Category: Bookish Memes

Sunday Showcase #2: Austen, her name is Jane Austen!

Posted Monday, 19 August, 2013 by jorielov , 0 Comments

Showcase Sunday

{Official Blurb} Inspired by Pop Culture Junkie and the Story Siren, the aim of Showcase Sunday is to highlight our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders each week.

When you find yourself unexpectedly encouraged to seek out Austen, Ms. Jane Austen,…

You see, there is this little blogosphere event called: Austen in August, hosted by Roof Beam Reader, which seeks to encourage and inspire everyone to become caught up in all things *Austen!* for the entire month of *August!* :) It was my full intent to read each book I had selected during the past weeks since August dawned, however, I made a misstep in not realising how quickly the hours would fly right-on past me to the stratosphere as soon as JLAS Launched! Oyy vie!! Clearly, I did not schedule enough hours to fit everything into August that I dearly wanted too! Therefore, after I participate in the Bout [Bout of Books, 8.0], I will resume where I left off with *Pride and Prejudice* which I had been making inroads of finishing ahead of the 18th of August — had power surges + freak lightning storms not intervened!! Sighs. Technologic disadvantages aside, I am plumb fortunate that my local library has such a hearty girth of choice for a Janeite to find herself swimming in a sea of lovelies that come “After the Canon” of Jane Austen’s collective works!! You just never know what you’re going to unearth:

Jane Austen
Jane Austen [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Courtesy of the University of Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin.
  • Vanity and Vexation: a novel of Pride & Prejudice by Kate Fenton
  • Presumption by Julia Barrett
  • Pemberley by the Sea | renamed: The Man Who Loved Jane Austen, I chose the original! | by Abigail Reynolds
  • Jane and the Unpleasantness of Scargrave Manor | Being a Jane Austen mystery | by Stephanie Barron
  • The Family Fortune by Laurie Horowitz
  • Mr. Darcy’s Little Sister by C. Allyn Pierson
  • Pride, Prejudice, and Jasmin Field by Melissa Nathan
  • Shades of Milk and Honey by Mary Robinette Kowal
  • Sandition and Other Stories by Jane Austen
  • Dancing with Mr. Darcy: stories inspired by Jane Austen & Chawton House by Sarah Waters

  Ontop of which, when you discover an author such as Andrea Barrett,… You never fathom that it would take such a long time to read her lovely books, and yet, that is what I am finding right now! I remember when I came across her book “The Voyage of the Narwhal”, and I was immediately slipped into her world!! There was something rather tangible and honest about how she writes her novels. I could only pin it to the thought of the writing process that I always respected learning from Ms. Natalie Goldberg; Ms. Barrett clearly knew exactly how to impart her heart into her narratives by ‘writing down the bones’ and soul of what she wanted to express. She transitions you out of your reality and into her perceptional sphere if only for the briefest of moments; long enough to know you want to go back and short enough to realise how special you were to stumble across a writer who takes her time to allow her muse to fully develop and envelope inside her. She’s prolific in a league of her own. I decided that being that I’m into my early thirties now, its high time I ‘stop’ awaiting the ‘perfect’ season to read Ms. Barrett’s novels nor stop hoping for the time to collect them!! The time is now, and now is the time I have chosen to read her collective works!! A small collection of the following are available locally, however, the rest I am ILL’ing:

  • Lucid Stars
  • Secret Harmonies
  • The Middle Kingdom
  • The Forms of Water
  • The Voyage of the Narwhal
  • The Air We Breathe
  • | Ship Fever
  • | Servants of the Map
  • | Archangel

*titles in bold came in through ILL; | titles represent story collections

I remember that I was 18 years of age when I first discovered Andrea Barrett, because I was in the thick of writing three manuscripts before a full-stop occurred that fateful December. A writer’s block ensued which was not broken until Nanowrimo 2008. I remember that I felt like I was on the edge of a brilliant discovery,… a new piece of literature that would open new horizons and new doors of literary enlightenment. Isn’t it fitting then, that I am picking up her books during the next adventure I am undertaking in my writing life!? Who knows what inspirations I shall draw out of her words and breathe back into my own writing pursuits!! For that is why I am a book blogger,… seeking literary enlightenment first, and a resurgence of my muse secondarily.

A conundrum of a muddlement: August’s hours are dwindling down and twinkling with fading light, and I find myself betwixt knowing if I want to ‘let go’ of Austen!! I was sitting here contemplating this very thing just the other day, noting that my heart had already made up its own mind as how to proceed! Of course, the simple resolution would be to table the notion of reading the books I selected this year for Austen in August, and re-attempt them 12 months from now, when Austen in August comes back into view!! Honestly, that’s as ridiculous as asking Elizabeth to wait at home whilst Jane was ill at Netherfield! :( And, then, *lightbulb!* Who says I cannot continue onward with my list!? I may only finish Pride in time to qualify as a participant this year,… but even that, is one book closer to my goal and of my intent to read Austen alongside other Austenites & Janeites! :)

My new reading plan is simply this: After Austen, [inspired by Austen in August] I will proceed to read and every book from my Austen in August Reading List, by which I shall archive my updates on my original post with a footnote explanation of what I am doing! In this way, I can accomplish what I wanted to do: spend time soaking into the books that followed the canon, introduce myself to characters other authors created based on Pride & Prejudice, and read two books past Pride: Persuasion & Sandition and Other Stories!

What about you!? If you were faced with the same tragic ending, would you re-write a happier ever after OR await the next year to follow your heart’s desire!?

Be sure to visit, Showcase Sunday’s Link Up Page for this week’s Meme, in order to scope out what everyone else is reading!

{SOURCES: Jane Austen image was provided by Zemanta, and inserted directly to the post via the related content widget. (content which is in either the public domain or available through Wikimedia Commons) Thus providing the related content with appropriate attribution and sourcing. I did update the attribution on Jane Austen to reflect the University of Texas Library! Showcase Sunday badge provided by for participants to use to promote the weekly meme by Books,  Biscuits, & Tea.}

Copyright © Jorie Loves A Story, 2013.


Posted Monday, 19 August, 2013 by jorielov in Inspired by Stories, Library Find, Literary Fiction, Re-Told Tales, Regency Era, Sequel Authors, Showcase Sunday, Spin-Off Authors

Sunday Showcase #1 :: Jumping my holds, a touch of steam, & magical realism!

Posted Monday, 12 August, 2013 by jorielov 5 Comments

Showcase Sunday

{Official Blurb} Inspired by Pop Culture Junkie and the Story Siren, the aim of Showcase Sunday is to highlight our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders each week.

When your home branch is closed on a Monday,…

You get the widely inspiring idea to JUMP YOUR HOLDS, by first sorting out which branch(es) have the books in question, and then, in a mad-dash til close, whip around to both and pick up the following:

  • Steampunk: an anthology by Ann Vandermeer; I am not usually drawn to read anthologies,…
  • Not Less than Gods by Kage Baker; One of the few times I’ll break my ‘not to read out of sequences’ rule!
  • The Clockwork Man by William Jablonsky; I only wish they had found an artist to render the Clockwork Man!!!

The reason your rather desperate to collect the books, all of a Steampunky variety, is because your first book of choice was a bit beyond your depth of understanding, as your footing in Steampunk is thus far just beginning! You have the heart and desire to understand the genre, but you haven’t yet achieved the history of the genre! Hence, the mad-dash to the library, whereupon you find that despite the odd request to ‘jump your holds’, you find the librarians are accommodating, if slightly not understanding the rush to pick them up! I tried to explain it was for a contributing piece I was submitting for a Steampunk event in the blogosphere, but I realised there was a bit of a disconnect in what I was attempting to explain! Of the three books I was able to pick up, its “The Clockwork Man” that I had the highest hopes of being “the book!” that I would find I wanted to review for “The Clockwork Carnival”!! And, guess what!? It not only grabbed me by the opening pages, as the story unfolds through peeking into a personal’s private journal, but I settled into the story knowing it would not be the last book I’d read with a steampunky theme!!

Librarian Assistance, please!

A quick glimpse at your card catalogue confirmed what you already had known by the remote access catalogue, that looking up Steampunk books in your library, is a lesson in futility!! Goodness!! I went back to the help desk to ferret out a bit of help in my search, as I knew even though I couldn’t read all the books [at least not in the first week!] I would be taking home with me, I had to at least make a dent in understanding what the library had to offer! This is when I met the YA Librarian for the first time! She was quite lovely, highly knowledgable, and patiently wrote down title after title that was in that location’s YA section, as well as placing holds on the books that were elsewhere!! I loved that she was as enthused about Steampunk as I was, as the first librarian I spoke too, appeared a bit indifferent at the mentioning of ‘airships’ and ‘Victorian technology’. I suppose it helps to seek out the right librarian to speak too! Thankfully, she informed me that if I were ever able to come back on a Monday, her and the Children’s librarian would be there to answer any future questions OR research requests for books & authors!

And, then you suddenly realise you only thought you would be fetching your ‘jumped holds’, and rather instead noticed that the large canvas sack you brought with you is rather paltry compared to the *STACK!* your carting off!

It began rather earnestly and innocently, as I was all wrapped up in excitement over “The Clockwork Carnival” arriving in towne! Esteemed that I would finally be able to dig my heels and clocks into the heart of a genre that I have struggled to get a foothold in myself! I obtained where they kept the science fiction & fantasy shelves, and promptly slipped into the stacks! I never know what to look for exactly, so I went with the basic instinct that the titles would ‘speak to me’ in that hidden language that all readers can attest to hearing,… “clocks”, “gears”, “steamships”, “trains”, “airships”, “Victorian-era”, “London”, or anything that would be plausible to be “of a Steampunk variety”. Interspersed with the Steam, I just couldn’t help myself when I started to find books that fell under “Magical Realism” because ever since I met the Golem & the Jinni, I am quite literally craving more of this genre!! Notice how an Austen book snuck into my bag!?

  • Skybreaker {Book Two: Airborn series} by Kenneth Oppel; Whoopsies! I need book one!
  • Goliath {Book Three: Leviathan series} by Scott Westerfield
  • Worldsoul by Liz Williams
  • Incarceron by Catherine Fisher
  • Clockwork Angel {Book One: Infernal Devices trilogy} by Cassandra Clare; When I saw this book was part of the stack, I nearly hesitated as I remembered that the first time I discovered this book a few years ago, I was all excited for it, until I finally checked it out, and I do not remember getting past page 1, chapter 1!! Maybe the timing was wrong, OR maybe as the case tends to be,… I am not a reader who fits into the mainstream category of Steampunk! Not sure!}
  • The Search for WondLa {Book One: WondLa series} by Tony DiTerlizzi  ; I sort of  have high hopes for this book & its sequel! 
  • A Hero for WondLa {Book Two: WondLa series} by Tony DiTerlizzi
  • The Daedalus Book of Finnish Fantasy by Johanna Sinisalo & David Hackston; I truly need to read world literature!
  • Crossroads: Tales of the Southern Literary Fantastic by Brett Cox & Andy Duncan ; The title alone had me curious!
  • Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke ; I had just read about this book!
  • The White Forest by Adam McOmber ; One of the books I appear to check out yet run out of time to read!
  • Galileo’s Dream by Kim Stanley Robinson ; Another second attempt book!
  • I was Jane Austen’s Best Friend by Cora Harrison; It spoke to me from the shelf! laughs.

I am going to attempt to read a selection of the books mentioned above to celebrate the last week of: “The Clockwork Carnival”!! I’ve been reading the posts over there, eager to see my review go live, and hoping to settle into a few more author’s styles of Steampunk, as I am learning that Steampunk encompasses ever so much more than Victorian London and airships! Sometimes I notice that the Steampunk is more subtle than explosive, and I love the intense variety that I am finding! I am curious, which books and authors of Steampunk do you enjoy yourself!? OR, is it a genre that either hasn’t yet been explored, or you’ve decided to bypass!?

By Friday, I was able to get to my home branch, where I was happy to speak about JLAS with the librarians who have always been supportive of me and of whom I have been esteemed to know over the years! More of the YA Librarian’s suggestions floated in, as well as the first batch of Austen in August choices that I had placed on hold! Eek! I am truly excited now that I get to take a ganderment of the books up close and personal! :)

  • Behemoth {Book Two: Leviathan series] by Scott Westerfield
  • Leviathan {Book One: Leviathan series} by Scott Westerfield {part of the Leviathan series: oh, my dear stars! I clicked over to his website, to see what this series involves, when I stumbled across the Leviathan series page,… scroll down, and just sit in awe of the illustrations! I love that he went old school, and brought back the illustrative glintings of stories! The pictures of life are etched into a realism that brings his story to life, at least for me! The airship landing in Hyde Park is my favourite! Not to mention the atmosphere of his site in general is full of clocks, cogs, and gears! Lovely!} Thank you, YA Librarian! The only concern I have is how brutal the war might be, and the level of light verse dark inside the arc of the storylines, but otherwise, I appreciated the learning curve in seeing an author seeking out illustrative art rather than modern cover art variations that are more stock photo collages than original illustrations.
  • Steamed: A Steampunk Romance by Kate MacAlister; I have no idea what to expect! Laughs.
  • The Iron Wyrm Affair by Lilith Saintcrow; Always felt a bit cheeky and a bit adventurous of a story!
  • Stitches in Time by Barbara Michaels
  • The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern; I thought this was an interesting concept when it first came out!
  • The Archived by Victoria Schwab; The premise is unique as it’s based on a library that contains the souls of those who are archived into the library itself!
  •  Pride and Prescience or A Truth Universally Acknowledged by Carrie Bebris; A series I always meant to get into!
  • Two Shall Become One: Mr. & Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Pride and Prejudice Continues by Sharon Lathan; A new find!
  • The Private Diary of Mr. Darcy by Maya Slater; One of the many finds I made awhile ago!
  • The Independance of Miss Mary Bennett by Colleen McCullough; I knew I wanted to read this when it came out, but I always found myself distracted! I had no idea it was written by the author of “The Thornbirds!”

I promise I will have more reading adventures to speak about by time next Sunday arrives, as it will be the eve of Bout of Books 8.0, as much as I will be reading at least three of the books for Austen in August! I simply needed a bit of time to relax and unwind from the hard push I made towards going LIVE with Jorie Loves A Story! I am thankful to see that I am growing a readership, with new visitors stopping by each day, and a few returning visitors as well! Likewise, I appreciate everyone who has thus far left me comments, as I enjoy reading the feedback, as some of what was related to me has helped me tweak JLAS to be a bit more visually friendly than it was on Launch Day! :) As well as making sure readers can follow me a bit easier through: Bloglovin’, Blog Nation, FeedBlitz, and Email Updates on New Posts! All of which is at the bottom of my left sidebar for your convenience! :)

Curious whilst I was practically hibernating behind the scenes, as far as putting a full halt on reading is concerned, how was everyone else’s week!? Read anything wickedly exciting!? Shift into a new genre, you weren’t expecting to embark down!? Read any awesomely bookish newsbits on bookish blogs!? OR, did you simply relax into a book, put up your feet, and have a cuppa tea or coffee near you as you soaked in the story!? Have you read any of the books I brought home!?

Be sure to visit, Showcase Sunday’s Link Up Page for this week’s Meme, in order to scope out what everyone else is reading!

 {SOURCES: Showcase Sunday badge provided by for participants
to use to promote the weekly meme by Books,  Biscuits, & Tea.}

Copyright © Jorie Loves A Story, 2013.


Posted Monday, 12 August, 2013 by jorielov in Magical Realism, Showcase Sunday, Steampunk