10 Bookish (& Not-Bookish Thoughts) XIII: A #SciFiMonth Top Ten : Stories & Inkslayers I discovered during @SciFiMonth!

Posted Thursday, 3 November, 2022 by jorielov 2 Comments

10 Bookish Not Bookish Thoughts banner created by Jorie in Canva.

I’ve honestly wanted to start participating in this weekly meme in 2014, however, I would always seem to get distracted during the hours leading up to Thursdays OR completely forget to compose my thoughts for this meme until into the weekend; at which point, the time had come and gone. I like the fact we can exchange thoughts percolating in our minds that run the gambit of the bookish world, creative outlets, or thoughts we want to share that might show a bit more about who we are behind the bookish blog we maintain. I am going to attempt to thread the journal of my 10 Bookish / Not Bookish Thoughts by order of the entries arrival into my life rather than a preference of 1-10.

BE SURE to visit my FIRST ENTRY: Bookish Not Bookish No.1

BE SURE to visit my 2nd ENTRY: Bookish Not Bookish No.6

And, my 3rd ENTRY: Bookish Not Bookish No.10
– a #SciFiMonth Book Tag AND Spine Poetry!

as well as my 4th ENTRY: Bookish Not Bookish No.11

my 5th ENTRY: Bookish Not Bookish No. 12
– a #SciFiMonth Book Tag, Spine Poetry AND Meet the SF Reader!

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A list of 10 Stories & Inkslayers I discovered
during the 10 years of #SciFiMonth
| Hostess List

#SciFiMonth banner for 2022 created by Imryil and is used with permission.
Image Credit: SciFiMonth artwork is by the amazingly talented Simon Fetscher.

Fun Stuff for Your Blog via pureimaginationblog.com

A bit about why I love joining #SciFiMonth every year:

*waves!* to my fellow Sci Fi Geeks who are embarking on their own literary and cross-media journey this Sci Fi November! I decided to continue to break the mould of how I am announcing my #SciFiMonth adventures here on Jorie Loves A Story by using the prompts provided by #SciFiMonth and using those as a stepping stone of entrance into the event as I truly enjoyed doing this in years past. Its become a NEW tradition for me during the event!

Ever since I was a Young Astronaut as a kid you could say I’ve had this long seeded appreciation for the Cosmos, Astrophysics, Astronomy, Cosmology and Astronautics. When it comes to sorting out which stories I want to endeavour to read during #SciFiMonth every year, I get wicked giddy about seeking out Space Opera stories and all the lovely sub-genres which pull us into the further reaches of space and the explorations we can seek out the universe.

This was more aptly seen when I was reading through the 3x trilogies of #TheClanChronicles which to this day is one of my favourite series I’ve read, blogged and ruminated over as a book blogger. It was such a transformative experience for a girl who loves the stars and a Spacer lifestyle. Do visit those reviews if you’ve ever wanted to seek out a Hard SciFi series which grips you from the first story and holds you glued into its heart until the very last page is read. It is both epic and dramatically emotional to read because of how Czerneda writes such a smashingly realistic series which feels as if you’ve lived those lives by the time you’ve reached the conclusion. The only part of the series I haven’t yet read are the “Stories of Plexis” which is a fan-based anthology of shorts set on Plexis and involve the characters and/or other aspects of life on Plexis which is set in the Clan Chronicles universe. And, that dear hearts is changing this #SciFiMonth! You’ll have to await further posts to find out how and why!

From the stories we read, to the tv series and/or films we’re watching as a purveyor of Science Fiction worlds & lives. We tend to ‘bear witness’ to the genre simply by consuming our own personal route of its content & consume a larger sense of our world through the stories which are speaking directly to our future selves inasmuch as they are trying to evoke a conversation with our modern world.

It is quite impressive how we have the chance to remain on the threshold of where a genre can direct itself forward – to be on the springboard of change & innovation and to celebrate the voices on the Indie side of the ledger who are shattering expectations and giving us wicked good reads. But most of all – we all bear witness to the community of Science Fiction whenever we come together as a community and continue the event founded by Rinn @ Rinn Reads.

We owe her a sincere note of gratitude for INSPIRING us to follow this pursuit and to continue to create the community in which we all have become explorers seeking what whets a thirst of curiosity to discover & share throughout November each and every year since [2013]. Here’s to Imyril & Lisa – for giving their devotion and dedication to an event which would not quite be the same without their tireless efforts to keep us united and to collectively build new bridges of community with everyone who is socially bookish and wants to share our mutual passions of Science Fiction with each other.

Rainbow Digital Clip Art Washi Tape made by The Paper Pegasus. Purchased on Etsy by Jorie and used with permission.

#SciFiMonth 2022 Top Ten Prompt graphic created by Imyril and is used with permission.
Image Credit: SciFiMonth artwork is by the amazingly talented Simon Fetscher.

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Top tens for our tenth year

We loved having weekly Favourite Fives for Wyrd & Wonder’s fifth birthday, so it’s only right to go full Top Tens for SciFiMonth’s tenth! But what are those weekly topics?

  • Previously, On SciFiMonth: SFnal books / films / shows / games you enjoyed or were introduced to during SciFiMonth in the past
  • Turn Back Time: feature tales about time travel or shout about classic SF titles
  • To Boldly Go: contribute to RunalongWomble’s excellent #SmallPressBigStories initiative with a top ten focusing on stories published by independent and small presses
  • One Small Step: sure we love a sprawling space opera, but this week is for celebrating short stories, novellas and novelettes
  • Can’t Stop The Signal: SciFiMonth is all about the community – share your favourite SF blogs we should follow

as it was disclosed via Imyril @ There’s Always Room for One More

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No. 1 | Doctor Who : yes, I became a Whovian during #SciFiMonth!

When I saw the first prompted topic, I *knew!* I had to mention becoming a Whovian first and foremost because the community of #SciFiMonth in 2013 quite literally had a hand in how I discovered Who and to which of the episodes and seasons I inter-library loaned through my local library in order to dive deep into the series whilst at the same time gathering a firm knowledge of what anchoured all other Whovians into the world of “Doctor Who!” Towards that end, if you’ve never read this post (ie. Diary of Nu-Whovian) I suggest that you make a segue over to it! Whilst at the same time, I also shared this post about my first week experiencing “Doctor Who” — from there I must admit, time was not my friend and as my Mum, Da & I all DEVOURED the Doctor’s adventures, companions and travels – it became quite apparent to keep blogging about those experiences would have been especially harder than the JOY it was giving me as a watcher!

I also had the pleasure of sharing a guest post by a fellow book blogger who was a devout Whovian herself and of whom shortly thereafter retired from blogging. We were meant to continue to write guest posts & features on each others’ blogs but it wasn’t meant to be sadly.

It was David Tennant and Matt Smith who captured my heart & eye for Who and afterwards, my next favourite Doctor was Peter Capaldi. Thereby, I loved Doctors 10, 11 & 12. I’m most eager to see the new 2023 series featuring the 15th Doctor as well. I attempted to watch the 13th Doctor but for whichever reason I simply couldn’t get a rhythm into that series and gave up trying to make it work for me. It was a bit ironic as well because I thought for sure I’d find that series to be my jam but in the end, I longed for the other series’ and other Doctors. Plus for me, I fell emotionally hard into Capaldi’s journey as the Doctor as I binged it one Christmas and after that, I think my heart just was wrecked to move forward so soon after that experience.

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Posted Thursday, 3 November, 2022 by jorielov in #SciFiMonth, 10 Bookish (& Not-So-Bookish Thoughts), Blogosphere Events & Happenings, Sci-Fi November

#SpooktasticReads | Year V : A 13-day celebration of the spookier side of Fantasy!

Posted Wednesday, 19 October, 2022 by jorielov , , , , , , , , , , 0 Comments

#SpooktasticReads 2022 banner created by Jorie in Canva.

Fun Stuff for Your Blog via pureimaginationblog.com

Welcome, Welcome to #SpooktasticReads Year V

Happily visit my lovely co-hosts:

Lisa @ Dear Geek Place

+ Imyril @ There’s Always Room for One More

+ Annemieke @ A Dance With Books

+ Ariana @ The Book Nook

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A bit of back-history on SPOOKTASTIC READS:

In Autumn [2017], I conceived of this idea to re-start my readings into the spooktacular worlds of chilling Thrillers, Suspense, Mysteries and the Paranormal (with just a dash of love for Cosy Horror!) – wherein I conceived of spending a fortnight reading such lovelies and enjoying a personal readathon leading into Halloween! I fell a bit short of my goals in [2017], even though I took it as a success – as not only did I read some rather spookified tales but I found myself wholly intrigued by the stories I was selecting to read!

By [2018] whilst helping develop and co-host @WyrdAndWonder, I put forth the idea to name our first mini-event for #WyrdAndWonder – wherein I was hoping to let this small idea I had in [2017] take flight, reach a bigger audience and find readers who might find their own definition of #SpooktasticReads befitting their own readerly life! Which of course meant – re-defining it to include what it celebrates now as a mainstay: Cosy Horror, Paranormal Fantasy, Witchy Reads, Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy, Dark Fantasy and even Gothic Romance or other such tales. I still have the tendency to read Cosy Crime, Suspense and Thrillers throughout Autumn and into Winter as well.

Some of the stories of course play the theme up quite a bit for the spookier side of the genres, some of which may or may not directly (or indirectly) relate to Fantasy per se but this is one of those readathons which is open to both interpretation and the joy of having free reign to enjoy the readathon in a way each reader wants to approach it. The truer beauty of Wyrd And Wonder and SpooktasticReads is the ability for each participant to find their own readerly path and find what gives them JOY to celebrate the events we’re hosting through social and the book blogosphere.

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Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

  • #SpooktasticReads 2022

Posted Wednesday, 19 October, 2022 by jorielov in Bookish Discussions, Cosy Historical Mystery, Crime Fiction, Ghosts & the Supernatural, Gothic Literature, Historical Fiction, Historical Thriller Suspense, Parapsychological Gifts, Supernatural Fiction, Suspense

Blog Book Tour | “The Myrtle Wand” (A re-telling of the classical ballet “Giselle”) by Margaret Porter

Posted Monday, 17 October, 2022 by jorielov , , 0 Comments

Stories in the Spotlight banner created by Jorie in Canva.

Acquired Book By: I am a regular tour hostess for blog tours via Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours whereupon I am thankful to have been able to host such a diverse breadth of stories, authors and wonderful guest features since I became a hostess! HFVBTs is one of the very first touring companies I started working with as a 1st Year Book Blogger – uniting my love and passion with Historical Fiction and the lovely sub-genres inside which I love devouring. Whether I am reading selections from Indie Authors & publishers to Major Trade and either from mainstream or INSPY markets – I am finding myself happily residing in the Historical past each year I am a blogger.

What I have been thankful for all these years since 2013 is the beautiful blessing of discovering new areas of Historical History to explore through realistically compelling Historical narratives which put me on the front-lines of where History and human interest stories interconnect. It has also allowed me to dive deeper into the historic past and root out new decades, centuries and millenniums to explore. For this and the stories themselves which are part of the memories I cherish most as a book blogger I am grateful to be a part of the #HFVBTBlogTours blogger team.

I received a complimentary copy of “The Myrtle Wand” by the author Margaret Porter in exchange for an honest review. I did not receive compensation for my opinions or thoughts shared herein.

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On why this review is a more condensed version of a regular one I usually feature:

For those who follow my blog, if you’ve been following me throughout the last nine years, you’ve known I lost two cats within the first two years of book blogging. I’ve just recently lost my third – as my beloved tabby of 18 years lost his health battle and is free of pain and suffering now. It has been a very emotionally difficult week for me and my family; whilst our fourth cat whose survived all three of the tabbys who were her siblings – is struggling herself with anxiety, panic attacks and her own sorrow. We’re doing our best to help guide her through this difficult season of mourning but as you will find on #TheSundayPost which I released ahead of this spotlighted post for the blog tour – it hasn’t been a good couple of months for me or my family.

When I saw this story was being offered on a blog tour, I was truly excited, and I was looking forward to reading a story which was rooted in an adaptation of a classical ballet! I personally love reading adaptive literature and retellings of classical stories across all works of interest. This would be my second re-envisioning of a ballet as my first was for Swan Lake as seen through the vision Kaki Olsen had for it.

However, this particular Summer had its fair share of ups and downs for my family and I. I was returning to reading in August and if my migraines hadn’t derailed in September, I think I might have had a chance of reading this story in its entirety. Of course, looking back is easier than how life is lived forward and with those migraines and another bout of stress in the final week of September ahead of my cat’s declining health last week and death; I will honestly say, I lost my footing with this story and another one (ie. The Other Side of Certain) which is reflective of how life can become disrupted by events we cannot foresee happening until they arrive. I regret I had less time to spend within the context of The Myrtle Wand but as I already missed one blog tour, I was refused to miss another one if I could help it.

This abridged review is part of my #25PagePreview posts and at a future date I am hopeful I can share a more expanded rumination of my time spent within the author’s vision of the story.

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Blog Book Tour | “The Myrtle Wand” (A re-telling of the classical ballet “Giselle”) by Margaret PorterThe Myrtle Wand
by Margaret Porter
Source: Author via Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours

The Myrtle Wand, a retelling and a continuation of the classic ballet Giselle, restores original story elements to transform a tale of blighted romances and betrayals into a quest for redemption and restorative love.

Princess Bathilde de Sevreau, her school friend Myrte, and the peasant girl Giselle have heard the legend of the vilis, ghostly maidens who rise from their graves by night to roam the forest, seeking revenge on faithless lovers. Each will fear being ensnared by that spectral sisterhood…

Bathilde, destined for a marriage of convenience with Albin, Duc de Rozel, leaves her ancestral château for the Sun King’s sophisticated and scandalous court. As participants in royal ceremonies and entertainments, the princess and the soldier gradually recognize their deep feelings for each other, as well as mutual hopes for a happy and satisfying union. But the tragic consequences of Albin’s brief masquerade as a commoner and the amorous Louis XIV’s quest for a mistress divide the betrothed couple. Together and separately, they must overcome conflicting duties and unexpected dangers to determine their fate.

Genres: Classical Literature, After Canons, Re-telling &/or Sequel, Historical Fiction

Places to find the book:

Add to LibraryThing

ISBN: 9798985673494

Published by Gallica Press

on 8th October, 2022

Format: Trade Paperback

Pages: 374

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Converse via: #HistFic or #HistNov and #HistoricalFiction
+ #TheMyrtleWand as well as #HFVBT

Available Formats: Trade paperback and Ebook

About Margaret Porter

Margaret Porter

MARGARET PORTER is award-winning, bestselling author of The Myrtle Wand (October 2022), The Limits of Limelight (September 2021), Beautiful Invention: A Novel of Hedy Lamarr, and twelve other historical novels. After studying British history in the U.K., she worked professionally in theatre, film, and television. A historian and avid traveler, Margaret returns to Great Britain and Europe for research. She lives in New England with husband and dog, dividing her time between an architecturally unique book-filled house in a small city and a waterfront cottage on one of the region’s largest lakes.

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Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

  • 2022 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge

Posted Monday, 17 October, 2022 by jorielov in #25PagePreview, After the Canon, Blog Tour Host, Book Spotlight, Classical Literature, Historical Fiction, Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours, Inspired by Stories, Jorie Loves A Story Features, Re-Told Tales

#TheSundayPost XII | Sometimes sorrow interrupts our lives and disrupts our days

Posted Sunday, 16 October, 2022 by jorielov 2 Comments

#TheSundayPost banner created by Jorie in Canva.

[Official Blurb] The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog. This is your news post, so personalize it! Include as much as you want or as little. Be creative, it can be a vlog or just a showcase of your goodies. Link up once a week or once a month, you decide. Book haul can include library books, yard sale finds, arcs and bought books..share them!

  • Enter your link on the post-
  • Sundays beginning at 12:01 am (CST) (link will be open all week)
  • Link back to this post or this blog
  • Visit others who have linked up
  • Read this week’s #TheSundayPost!

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Are we ever ready to say “goodbye” to someone we love?

Poetry of Sorrow by Jorie banner created in Canva.

I never thought I’d be blogging about the loss of a cat

during the year I felt couldn’t surprise me anymore

with unexpected stress and a multitude of adversities.

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In regards to my life behind the blog:

You might have already noticed my long absences online this Summer — some of which I’ve already addressed, and other notations of those absences were meant to be blogged about during #TheSundayPost but were never fully conceived nor written to be shared officially. I’ve done a lot of thinking this year about what I want to blog about but actually being able to sit down and BLOG those thoughts has been something else entirely. Sometimes our intentions to do something is more powerful than the ability to achieve them. In my defence, this is my second year of working full-time but my first year of working two full-time jobs; one by day, one by night. It has literally taken all the energy and stamina I never thought I could muster to maintain both and unfortunately hasn’t always lent a way for me to have downtime away from work.

Which of course only partially explains my absences this year, but for now, I want to focus on something else — something that has been weighing on my heart and soul for over a week now. As despite the adversely difficult September which presented two migraines and a sea of anxiety towards the end of the month where weather could have affected my life moreso than it did — I was not quite prepared for October to ring in a season of deep sorrow and soul-crushing grief. Read More


Posted Sunday, 16 October, 2022 by jorielov in Bits & Bobbles of Jorie, Blogosphere Events & Happenings, Bookish Memes, JLAS Update Post, Jorie Loves A Story, Spontaneous Musings, Stories of Jorie, The Sunday Post

Celebrating #SelfPubFanMonth with a fantastical #SaturdaysAreBookish | diving into “Viking Quest” by Edale Lane

Posted Saturday, 24 September, 2022 by jorielov , , , 0 Comments

#SaturdaysAreBookish banner created by Jorie in Canva.

Acquired Book By: I had to re-arrange my plans during #WyrdAndWonder – as I was going to read all the lovely books by Edale Lane I had purchased either ahead or during of the event this year during May – except to say, my month held its own fair share of woes – from health, to work to all the little unexpected things that go wrong which add up to lost hours to read and blog! *le sigh* However, I chose to reveal my thoughts on behalf of “Heart of Sherwood” and “Walks With Spirits” during Wyrd And Wonder as I felt it was quite an interesting bookend: the first and the latest by Edale Lane. However, the hours did not yield to finishing of the second novel. I had begun to read the fourth novel of the Night Flyer series as well but realised the hours were limited and I wouldn’t get the chance to read the fifth – so I’ve pushed those readings into Summer which melted into Autumn readings.

As a small update: I’ll be listening to the audiobook for “Walks With Spirits” whilst continuing to read the novel, whilst shifting back into the Night Flyer series and diving into “Daring Duplicity” as well as Autumn starts to take hold. The joy of course, I was able to lengthen my time with Lane’s novels rather than to curate a readathon condensed into one singular month. All round, I am just thankful to have her stories with me to read and/or listen too. 

I was not obligated to post a review on its behalf – as I purchased this novel ahead of Wyrd And Wonder Year 5 (May, 2022). I am sharing my thoughts on behalf of this novel for my own edification and a continued journey of sharing my readerly life on Jorie Loves A Story. I did not receive compensation for my opinions or thoughts shared herein.

Note: I received the Press Materials from the author Edale Lane – of whom I have previously hosted during blog tours and have had her as a guest author several times on my blog. She was one of my @SatBookChat #WyrdAndWonder guest authors this year – on the 28th of May. And, she will be featured again within the next month – either on Jorie Loves A Story or @SatBookChat as those plans are still being finalised.

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Hallo, Hallo dear hearts!

As I previously disclosed during my #RomanceTuesdays showcase for “Heart of Sherwood” (see also Review) I’ve been curating a long history of appreciating the stories writ by Edale Lane over the last few years! She is one of my mainstays in regard to which Self Pub novelists I regularly read and seek out to read on the regular. Others include the following: Jeannie Wycherley, Leanne Leeds, Jennifer Silverwood and Nicole Evelina. You can see a thread of connection too – as most of these authors are writing Speculative Fiction, with the exception of Evelina who writes in different genres of interest but did write a trilogy about Guinevere and King Arthur. You’ll find reviews of their stories throughout Jorie Loves A Story.

Over the years I’ve come to LOVE reading stories by Self Pub authors and storycrafters – ever since I first started blogging, I saw the doors open a bit wider to finding their stories via online routes of discovery and it has led me to having a healthy appreciation for reading self-published literature. Secondly to that pursuit is my love of Independently published (by Press or publisher) literature and for the most part, in both respects, my allegiances tend to lean on the Speculative even though I do read other genres through those publishing routes.

This is the first year I could join the event for #SelfPubFanMonth – which is why the final weeks of September will be happily highlighting the self-published authors I’ve read during #WyrdAndWonder whilst also delving into the works I’ve read this September with featured reviews. I am also going to be featuring a #ThrowbackThursday post highlighting one of my favourites from May. I love to find ways to shine a light on the writers who are writing the stories I desire to read most and to join the collective community online who are equally sharing their own joys as we all pursue the stories which excite us to be read. This is one reason why these events and niche communities are a lot of fun to participate inside as you just never know what you might find in regard to a new story, series or author — with the added bonus of finding new bloggers to follow, too.

There is one exception to this newfound joy — I haven’t been able to trace any activity on the Self Pub Fantasy Month website and my notes to the host this year went unanswered this month. I am not sure if there was an emergency or if plans shifted and the event is only running on blogs wherein some of us are still sharing content. If anyone knows any information – kindly leave a comment on this post and help solve the mystery because it is the first event I’ve joined that had an absent host and, erhm, event!?

Rainbow Digital Clip Art Washi Tape made by The Paper Pegasus. Purchased on Etsy by Jorie and used with permission.

Celebrating #SelfPubFanMonth with a fantastical #SaturdaysAreBookish | diving into “Viking Quest” by Edale LaneViking Quest
by Ms Edale Lane
Illustrator/Cover Designer: Enggar Adirasa
Source: Purchased | Personal Library

When secrets and lies threaten the throne, can a fierce champion tame her passion in time to stop a cruel enemy’s ruthless march?

Viking Warrior Princess Lena craves revenge. Hunting a killer after her husband is brutally slain, she discovers a shadowy traitor is at play behind the scenes, working to disrupt the balance of power. Placing her need for vengeance on hold when the king falls gravely ill, Lena leads an expedition to locate a fabled healer across a treacherous sea.

Caitlin, snatched from her home in Eire and sold into slavery, prayed for a means of escape, and in storms Lena to her rescue. She is grateful, but realizes her feelings for Lena run far deeper.

Mighty warrior Gunnar is loyal to the core. But when his lord orders him to sabotage the princess’s royal mission, he’s plagued by doubt, uncertain he’s fighting for the right side.

Beset by foul weather and an uncharted island of trolls, Lena fears she’ll never avenge her husband’s death…. And now Gunnar must decide where his fealty rests as the tides turn to war.

Beset by a plethora of dangers and delays, Lena battles foes on every front, even as her heart softens towards the lovely Celt girl she longs to embrace. Gunnar must choose between honor and fealty, but in the end, will a traitor’s blade end all their lives?

Viking Quest is a breathtaking Historical Fantasy novel. If you like principled characters, battles of conscience, and tender F/F romance, then you’ll love Edale Lane’s action-packed epic.

Genres: Fantasy Fiction, Historical-Fantasy, LGBTQIA Fiction, Fantasy Romance, Sapphic Romance

Places to find the book:

Add to LibraryThing

ISBN: 979-8524703118

Also by this author: Chaos in Milan, Heart of Sherwood

Published by Past & Prologue Press

on 22nd June, 2021

Format: Trade Paperback

Pages: 242

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Published by: Past and Prologue Press

Converse via: #VikingQuest or #SelfPubFanMonth and #SelfPubSept
as well as #WyrdAndWonder

About Ms Edale Lane

Edale Lane

Edale Lane is the author of an award winning 2019 debut novel, Heart of Sherwood. She is the alter-ego of author Melodie Romeo, (Vlad a Novel, Terror in Time, and others) who founded Past and Prologue Press. Both identities are qualified to write historical fiction by virtue of an MA in History and 24 years spent as a teacher, along with skill and dedication in regard to research. She is a successful author who also currently drives a tractor-trailer across the United States. A native of Vicksburg, MS, Edale (or Melodie as the case may be) is also a musician who loves animals, gardening, and nature.

Rainbow Digital Clip Art Washi Tape made by The Paper Pegasus. Purchased on Etsy by Jorie and used with permission. Read More

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

  • #SelfPubFantasyMonth

Posted Saturday, 24 September, 2022 by jorielov in #SelfPubFanMonth, 11th Century, Book Review (non-blog tour), Content Note, Death, Sorrow, and Loss, Equality In Literature, Fantasy Fiction, Fantasy Romance, Fly in the Ointment, Historical Fantasy, Indie Author, LGBTTQPlus Fiction | Non-Fiction, Multi-cultural Characters and/or Honest Representations of Ethnicity, Romance Fiction, Sapphic Romance, Self-Published Author, Twitterland & Twitterverse Event