Prominent Authors and Agents Ready to Converge in Virginia for 11th Annual James River Writers Conference
Two Day event which features: workshoppes and inspiration for up and coming writers! Be sure to mark your calendars!
| 19-20th October 2013 |
How did JRW start? We began in 2003 when a group of area authors sought to address the needs of writers and literary fans in central Virginia by hosting Richmond’s first writing conference. Since then, we have grown into a multifaceted organisation of more than 300 members that serves as the region’s literary hub and a welcoming home for anyone who loves the written word. Our many programs inspire people, young and old, to pick up a book and read, or to start writing for the first time. For those already writing — be it poetry, a family memoir, or a great new novel — we help them improve their craft. A number of local writers have gone on to get their work published because of JRW. JRW plays a key role in expanding our region’s life-long literacy and in adding a vital dimension to Richmond’s cultural life.
RICHMOND, VIRGINIA: Writers, mark your calendars. The James River Writers Conference, is celebrating its 11th year as one of the most prestigious gatherings of published authors, literary agents and editors in the country with a two-day event that will inspire and educate writers on the rise.The James River Writer’s Conference returns to Richmond on October 19 and 20 with an impressive line-up of literary professionals, writing workshoppes and opportunities for aspiring writers to pitch their book ideas, hone their skills, and connect with nationally recognised authors and publishers.This year’s conference features an extensive list of esteemed guests and speakers including: award-winning book designer and writer Chip Kidd; National Book Award-winner Kathryn Erkskine and best-selling | award-winning author Christopher McDougall. Also making appearances at the conference are award-winning authors Cece Bell, Lydia Netzer, Megan Mayhew Bergman, and Philippa Ballantine. Book Doctors and Pitchapalooza founders Arielle Eckstut and David Henry Sterry will be on hand, and don’t forget to make time for agents including: April Eberhardt, Deborah Grosvenor, Victoria Skurnick and Paige Wheeler.Year after year, the conference is lauded for its remarkable programs and its noteworthy influence on the writing community. It’s no wonder why hundreds of people have been flocking to central Virginia each fall since 2003!
“The James River Writers Conference [is] one of the best writers’ conferences in America,” says David Henry Sterry, of The Book Doctors. “If you’re a writer, do yourself a favour, and get yourself to Richmond, Viriginia, and go to this conference. It’s filled with warm, generous, talented writers, editors and agents.”Registration for the annual conference is OPEN and writing sessions are already filling up. Find more details and a full list of programs at JamesRiverWriters.org.
The 2013 conference is supported by BrownGreer, VCU Libraries, Richmond Times-Dispatch, Fraga Studios, CultureWorks, Dominion, Hunton & Williams, Art Works, and the Virginia Commission for the Arts.
When Ms. Lien contacted me on: Monday, 7th October 2013 asking me to help promote a writers’ conference she would be attending lateron in the month; I excitedly agreed to post this on Jorie Loves A Story! You see, she is my contact with JKS Communications Publicity Firm for working with them for blog book tours! I worked with them in early September on the tour for “The Prayer Box” by Lisa Wingate, and I am scheduled to work with them again in January 2014 on the tour for “To Tuscany With Love” by Gail Mencini. She’s always such a delight to schedule a tour with, that I was compelled to seek out what JRW involved and thus, was inspired to share this on my blog!
First and foremost, I am always willing to spotlight an event for writers’ because without these tangible in-person conferences for writers’ who are still on a journey towards publication, we, the readers’ might not be graced with such a diverse range of books to read each year! I decided to do a bit of research to see who would be attending as well as to ask Ms. Lien to give me a bit more information about which panels she would be participating in herself! Lo and behold, amongst the authors’ I found one of the books I remember reading spotlighted on Book Browse! I only regret I won’t be able to attend! It sounds like such a wonderful event!!
| Authors in Attendance |
Kathryn Erskine – A well-traveled interesting author who has resided in the following lovely locales: The Netherlands (where she was bourne!), Israel, South Africa, Scotland, Newfoundland (Canada), and Virginia! I have a sneaking feeling that I am going to be seeing if I can get her books through my local library: Ibhubesi: The Lion, Quaking, Mockingbird, The Absolute Value of Mike, and Seeing Red. I am thankful for this chance to come across her writings!
Christopher McDougall – He is the author of the book Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Super Athletes, and the Greatest Race the World has Never Seen. The premise is quite intriguing because I have always been keen on natural healing and health, always wanting to seek the best wellness I can for my body, and this book delves into a tribe in Mexico who has unearthed the secret to not only curbing disease and illness, but how to ‘run’ great distances without pain, injury, or rest. I am rather intrigued about this book now, I must say! As I have heard of running in the forest to help heal your feet and weaknesses of tendons or knees, but I am curious what he learnt whilst in Mexico studying the Tarahumara Indians!?
Cece Bell – Children’s book author & illustrator of the following quirky and clever titles: Bee Wigged, Itty Bitty, Food Friends, Busy Buddies, and the Sock Monkey series. She exhibits a very happy attitude and a carefree spirit that I am sure is stitched into her stories! I will have to check out her children’s books at some point! I love finding new children’s lit authors, and I love the happy glow she has about life, living, illustrating, and writing books that young readers can get excited about!
Lydia Netzer -This is the author I was referring too above, as her novel Shine, Shine, Shine, was not only a featured selection on Book Browse, but it was one of the books they gave away! The thing is that I thought at the time, this book was a bit too emotionally intense for me to tackle, yet that didn’t take away from me appreciating that she would a wholly unique story!
Megan Mayhew Bergman -Her short story collection Birds of a Lesser Paradise, was a Book Browse pick in March 2012, yet I do not believe I came across it at the time it was featured! Although, I do attempt to read everything that Book Browse offers its members, I oft find that there are a few books here or there, that do slip past me! I am not as familiar with shorts, as I would hope I would be, and therefore, I might give this one a try, as I am finding them to be quite a unique lens to view the world!
Philippa Ballantine – She has an extensive array of published books, including a wicked looking Steampunk series entitled: The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences! Originally from New Zealand, she calls Virginia home! A regular pod-caster, and multi-genre author who co-writes her Steampunk series with her husband, Tee Morris! This appealed to me because I am finding that the range of Steam novels that are available are of such a wide variety, that you simply have to give them ‘a bit of a go’ and see where your interests lie!
| Literary Agents in Attendance |
April Eberhardt – She chose to found an agency that can weave between the traditional and e-publishing markets. She’s an agent that gives top priority to those who submit their stories in person at select writers’ conferences by which she attends yearly.
Deborah Grosvenor – On a personal note, what interested me to read in her biography is that she picked up “The Hunt for Red October” by Tom Clancy whilst she was an editor! I was intrigued by this news, as that is singularly my favourite “Jack Ryan” motion picture, and a book that I want to read! She seeks out non-fiction alongside these themes of choice: history, biography, politics, current & foreign affairs, memoir, food, health, the environment, and health. She is a principal agent at the Grosvenor Literary Agency.
Victoria Skurnick – She spent 20 years working for the Book-of-the-Month Club, where she had the honour of working with numerous best-selling authors! I can attest to her selection skills as in the early 2000s, I was a member for a short-lived period of time! She currently works with Levine Greenberg Literary Agency.
Although I haven’t come across the books they represent previously, the blurbs of these had me curious about what I’d find inside their covers: “Mr. Churchill’s Secretary” + “Princess Elizabeth’s Spy” by Susan Elia MacNeal; “A Little Night Magic” by Lucy March; and “While We Were Watching Downton Abbey” by Wendy Wax.
& Paige Wheeler – She helped develop Folio Literary Management, who is individually keen to read stories that encompass the following themes: women’s fiction, romance, mystery, thrillers, inspirational/Christian, and psychological suspense. She also is interested in select non-fiction titles that run the gambit of: lifestyle, relationship, parenting, business/entrepreneurship, food-subsistence-homesteading topics, popular/trendy reference projects and women’s issues.
It should be noted that they represented “The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate” by Jacqueline Kelly which I am going to be re-reading at some point so that I can speak about my impressions on JLAS, as I simply loved this book! This is a book that is transformative in its narrative and endears you to the story due to the nature of the relationship between Calpurnia and her grandfather! This is the book whose story will affect anyone who grew up with a deep appreciation for the natural world such as I did!
Events By which Samantha Lien will be in attendance:
This marks Ms. Lien’s first year in attending the James River Writers’ Conference, on the lark suggestion of a bookseller she knows who believed she would make an excellent guest speaker! She has also heard stories of past attendees who are authors she knows personally, who do nothing but evoke a sense of urgency in seeking out JRW, due to their positive reactions to past conferences! I hope that her first conference goes smashingly well and that being a speaker on the panels rewards her in ways she is not suspecting!
DAY: Saturday, 19 October 2013 | 3:45-4:45p | PANEL INFO
TOPIC: What’s New in Publishing?
PANEL: Greg Michalson, Beth Phelan, Samantha Lien, & Rebecca Joines Schinsky, Mod
INSPIRATION: How do writers keep up with the ever-changing landscape of publishing? Catch up on all the latest news and trends with industry professionals. Find out how you can adapt your marketing strategy to reflect recent developments.
DAY: Sunday, 20 October 2013 | 10:30-11:30a | PANEL INFO
TOPIC: Thinking Outside the Book: Trailers and Apps
PANEL: Megan Mayhew Bergman, Samantha Lien, Michael Portis, & Julie Green, Mod
INSPIRATION: How do you grab your share of attention in this digital age? What do you need to know to make your own book trailer? Is your book right for an app? Learn the answers to all these questions and more!
DAY: Sunday, 20 October 2013 | 11:45a-12:45p | PANEL INFO
TOPIC: Creating a Strategic Marketing and Publicity Plan
PANEL: Carey Albertine, Samantha Lien, Jon VanZile, & Rebecca Joines Schinsky, Mod
INSPIRATION: Explore the steps you can take to prepare your work for the best possible reception. Leave with ideas you can put into practice right away!
Questions for my dear readers: Have you ever attended a writers’ conference like James River!? IF so, what do you attribute to being the best part of your experiences? Do you think you will be attending JRW this year OR do you hope to earmark the conference for 2014!?
{SOURCES: The “James River Writers” Logo & the 2013 Conference Badge were provided by James River Writers’ Conference for Press/Media/Bloggers who aim to get the word out about their organisation & conference! The information about James River was taken from their Press Materials online. I was asked to help promote this particular year’s conference by Ms. Lein of JKS Communications Firm, who said that I was qualified to use these logo badges due to the fact I am promoting the Press Release for this Event! Ms. Lien provided not only the official Press Release, but she answered a few of my questions as far as the specifics of her participation at the event itself! I also conferred with JRW and was given permission for the use of the badges and text about them in the manner in which they appear.}
Copyright © Jorie Loves A Story, 2013.