can only control your own actions but not the sequencing of events that evolve outside them. Nor in the behaviour of others or the sense of morality and ethics others choose outside of your own convictions. That is the hardest bit really. In accepting that out of our own human condition that there are limitations towards what we can personally accept to handle when life throws us a situation we are unprepared to transition through such as how Dan and Brooke find themselves now.

At the same time of course, is the unexpected ex who wants to make her presence known and her needs to be demanded. This re-brought up the memory I had of Oliver of how self-centered his ex had been and how sometimes, in the mix of living, others who are outside your experience or have chosen to distance themselves from your life truly do not fully understand where you are currently on your path. Valarie wants to sweep back into her son’s life but at what cost? To the son and to the father? How can her narrow-minded view of motherhood fail to see that the needs of her son should outweigh the impulsive choices she wants to make on his behalf?

Throughout the trials facing them, Brooke is the calming voice next to Dan’s rock of strength. They fit together because they each benefited from the other; where they could re-shape the path they were walking into a relationship built not only on trust and grace but one where each of them could still have their own voice. They were injured through past relationships where they weren’t given the chance to breathe long enough to understand the reasons why their lives took several left turns. Although Dan’s ex was living life elsewhere from him, it was how this left an ambiguous sense of closure that rankled the most for him. On the flip-side, for Brooke, her past was harder to reconcile as it meant letting go of the things she couldn’t control – in effect, the things that none of us can control and have to accept just as they are.

This is a multi-layered story about the intersection of lives and the curious ways in which the heart leads us forward into a tomorrow that has more hope of promise than the past we’re trying to outrun. I loved the way Ms Webb composed this story, how she tucks us so dearly close to her characters and their internal battles; whilst providing us with a firm understanding about life, love, loss and the second chances we must choose to embrace if we hope to aspire towards a future filled with the hopefulness of a renewed sense of purpose.

The most guttingly realistic emotional arc was centred on Brooke – Webb anchoured us intrinsically into her psychological spiral. We felt what she bleed out of her heart – she was beyond the point where she could process what was emotionally overwhelming her as she had suffered a loss beyond words. How do you process seeing your home incinerated? How do you prepare yourself for rebuilding when you can barely breathe and choke past your emotional response to what has just happened? Webb takes you into her internal world – of where she second-guesses her ability to find strength out of hopelessness and how courage was on holiday because she didn’t feel an ounce of it whilst trying to believe in the goodness of those who are coming to her aide.

This is an emotionally intensive novel – from both Brooke and Dan; Webb takes us closer to both of their struggles as they both have found this methodology of surviving which works for them. They don’t want to alter the routines that have given them a false sense of normalcy in case they discover that the fragile confidence they’ve held inside that routine proved to be a shadow of their fears to where everything they were afraid of happening might suddenly begin to unravel the very last nerve they have left. Webb writes with an intuitive layer of understanding – of what happens when your trying to rise above your circumstances and how hard it is to work through the emotional upheavals you cannot prepare for in life.

-quoted from my review of Single Dad to the Rescue
(Book Four: City by the Bay series)

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In case you missed it, during my 6th Blogoversary I celebrated why I love Harlequin Heartwarming whilst I also showcased the authors I’ve loved discovering via this imprint for #TopTenTuesday!

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Interestingly enough, this was one of the series I was trying to borrow via interlibrary loan – however, I wasn’t able to read The Charm Offensive or Ava’s Prize for two reasons: a) I ran out of the hours I needed with the books and b) there was perfume or a scent affecting my attempts to read them. I decided I’d have to gather my own copies one day for this series and re-read it from the beginning. Until then, I am thankful I be hosting the latter stories of City by the Bay as I’ve truly felt connected to this community despite the fact Single Dad to the Rescue marked my first entry!

Each Christmas I try to find some uplifting stories to be reading – I generally gravitate towards Historical Romances set during the Christmastide – however, in recent years, I’ve noticed I’ve been a bit curious if I could start to seek out a few Contemporaries again. With my ardent love of Harlequin Heartwarming throughout my blog these past years, I was delighted finding some of my favourites are now featuring Christmas installments within the series I’ve been enjoying to read. This year as the Christmas blog tours were being announced, I spied two Heartwarming novelists and quickly asked to be the tours as I felt they would be the kind of uplifting reads I dearly could use during the beginning weeks of the holidays.

During a recent visit to my library, I also had the joy of being placed on the used bookstore’s list for contacting me if they have any Heartwarming stories come into their store. They noticed how much I love them and had bought a few whilst I was there and decided to offer to phone me whenever they had a new batch giving me the chance to be placed on hold to collect them. I thought it was a lovely gesture as this is one library who likes to offer Heartwarming to their readers for borrowing purposes whilst having a new chance to potentially purchase some of these lovelies in the New Year was quite kismet knowing how much I’ve loved discovering them since 2017. They give me a proper uplift of joy to be reading and a dearly needed reprieve from adversities IRL where a cosy comforting romance is just the wicked ticket to give you a random bit of joy in your readerly life! They’ve also given me a chance to resume reading more mainstream Contemporary Romances and that’s a blessing in of itself!

I am doubly blessed by having another local library offering Harlequin Heartwarming to their readers – wherein due to both these libraries efforts to bring stories into reader’s hands, I’m slowly growing a nice collection of Heartwarming stories – don’t be surprised if you see an uptick of showcases for Heartwarming and Love Inspired Suspense as well as Historical Love Inspired or a few of the Contemporaries for Love Inspired sprinkling into view via Jorie Loves A Story in 2020!

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#Blogmas | A #ChristmasReads selection of Jorie’s featuring a #Harlequin Heartwarming Book Review | “In Love by Christmas” (City by the Bay Stories, Book Five) by Cari Lynn WebbIn Love by Christmas
Subtitle: City by the Bay Stories
by Cari Lynn Webb
Source: Author via Prism Book Tours

This Christmas, two worlds collide

…under the mistletoe!

All Theo Taylor wants for Christmas is a profitable year-end and a flawless wedding for his sister. Hiring beautiful but unknown designer Josie Beck is a huge risk, especially when the Taylors’ reputation is at stake. Josie is sweet, kind and impossible to resist. But is Josie about to destroy Theo’s perfect wedding plan…or is she the answer to his heart’s secret Christmas wish?

Genres: Contemporary (Modern) Fiction (post 1945), Contemporary Romance

Places to find the book:

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ISBN: 978-1-335-51095-2

Also by this author: The Rancher's Rescue, Single Dad to the Rescue, Her Surprise Engagement, Three Makes A Family, The Texas SEAL's Surprise, Trusting the Rancher with Christmas

Also in this series: Single Dad to the Rescue, Her Surprise Engagement

Published by Harlequin Heartwarming

on 3rd December, 2019

Format: Larger Print (Mass Market Paperback)

Pages: 384

Published by: Harlequin Heartwarming (@HarlequinBooks) | imprint of Harlequin

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the City by the Bay Stories:

The Charm Offensive by Cari Lynn WebbThe Doctor's Recovery by Cari Lynn WebbAva's Prize by Cari Lynn Webb

Single Dad to the Rescue by Cari Lynn WebbIn Love by Christmas by Cari Lynn Webb

The Charm Offensive (Book One)

The Doctor’s Recovery (Book Two)

Ava’s Prize (Book Three)

Single Dad to the Rescue (Book Four) | (see also Review)

In Love by Christmas (Book Five)

Her Surprise Engagement (Book Six) ← forthcoming 7th July, 2020!

Converse via: #Contemporary #Romance

+ #Harlequin OR #HarlequinHeartwarming & #CityByTheBayStories

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About Cari Lynn Webb

Cari Lynn Webb

Cari Lynn Webb lives in South Carolina with her husband, daughters and assorted four-legged family members. She's been blessed to see the power of true love in her grandparent's 70 year marriage and her parent's marriage of over 50 years. She knows love isn't always sweet and perfect, it can be challenging, complicated and risky. But she believes happily-ever-afters are worth fighting for. She loves to connect with readers. Visit her at her website.

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Reading this book contributed to these challenges:


Posted Thursday, 5 December, 2019 by jorielov in Blog Tour Host, Contemporary Romance, Indie Author, Prism Book Tours, Romance Fiction

#Blogmas | feat. #FantasyForChristmas19 showcases | “Tales from Parallel Worlds: A Collection of Faerie Tales and Adventure Stories” (an anthology of Steampunk, Paranormal Adventure and Fantasy stories) By Jes Drew

Posted Wednesday, 4 December, 2019 by jorielov , , 0 Comments

#blogmas 2019 badge created by Jorie in Canva.

Hallo, Hallo dear hearts!

I recently had a chance to help promote the publication of this lovely anthology – however, as I took ill throughout October – my mind, heart & hours were elsewhere distracted from being socially engaged with the bookish world & community via the blogosphere and #bookishTwitter. I was overjoyed finding this title was included during #FantasyForChristmas19 as there is something magically addictive about *anthologies!* and being able to disappear inside them – to enchant your mind & your bookish heart with a vision of a story which is told in shorter format from novels and with the loveliness of being able to tuck closer to authors you might never have discovered otherwise if they hadn’t been included in an anthology!

I have the tendency of leaning towards reading Speculative Fiction anthologies (across the genres of interest which include: Cosy Horror, High Fantasy & Low Fantasy, Science Fiction (esp Space Opera or other side-niches), Steampunk & other murmurings along the realms of re-told tales from Fairy Tales to Legends & Lore or any variant of Mythological Stories as well – although, I technically also collect anthologies for INSPY stories, too. These just happen to be the genres my readers & followers will recognise as being previously reviewed & featured on Jorie Loves A Story!

The reason this one drew my eye was for two reasons: a) it has the lovely social conscience of donating funds to a charity and b) it appears to have a bountiful collection of stories which gives you something to chew on from a multitude of Speculative angles of interest! I love anthologies which re-carve a path into what is plausible through Speculative worlds which tuck you into situations that you can appreciate as being inspired by our IRL lives but as such are played out in fantastical realms instead of our contemporary modern reality!

Curiously – what kinds of anthologies do you love yourself? And, are you gravitating towards Speculative Fiction anthologies like I am? If so, which are your favourite publishers? So far, I’ve enjoyed 7th Star Press, World Weaver Press & Xchyler Publishing.

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Tales from Parellel Worlds by Jes Drew

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This is a self-published anthology!

Converse via: #FantasyForChristmas19, #FantasyAvengers and #Steampunk

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Published: 26th October, 2019 | ISBN: 978-1694397775

An illustrated collection of faerie tales and adventure stories from two worlds parallel to each other. One is a world filled with fae folk and monsters, and the other is place of clockwork and alchemy.

Both are brimming with magic, mystery, and mortals who must find their places within. Between the pages of these worlds, a boy learns his childhood friend is a dyrad, a lady must sneak away from her own ball to provide the cure to a plague-infected village, a siren has to solve a murder, and more.

Also includes an exclusive short story from the Howling Twenties series, involving the enchanted forest, a wedding day, and a blood moon.

Be swept away in tales of wonder-with all profit going to Polaris so girls and boys can have a chance to live their own faerie tales and adventures in freedom.

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Posted Wednesday, 4 December, 2019 by jorielov in #blogmas, Blog Tour Host, Book | Novel Extract, Book Spotlight, Fantasy Fiction, Indie Author, Prism Book Tours, Steampunk