Category: Stories of Jorie

Stories of Jorie | The First Thirty Days : Life of a Book Blogger!

Posted Saturday, 7 September, 2013 by jorielov 4 Comments

Stories of Jorie badge created in Canva

The beginning of a monthly journalling post of all the adventures

the last thirty days has brought to Jorie Loves A Story!

The following post is a record of my first thirty days as a book blogger, having launched *Jorie Loves A Story* on the 6th of August, 2013 @ 4:49a! These are my adventures in setting up my first book blog, becoming acquainted with the bookish blog community, undertaking book reviewing for a publicity firm and two book touring companies, tackling reading challenges for the first time + encouraging myself as a blogger and reader by seeking out bookish blog pen pals, as much as sorting out the best ways to encourage positive traffic patterns, by making Jorie Loves A Story fully cross-referenced, and accessible by various syndicated reading platforms!  As I have been creating this blog since the 31st of March, 2013, most of what is included in this monthly report will follow through the day of creation until the 31st of August, 2013. Whereas one month from now, on the 7th of October, the focus will strictly be ‘thirty days’ henceforth forward! In keeping with this, my official blogoversary is set to acknowledge the start of JLAS as March vs. August!

Book Blogger | Book Tour Hostess:

In the beginning, when I first began to create Jorie Loves A Story, I was not sure which direction I wanted to head off into first, as did I want to solely blog about my own individual wanderings OR did I want to combine them, with opportunities that may become afforded through publicity firms and book tour companies!? I decided that I wanted to branch out and seek out ways in which to expand my reading horizons as much as to expand my abilities as a book blogger! I knew that I would still be in control of what I read, as you get to pick and choose which books you want to take on, [the same as I have with First Impressions by Book Browse] which in my mind was a win-win situation! In this way, I could gain more experience as a book blogger, but the primary motivation was to be in a position to be introduced to writers I may not have come across otherwise!

Even with my readings on Shelf Awareness + Book Browse, as much as my local library’s catalogue, and print copies of Book Page which circulate monthly, there is always a sense that there are books that your simply not going to become exposed too! The market for reading is such a largely cast net, that I do believe there are less hours than books to consume!! Laughs. A happy problem to have, I must say! Therefore, my new ‘title’ is: Book Blogger | Book Tour Hostess as I identify myself as a book blogger instead of book reviewer, as my own personal style of writing about books does differ a bit. Although, I am agreed to a structured review for First Impression novels, I do expand my thoughts after those are posted in a lengthier post on Jorie Loves A Story! In keeping true to what I outlined in my Introduction Post, I am still committed to writing about books that touch my heart, and sink into my imagination, yet with the addition of books coming to me via book tours and First Impressions, I am hopeful that those books will attach themselves as readily as a book that I select to read on my own outside of those ventures!

I truly do like to dig into the heart of a book, explore the subject OR subjects contained therein, and write about how reading the book affected me personally. In this way, you will find my posts on books to be larger than most and filt with a bit more extra content. I truly am excited about each book that I find to blog about, because I am a happy-go-lucky bookishly bent girl who is quite bubbly when she talks about books + authors any chance she is given to do so! Which is why it warms her heart to no end, when she sees comments that turn into mini-conversations across the spectrum of her blog!

The book tour companies I am working with are as follows:

France Book Tours

HFVBT_Logo_BannerTo the left, is JKS Communications: A Literary Publicity Firm, by which I had the honour of being selected to read and review “The Prayer Box” by Lisa Wingate. They offer a wide variety of books: adult fiction, non-fiction, young adult, and children’s titles. I am hopeful that I can make another selection soon, as I was delighted to work with them on this tour! As much as it warmed my heart when I saw that the author, Ms. Wingate had stopped by my blog! And, further still had set up a link on her Reader’s Circle Facebook Page! I noted I had new visitors dropping by, and four people liked the post she had shared!

On the right, is the Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tour company, whose main empathsis is the world of historical fiction, including their sub-genres that inter-connect!! When I saw that Illuminations was going to be on tour in November, I immediately contacted them after having submitted my application, as this was one of the book’s I had won last Autumn! Due to circumstances, I never had the proper chance to read it, and I thought that this was rather happenstance to have discovered this company & the inclusion of Illuminations! My first tour I was offered was Gracianna, and after reading the premise, I knew I could not pass up this opportunity! For a girl who appreciates ancestry and the roots of family, this is one book I knew that I would be inspired to read! I look forward to working with them during these tours, as much as to eagerly await the tours that will follow next! As I have already followed their Queen’s Gambit tour which is a novel that focuses on Katherine Parr, Henry VIII’s last wife! I have not yet read any of the lovely novels of the Tudors, and I thought this might be a keen one to start with, as I had originally read it either through Book Browse &/or Shelf Awareness! What I appreciate about the tour, is that you get a bird’s eye view into the perspectives each reader felt as he/she read the novel!

In the middle is France Book Tours, a recent addition to my life as a book blogger, as I was inspired by Caffeinated Life, to seek out their touring company, after having read and participated in The Bones of Paris tour! It was shortly after I had submitted my application, that I found the first book that perked my interest to read and review: Unravelled by M.K. Tod! I followed this up with making rounds on the “Miss K” tour, whereupon I *won!* a copy of the book from Boxes of Paper! I was quite stoked that I had won, as after making my rounds of the tour, I had become quite fond of the book and of the woman who inspired it! Meanwhile, I became interested in an upcoming tour: Taking Root in Provence by Anne-Marie Simons, which took me by surprise, as its a non-fiction travelogue-esque diary-style book about two American Ex-Pats who now call Southern France home! Its the way in which she describes accumulating to the French that struck my interest in reading it!

Jorie Loves A Story | Stats of the Month | 6 August to 7 September 2013

Number of Visitors within the first month: (approx. 1,289 + 62)

[as writ down on the 7th of September 2013]

Countries of Visitors within the first month: (as recorded by WP) United States, Serbia, Canada, United Kingdom, Barbados, Australia, France, Slovenia, Finland, Philippines, Germany, the Netherlands, Antigua & Barbuda, Portugal, India, Norway, Poland, Belgium, New Zealand, Hungary, and Romania! Truly book bloggers and readers unite globally!

*Due to being curious about this particular stat, I have installed a free Flag Counter!

# of Posts: 33 | # of Comments: 104

# of New Pages: 2 [Blogosphere Bookish Memes & Weekly Features + Bookish Events Featured on JLAS!]

# of Readers Following JLAS: 4 [Bloglovin’], 2 [FeedBlitz], 8 [Email] = 14!! I am grateful for each one!

Directories JLAS is listed in: Blog Nation [yet I cannot get my blog confirmed? did anyone else have this difficulty?] + Southern Book Bloggers

Books Read & Reviewed: Full Disclosure by Dee Henderson | A Moment in Time by Jennifer Butenas | Red Thread Sisters by Carol Antoinette Peacock | Letters from Skye by Jessica Brockmole | The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wrecker |

The Clockwork Carnival 2013 - hosted by Once Upon A TimeContribution of Blogosphere Event OR Blog: The Clockwork Man by William Jablonsky , contribution to The Clockwork Carnival hosted by Once Upon a Time. IF you click on the banner, it will take you to the wrap-up post which has an archive of every post connected to the Carnival!

Books In the Process of Reading: Lark Rise to Candleford by Flora Thompson, Bluebird or the Invention of Happiness by Sheila Kohler, The Secret Papers of Madame Olivetti by Annie Vanderbilt, The Forest Lover by Susan Vreeland, Death by Darjeeling by Laura Childs, Murder on Monday by Ann Purser, Thyme of Death by Susan Wittig Albert, & Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

Upcoming Books to Read & Review: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, Mistress of my Fate: The Confessions of Henrietta Lightfoot by Hallie Rubenhold, Lucid Stars by Andrea Barrett, The Irresistible Blueberry Bakeshop & Cafe by Mary Simses, and The Spirit Keeper by K.B. Laugheed.

Unique Topics OR Posts: Jorie Loves A Story: An Introduction | Quilts of Love Series by Abingdon Press | Type Books, Toronto, Ontario, Canada | The Reading Hour | Conversation with Deeanne Gist | Conversation with Cathie Pelletier | Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt | The Death of my Beloved Cat | It Ought to be Elementary | An Individual Sense of Calm | Launch Day! | My Introduction to the World of Steampunk | I Honestly Admit, I have a Slight Confession! |

Upcoming Topics OR Posts: Conversation with Robyn Carr | 70 Authors + 12 Months = [Focus On] Inspirational Fiction: A JLAS Exclusive | Bout of Books, 8.0: the Wrap-Up (posted under construction!) |

Bookish Memes: Jumping my Holds with a touch of steam & magical realism (Sunday Showcase #1); Austen, Her Name is Jane Austen! (Sunday Showcase, #2), What is a Girl to do!? Except continue onward! (WWW Wednesday, #1), and Reading Knows No Boundaries (Library Loot, #1).

Book Tours Participated In: 2! “The Prayer Box” by Lisa Wingate, as well as my first Book Cover Reveal, for “Love At First Slight” by J. Marie Croft.

Upcoming Book Tours: “Illuminations” by Mary Sharratt [1 November], “Gracianna” by Trini Amador [13 November], “Taking Root in Provence” by Anne-Marie Simons [27 November].

Reading Challenges, Read-A-Longs, or Read-A-Thons Participated In: August in August and Bout of Books, 8.0

Upcoming Reading Challenges: Books of Eyre, Septemb-Eyre, & Classics Re-Told: 19th Century & Gothic Classics

New Book Blogs I am Following &/or Reading: [reverse order]  Unabridged Chick | Passages to the Past | Musings of a Writer & Unabashed Francophile | An American in France | The Tudor Book Blog | Estella’s Revenge | Britt Reads Fiction | The Bookish Girl Reads On | Covered in Flour | The Captive Reader | Oh, for the Hook of a Book | Diary of an Eccentric | For the Love of Books | Alex in Leeds | Emily Books | Books Without Any Pictures | Doing Dewey | The Classics Club | Roof Beam Reader |Bookish Whimsy |Entomology of a Bookworm |

New Bookish Friends: The Joyful Bookcase, Caffeinated Life, and E-book Classics

Ways in Which to Follow Jorie Loves A Story: Email Subscription and RSS Feeds [FeedBlitz + Bloglovin’] Conveniently located in the lower left sidebar. For RSS Feeds, you have two ways to find them, the left sidebar and the bottom of the main page!

Most Unexpected Gift to showcase my passion for books + libraries: Squeesome Designs!! IF you have already read this posting in which I exclaimed my joy in finding all the lovely badges that promote book + library love, then your ahead of the curve! You see, I originally was hoping to find one or two badges to express this passion I have for libraries + reading! However, its hard to find beautifully made badges that are ‘free’ for book bloggers to use! Therefore, when I stumbled across this designer’s website, I made an official enquiry & suggestion! Shortly, thereafter, much to my absolute delight I had more than I could ever have hoped to choose from!! :) :) Do check them out, you will want them for your blog too!! :) :) You can find the full measure of which posts I have used these wicked sweet badges by browsing through my “Topics, Genres, & Subjects” section, OR simply clicking through here to the Squeesome Designs Archive List!

Best Resources I have found for book blogging: Shabby Blogs, Squeesome Designs, Wikimedia Commons + Wikipedia, Fantastic Fiction,, and Zementa (WP provided). Which are yours!?

Best New Features Found Whilst Blogging: Comparatively, SeaMonkey + Firefox work easier for blogging than I have found with Explorer, by which I no longer use! The archive of commentary icon on the upper right corner of WP blogs is a lifesaving tool! You don’t always have to worry about ticking off the ‘subscribe by email to see new comments’ button if your signing a WP blog! In this way, it helps keep the conversation flowing without missing a step! *LOVE!* Uploading more than one media file at a time! Brilliant! Zementa is the best place to start for related content, as it is located directly underneath your posts in Editing. And, the absolute best discovery I made is being able to “add a blog” to my WP Reader by inserting the address! I originally had thought that you could only ‘follow WP blogs’!! Go me! And, of course, no blogger can not ‘rock out’ to the tunage as provided by iHeartRadio!

Long Term Goals: To curate my list of classical literature in order to join “The Classics Club” in January 2014! To sort through which serial fiction I want to focus on in 2014, and join one or two of the challenges by which others’ are collectively reading their own choices, too! To write posts a bit ahead of posting and allow the auto-scheduler to post in my absence! I have been winging it a bit closer to when I want posts to go live in the short term! To focus on one reading challenge + one read-a-long per month, so not to become overly taxed as I was in August! To get caught up in my magazine reading and to post about what I am enjoying through the zine format of discovery!

Short Term Goals: To write up my intentions and motivations behind reading 70 Authors of Inspirational Fiction, and to make a plausible headway in that direction before the close of September! To remember to ‘breathe’ and enjoy the journey!

In closing, I would like to thank each person who has taken the time to read through my blog, whether they left a comment OR have been silently reading and appreciating the content, I want to extend my gratitude for each of you who have alighted upon this little space in the book blogosphere! I created this blog first and foremost for myself, to pursue my own literary wanderings and passions, seeing where the new paths would take me that I stumble across as I blog, however, second to myself, I blog as a way to give back gratitude to each writer who touches my life by the book they have written, and thirdly, to you, the blog reader who draw inspiration out of what I cast out into the void via this space, as you might find a new author OR book that you may or may not have given a chance to read previously!

I want to thank the numerous bookish souls that I have encountered whilst my journey into this exciting world has only just begun, the type of book bloggers that everyone hopes to encounter at some point, due to their graciousness and warm-hearted approach to making each new blogger feel a part of the fold! I thank you, most kindly! For your acceptance of me and for giving me feedback that endeavours me to improve my skill as a blogger and writer!

To the authors I have come to know, a bit more personally through my explorations of their books, I want to thank each of them for their generosity and kindness! My heart overflows! And, for those who I did not contact prior to writing up a post on their novels, I want to thank them for stopping by and reading my reflections; you know who you are! And, to the numerous authors I have met along the byways of the blogosphere for almost a full year, who have made an impact on my life and uplifted me during the weeks and months I have found them on various blogs, my gratitude overflows beyond measure!

I am thankful that I am able to work with a publicity firm and two (blog) book tour companies, to where I can select which book I want to read next, and participate in a collective community of readers who strive to highlight and showcase books that strike an accord within us. We may or may not always feel keenly passionate about a title, but we strive at least, to give our honest impressions so that in some way, what we say can guide another reader in their own reading adventures! I can attest that even a negative review can inspire you to read a book, as I came across one such review during Bout of Books, 8.0, (The Ghost Bride), and despite the reviewer’s disinterest, she gave enough of an impression to me, to know that it would be a book I would find inspiring to read! And, therefore the circle becomes complete! Reader to reader, reviewer to reviewer, each of us, celebrating the printed word and the offerings of the publishing industry!

And, a special note of gratitude is extended to my local public library system, of whom, inspires me continuously to seek out intriguing authors and works of literature! They are gracious and friendly when it comes to making Purchase Requests, Subject Research Searches, and of course, their ILL service is quite top notch! As it allows the patron to request not only books through inter-library loan but also audio-visual materials such as musical albums OR audiobooks on CD, as much as motion pictures, BBC serials, documentaries, and other ‘films’ not included in their in-house collection! This makes the library a very useful place to frequent! And, I encourage everyone to take stock of what their library can do for them, as far as encouraging their joy of reading and for expanding their knowledge of what is readily available in film and music!

The most wicked sweet purchase request I have made recently involved my friend who lives in Norway, who came across a book she knew I’d be rather keen to read myself, and afterwhich, I was most delighted in seeing arrive to me quite soon indeed! Once again, I am thankful to have such a receptive library system, and a very gracious Acquisitions Librarian!

Rock on, dear hearts, rock on!
Another month is dawning, and I am most anxious to see how it unfolds!

Blog badge provided by Squeesome Designs and used with permission.{SOURCES: The badges of JKS Communications + Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours were provided each of them as a way for the book bloggers who review for them to promote their companies, and for us to declare that we review for them as well. The Clockwork Carnival badge was provide by Hannah, who runs Once Upon A Time, and of whom created the Carnival for those of us who adore Steampunk OR want to educate ourselves on the emerging genre! Stories of Jorie badge created in Canva. Welcome to My Blog badge provided by Squeesome Designs as a free resource for bloggers!}

Copyright © Jorie Loves A Story, 2013.


Posted Saturday, 7 September, 2013 by jorielov in Stories of Jorie