Hallo, Hallo dear hearts!
I need to preface this interview with an apology to the author Ms Lara & the publisher Head of Zeus – as I didn’t receive the interview until mid-day on Friday, the day of my tour stop. However, due to weather conditions & life in general – I wasn’t able to showcase this until the following morning – Saturday after hosting my Romance, Women’s Fiction & Feminist Lit book chat called @SatBookChat. When Spring & Summer turns into storm seasons I sometimes have a bit of irregularity with my connectivity and thereby sometimes I have issues in getting posts to go live on my blog. I am thankful I was able to participate on this blog tour and am wicked thrilled I can bring this conversation to the tour and to my readers alike.
I’ve been enjoying my focused concentration of spotlighting Contemporary & Historical novelists from Head of Zeus throughout the Spring months this year. It has allowed me to select new authors to seek out and new series to feature on Jorie Loves A Story. Whilst at the same time, I’ve had the chance to interview the authors, host extracts and see which of these lovelies is available in audiobook. The latter is a bit of random joy whenever I spy one of the audiobooks available on Scribd. Some are being released digitally first for those who have a preference for reading via ereaders – for the rest of us, who traditionally read in print and/or opt for audio, we have to wait a bit longer for an edition we can read too.
This particular story is similar in scope to one that I’ve been contemplating myself for quite a long while – about how time & separation doesn’t necessarily mean what you think it means and how uniquely life can happily surprise you when you’re least expecting it too. I loved how Ms Lara talks openly about how the fictional story of ‘Someday in Paris’ is following a line of reality in her own romance story. It is one of those mergers of Biographical Fiction and the artful joy of seeing where a writer’s mind can fuse their imagination into a story which has the effect of touching the hearts of every reader who finds it.
I am adding the two blog tour banners under our conversation – this way, you can follow the route of book bloggers who took part on the blog tour – finding reviews &/or guest features to help you decide if this is a story you’d like to be reading yourself.
Be sure to brew your favourite cuppa and enjoy this delightful convo we shared!
Someday in Paris
Subtitle: Fate brought them together. Life kept them apart.
by Olivia Lara
Finding the one is only the beginning...
1954. Zara is fifteen the first time she meets Leon. During a power cut in a small French museum, the two spend one short hour in the dark talking about their love for art, Monet and Paris. Neither knows what the other looks like. But both know their lives will never be the same.
1963. In Paris, Leon no longer believes he will ever find the girl he lost that night. Zara thinks she has already found him. When they meet at an exhibition, they don’t recognise each other – but the way they feel is so familiar...
Over the course of thirty years, Zara and Leon are destined to fall in love again and again. But will they ever find a way to be together?
'It's about dreams and taking chances. Missed opportunities and mistakes. Loss and sacrifice. But above all, it is about love. The kind of love that survives time, distance… even death. The kind of love I wish for you.'
Places to find the book:
Published by Head of Zeus
on 14th of May, 2020
Published By: Head of Zeus (@HoZ_Books)
Available Formats: This is a Digital First Release
Converse via: #SomedayInParis, #Contemporary #TimeShift & #WomensFiction Read More