Isn’t that a wonderful premise to have as your statement of purpose!?
L O V E 2 R E A D: evokes the harmony of selecting a book that will catapult you into a world that you’re not even aware of visiting previously, but will hopefully become entrenched and enchanted by before you lay the book down. When your passionate about the written word you really *do!* “love to read” because you never want the inertia of discovery to stop. Your addicted to where each book you choose will take you next. And, the symmetry of your selections makes your reading adventure singularly unique and modified to your own personal stipulations and personality. I have an entire page devoted to Children’s Literature that reveals the books that I read as a child in my growing years, as much as the books I am discovering now in my early thirties because I have uncovered a new joy for juvenile and young adult literature! I will always endeavour to promote reading to children as much as to adults, because your never too young OR too old to be wrapped up blissfully inside of a story!
How I found this lovely organisation: The more bookish blogs I sought out this year, the more I would stumble across organisational badges that the blogger’s would place on their sidebars. One particular evening, I was reading “The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader” and noted their badge. I promptly opened up an email and composed a message! This blogger also promotes sharing the ‘loot’ you pick up at your local library as part as a weekly meme that other bloggers can participate in. I appreciate that there is a general sense of sharing the love of books, reading, and libraries amongst the bookish bloggers I am discovering!
About the mission of their organisation:
Her Excellency Ms. Quentin Bryce AC CVO Govenor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia‘s Message about “The Reading Hour” being included in the {Australian} National Year of Reading {2012} to promote literacy and the joy of reading, posted by OOSGG.
(previously the video was embedded; before it turnt private)
Information from Love2Read’s Media Release:
February 14, 2013: The National Year of Reading in 2012 was such a success that libraries across Australia have decided to continue the Love2Read branding for 2013 and beyond, and to make The Reading Hour an annual event.
During 2012, the National Year of Reading saw 4,000 events, more than 200,000 participants, $26 millon-worth of media coverage, $5.6 million-worth of in kind support, and a return on investment, at a conservative estimate, of $18 for every $1 invested in the campaign.
Love2Read brand: Following on from the Love2Read flower logo appearing in thousands of locations across Australia last year, the symbol has given a new lease of life, with the promise that, wherever it appears – in a library, a bookshop, a school, or some other community space — you will be able to find something to read, somewhere to read, and people who share your love of reading. More than 80 ambassadors, partners and friends of the National Year of Reading have agreed to continue to support the campaign and you can find the list of supporters on the website:
IF you ask me, there is something quite special for the united love of reading to ignite such a widespread movement of learning and shared reading space! I wish I could sort out how to find a badge that says: I LOVE Libraries or a version of the sentiment, because Love2Read and The Reading Hour are directly connected to libraries, and anyone whose read even an inch of my blog knows that my passion for libraries is all-inclusive! Bookshoppes come in a close second as you might have assessed from the bit I wrote up about them under “My Bookish Life“.
Each year that The Reading Hour event is held, I will be participating in America, proudly tipping my hat to their efforts down under, and smiling at the same time knowing that half a world away, the joy of reading is being enthusiastically enjoyed! I think that the mission and vision of this programme yields to mine of Jorie Loves A Story, and perhaps that was the first inkling of why I wanted to gain permission to share this organisation’s outreach in this manner: to promote the passionate joy of reading! Afterall, without my passion for the written word, this blog would not exist. And, without the fortitude of encouragement by my Mum, Da, and teachers through my growing years I never would have battled through my woes with dyslexia to find the silver lining that yielded such a bounty of knowledge!
The Reading Hour {event} with {this} American’s twist:
24 August 2013 @ 5p Australian {Melbourne, Victoria} time is 3a {EST} the same day!
Whereas on 24 August 2013 @ 5p {EST} it is 25 August 2013 @ 7a the next day!
IF I can swing it, I will read a book for an hour on 24 August 2013 @ 3a / 5p to participate in Australia / America!
[UPDATE: 24 August 2013 @4:12am] I was roused awake with the intention of participating, even though, I had turned into my dreamscapes by the stroke of 10! I was plumb knackered for all the reading that I had been doing the full-week of the Bout of Books, 8.0!! I clearly was watching over my well-being, never reading past the point of strain, cat-napping if my eyes blurred due to exhaustion, and ate regular meals & remembered to see the light of day outside the realms of the books I was consuming! I had a lot of highs and lows as the week progressed as I sort of met some of my goals and sort of plowed right-on past the others! The one thing I didn’t want to forsake was this particular Hour to Read, because I was caught up in the allure of being able to *read at precisely the same time as the Australians!* Which is why, despite thinking I had no extra stamina or eyes willing to wake themselves at 2:55am, I found myself alighted with a spare surge of energy! Eyes dancing with the possibility that perhaps, one girl can dare to make a difference, even at such a distance as the Eastern state of Florida, far removed from the country of Australia! To promote the joy of reading + to undertake one hour, on the 24th of August, to say, “reading is a pleasure wrapped inside a joyous balloon that never fades nor leaves you with anything less than a ruefully happy smile!” Books transport us everywhere we want to go, including the places not yet known, and the curious corridors we like to re-visit, as their characters and memories are strung to our hearts as well known as our own living memories can be! :) Thus, I embarked on this curious quest, and met it in such a fine of a way!
I pulled “Charlotte’s Web” by E.B. White off my wooden shelf, housed underneath a small stack of books, which include the first two Alex Rider novels by Anthony Horowitz [better known to me know, as the man behind “Foyle’s War”], and the quartet mystery series that involves two spunky correspondents who take trips and solve mysteries by Jennifer Austin! I curled into Charlotte’s Web, and read the first 104 pages out of 184!! I was quite chuffed when I realised I had accomplished that! As despite being a proud Night Owl, this owl has been staying wayy past her usual time of night, sinking into the dreamscapes closer-to 2 or 3a on a regular basis all week!! To think, she was able to turn in early on a Friday to wake in time to greet the Aussies on a Saturday was nothing short of miraculous!
And, the story of this day does not yet end here! As although I participated during the official Reading Hour, I still have my own Reading Hour coming up in the late afternoon! I wanted to participate twice, because its only fitting, given the International Time differences and the fact, it gives me the chance to finish reading Wilbur’s story!! I am going to treat myself by placing on hold at the library, a copy of the film “Charlotte’s Web” starring Dakota Fanning as Fern! I never had the proper chance to watch it, as I had bought this edition of the novel for that specific purpose in mind! My own copy from my childhood is a mirror image of this one, as its the hardback edition from the 1980s with the familiar illustrations by Garth Williams! :) :) This one, also says, “Now a Major Motion” which is something to give a pause and smile too!
[next update: shortly after 6p, same day!] I do wonder if anyone who saw this coming up on my blog, as I cross-referenced it under my Voraciously Absorbing Lit page, if any of the other bookishly inclined bloggers are taking part!? I am so happy that it all worked out, as this one project simply touched my heart! Literacy, libraries, reading, and the joy of words will always be a pursuit that I will stand behind!! :) :)
I have completed Charlotte’s Web, albeit a wee bit tuckered out around the edges, as I am not used to reading at 3am, whilst needing to be ready to head out the door for a workshoppe in writing by 10a! Oy vie! I did cut things rather close, today, eh!? I had such an enjoyable time playing my part in The Reading Hour, that I hope, as visitors discover my blog and the wholeness of what makes Jorie Loves A Story, that they might stumble across this posting, and remember that the world is not such a large place if one programme in reading across the continents can inspire this book blogger to participate!! I tried to imagine the joyous faces of the children who would take part in the live events, and the mirth of the supporters who had put in the long hours to get the notice out to everyone who might like to take part! I wonder, truly, what books the children selected to read OR which books might have been read to them, today!? Maybe, just maybe, one of those selections was Charlotte’s Web, and if dear hearts, that is true, than the distance between me and them was not so impossible to visualise!
I even started to choke up whilst reading the teary eyed good-bye that always comes at just the moment your keen on this little magical world of Zuckermann’s farm, where animals talk with kindness and love, and where the world doesn’t quite move as fast as it needs too, because there is time enough to do what needs to be done. Including, taking the time to notice your surroundings and how the environment changes through the seasons. Noticing the ticking pause of time, and the beauty of making the time to solidify strong friendships and fill your life with love. Your all warm and comfortable inside this slip of a world, and then, right by the time your ready for the next chapter of their lives, you find you have arrived at the end! Until the next time you pick up the book, smiling with a fondness of recent memory, and sink back into that quiet and innocent world that makes Charlotte’s Web such a beautiful place to visit, whether you’re a young reader or a girl who grew into a woman of thirty-four years!
Alas, now all I need to do is place a hold for the adaptation starring Dakota Fanning, and the circle shall be complete! Until next August, when this lovely project comes back around and is the focal point of a day in late August,… celebrating the joy of reading one curious book at a time!
What will you read today!? If you were only given an hour!?
NOTE: Previously all badges provided by Love2Read & The Reading Hour were linked to the site: – however, in July 2017 the site was found to be taken down.
{SOURCES: I was given permission for the use of the banners and badges, that are featured on this posting as well as on my blog. They {Love2Read & The Reading Hour} were most encouraged that an American wanted to promote a literacy advocate organisation in Australia, as literacy is a universal issue and reading should be promoted everywhere. I was also given permission to use content from their website. I have quoted which pieces I have used by them to differentiate between my own words. Seriously wicked bookish, coffee and library badges {entirely FREE!} provided by Squeesome Designs!}}
Copyright © Jorie Loves A Story, 2013.