Blog Book Tour | “The Marriage of Miss Jane Austen” (Vol.1) by Collins Hemingway

Posted Friday, 12 January, 2018 by jorielov , , 2 Comments

Book Review badge created by Jorie in Canva using photography (Creative Commons Zero).

Acquired Book By: I am a regular tour hostess for blog tours via Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours whereupon I am thankful to have been able to host such a diverse breadth of stories, authors and wonderful guest features since I became a hostess!

I received a complimentary copy of “The Marriage of Miss Jane Austen” direct from the author Collins Hemingway in exchange for an honest review. I did not receive compensation for my opinions or thoughts shared herein.

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Why I was interested in the premise behind this novel:

I am not entirely sure if everyone who reads my blog is aware of my admiration for Jane Austen or the fact, I consider myself a #Janeite. I have loved the author’s style of narrative for many years, in fact, I wrote an Essay about it during this past #AustenInAugust and re-visited my love of Jane Austen during an Autumn interview as well. An interview which will have a second part arriving on my blog as soon as I sort out the contents of the discussion,…

What implored me truly to read this after canon selection on a theory of Jane Austen’s life is my affection for the author herself. I love reading after canon works based on her collective works but I also like to entertain readings of stories which relate directly to the writer, herself. Previously, I have explored this through the Jane Austen Mysteries a series I look forward to re-visiting this year, as I hadn’t had the time to re-read the first novel nor continue with the rest of the stories which followed suit.

Whilst noting this is a novel of an evolving theory based on what ‘could have been’ in accord to Ms Austen’s life, I felt it warranted exploring because after all, how much do any of us know about the Classical authors we love to read? In this, I had a curious thought – what if this novel had a foundation of grounding based on one of the author’s own works? This is something which came into better clarity as I read the novel directly and one in which, I had wondered if other readers on the blog tour had noted themselves. Time shall tell as I make my way through the tour route,…

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Blog Book Tour | “The Marriage of Miss Jane Austen” (Vol.1) by Collins HemingwayThe Mariage of Miss Jane Austen : Volume One
Subtitle: A novel by a gentleman, Volume One
by Collins Hemingway
Source: Author via Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours

Everyone should marry once for love – Even Jane Austen

Jane Austen, single and seemingly comfortable in the role of clergyman’s daughter and aspiring writer in the early 1800s, tells friends and family to hold out for true affection in any prospective relationship. Everybody, she says, has a right to marry once in their lives for love.

But when, after a series of disappointing relationships, the prospect of true love arrives for her, will she have the courage to act? The Marriage of Miss Jane Austen re-imagines the life of England’s archetypal female by exploring what might have happened if she had ever married. It shows how a meaningful, caring relationship would have changed her as a person and a writer.

It also takes her beyond England’s tranquil country villages and plunges her info what the Regency era was really about: great explorations and scientific advances, political foment, and an unceasing, bloody war.

In such times, can love—can marriage—triumph?

Genres: After Canons, Historical Fiction, Historical Romance, Re-telling &/or Sequel

Places to find the book:

Borrow from a Public Library

Add to LibraryThing

ISBN: 9781504911023

Also by this author: The Mariage of Miss Jane Austen : Volume Two, The Mariage of Miss Jane Austen, The Mariage of Miss Jane Austen

Also in this series: The Mariage of Miss Jane Austen : Volume Two, The Mariage of Miss Jane Austen

Published by Authorhouse

on 20th June, 2015

Format: Trade Paperback

Pages: 191

Published By: AuthorHouse

Converse via: #HistFic, #HistoricalFiction + #JaneAusten

About Collins Hemingway

Collins Hemingway

Whether his subject is literature, history, or science, Collins Hemingway has a passion for the art of creative investigation. For him, the most compelling fiction deeply explores the heart and soul of its characters, while also engaging them in the complex and often dangerous world in which they have a stake. He wants to explore all that goes into people’s lives and everything that makes tThe hem complete though fallible human beings. His fiction is shaped by the language of the heart and an abiding regard for courage in the face of adversity.

As a nonfiction book author, Hemingway has worked alongside some of the world’s thought leaders on topics as diverse as corporate culture and ethics; the Internet and mobile technology; the ins and outs of the retail trade; and the cognitive potential of the brain. Best known for the #1 best-selling book on business and technology, Business @ the Speed of Thought, which he coauthored with Bill Gates, he has earned a reputation for tackling challenging subjects with clarity and insight, writing for the nontechnical but intelligent reader.

Hemingway has published shorter nonfiction on topics including computer technology, medicine, and aviation, and he has written award-winning journalism.

Published books include The Marriage of Miss Jane Austen trilogy, Business @ the Speed of Thought, with Bill Gates, Built for Growth, with Arthur Rubinfeld, What Happy Companies Know, with Dan Baker and Cathy Greenberg, Maximum Brainpower, with Shlomo Breznitz, and The Fifth Wave, with Robert Marcus.

Hemingway lives in Bend, Oregon, with his wife, Wendy. Together they have three adult sons and three granddaughters. He supports the Oregon Community Foundation and other civic organizations engaged in conservation and social services in Central Oregon.

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my review of the marriage of miss jane austen:

As the scene unfolds at a ball in Bath, we regard Jane (at six and twenty) alongside her sister Cassandra and her good friend Alethea. The ball hasn’t yet begun when young boyish Ashton Dennis makes his disastrous entrance upon the ladies and the room alike. His forwardness and lack of propriety is not lost on the audience at large and thus, notes about his character are sure to be scribbled away into people’s memories. For the Regency, the ton and proper society (even in smaller villages) had its share of etiquette and decorum which would not suffer a dismissal of order. It is here we first find Jane, not as we expect to find her (in a similar vein of thought as Lizzie) but as quite the traditionalist who views the etiquette of the day supersedes personal wanton frenzies of rash haste. For she was not readily amused by Ashton’s sudden entrance nor his forwardness to expect a dance with her – something she was not willing to give, as in her mind, it would go against her better intuition.

Ashton apparently is a childhood friend of the family’s – this, she reminded him would offer him no leeway of consideration to bend her will to help a friend if the desire was merely meant to change public opinion but was not intended to be a truthful request spoken out of honest desire to keep one’s company. She was quite hard to decipher in the beginning – I had read she was quite reserved and dearly private about her affairs, but even at this younger age, she seemed to try to keep others at bay; slightly out of reach but not out of sight.

Observing Cassandra and Jane with their Aunt Perrot, you can see an inkling of how she (Jane Austen, the writer) could have inferred reference to the quirkiness of her characters, especially those who look down on their relations who are short on finances simply by how Jane and her sister were slighted by their Aunt in a shoppe selling fabric and accessories for making one’s own fashions. Seeing her in this vein of light, it does not seem far-fetched how well she was observant of her own family and those of her neighbours – of how even the slight nuances of her days were blighted by a condescending remark or an ill-turned reproach for repayment – you can see the foundations of how Jane emerged into being the legacy behind her canon. If you take the portions of this novel into the framework of Biographical Historical Fiction – a theory in progress without being contradicted, than there is just cause in seeing the connections which are in full view of the reader.

You can understand Jane’s assessment of country vs city living – of how within the harriedness of a city, you cannot help but feel drowned out by the blare of it’s noise and bustle; yet in the country, there is a slower pace, where the gentleness of nature can still affect you. Thus, I felt grave for their circumstances now – having been placed in Bath, a city bursting out of its own route of perimeters and having relations like their Aunt, who felt it was their duty to re-insist the dependence they knew they were in debt to her without giving credit to their own independence. For the girls were not past marrying age but their Aunt seemed to take the family’s financial affairs as matters cast in stone; unchanging and thereby, she goaded the girls’ whenever she could with things they hoped to have but could not readily afford. Their Aunt was the kind of woman who would be considered a miser, for she did not easily depart with her coffers nor give thought to those of whom she became indebted.

I, in agreement with Jane felt Ashton was being too flash in front of the balloonist and too insulting in regards to the man’s self-worth. Why he felt the urge to react with such an intensity to purchase something from someone who spent their life perfecting how to operate much less made their income from the balloon itself was numbing.

It was here and several pages before, wherein I felt a lot of this novel was tracking through the undercurrents of a time-line reminiscent of Pride and Prejudice. Not a complete similarity, no, but there are elements in similar fashion which do percolate through the narrative. I, am not yet fully aware of all the stories in Austen’s canon, as I’m only beginning to read my second novel this January (Mansfield Park) however, I do wonder if there are other instances from the other stories which are threading throughout this story or the second and third volume of the trilogy? It is rather curious. To fill in the back-story whilst etching in key references which would ring true of the author’s own works – thereby asking, what is fiction and what was based on fact? Something I am sure most readers might question about most collective works by writers’ today. To noodle out what inspires the stories,…

Hmm… now that is an interesting turn of tides! I hadn’t suspected the Austen’s would have reproached Jane with such an intense display of hatred for her actions! I was too caught up in the joys of seeing Jane and Ashton in the balloon itself to remember how this one singular action by them both might become interpreted by society. Ooh, yes, society during the Regency would cast stones before they would accept an honest explanation – which of course, is how it played out. What was a bit alarming though is exactly how Jane reacted seeing her parent’s venom being slung at her and Ashton – why exactly would they take society and their Aunt’s word over their daughter’s?

As I was reading this section I nearly felt it was a bit over the top – then, I re-thought about it in relation to the era and it partially made sense. It might seem ridiculous to me to have parents go off the rails at the their daughter without even hearing her side of things; yet, in direct relation to their era rumours & supposition ruled the roost. Still. It rankled a bit seeing them act in such a disrespectful manner towards Jane.

IF it weren’t such a serious infraction in the eyes of her parents (although, admittedly, Mr Austen has a more forgiving conscious and heart than Mrs Austen) – you could almost presume the balloon adventure could have been seen differently; as a blissful jaunt in the skies, where everything heavenbound could be observed. If only it could have had this conclusion for dear Jane! I truly felt for her as her vexations were presented and known. It was through these sequences where I was at first fraught with anger at the story and the way in which it was being told whilst curiously trying to bade my anger a bit to see if it would become quelled by a change in mindset or circumstance; Hemingway did not disappoint on either score!

Sometimes I think the best stories writ in the Classical style evoke stronger emotions – the words used, the phrases chosen, the absurdity of having societal opinions thrust on young people and taken as truth; the idiocy of women not being aloud to have a strong voice and opinion of their own,… I digress. Still, what drew me further into the story was how much this still leaned into the narrative within Pride; to which I concluded, did Mr Hemingway himself draw a connecting line between Pride and how Miss Austen might have felt in real life in matters of her own life and heart? It is something I have oft considered myself – was it more of a portrait of her own life rather than a figment of imagination. She dipped into her own well of observational thought throughout her canon, but which of the stories struck a balance of being closer to Jane as she once lived herself; that is the curious question! Perhaps, in this entreaty of narrative, we have our response to an unspoken question? It was as I pondered these thoughts I wondered if my dear fellows of literary wanderers in #theclassicclub had come across this trilogy?

I had a jolly laugh as the characters were arguing merit of purpose and truth of religion vs science in direct relation to the Cosmos! The reason I found the hilarity, is because for every new generation there is a new thread of argument – brokering between where does religion begin, science begin and how do the two inter-connect if at all? Laughs. I’ve discussed some of this on my blog previously as I am a self learner who loves to find enquiries into topics and subjects I am wicked fascinated by; however, in relation to the story at hand – what was most enjoyable is how this lively discussion brought back round the infamous jaunt in the balloon which had blighted the reputation of Jane! It was a mark of irony – how a balloon can become such a catalyst for different outcomes – first the outcry of impropriety and now, a vessel which might aide scientific theory and investigation! Oy vie.

Tsk, tsk Mrs Dennis! Honestly! And, then the penny dropped,… so to speak, where Ashton’s Mum felt it was her duty to expressly denounce the very manner of how Jane carries herself! As if being an outspoken female was such a disaster in the Regency! Perhaps from her perspective it might have been, though I volley a thought towards this end: even by today’s standards, where women are more liberated, rise to find confidence in their voice and their being; to embrace their independence – even now, in today’s society, it is not any easier to be a woman who speaks her honest opinions and owns her words! Nay, I’d think Mrs Dennis would have fainted into the grave if she were to acknowledge how far women have come through the Suffragette movement and the continuation of Woman’s Rights. Oy!

It is a wonder then, how pray tell did Ashton separate himself from his parent’s world-view!? It is not unlike today’s world where those who are raised with strict parents find the freedom to live differently than their parents yet sourcing what separates parent from child is a bit harder to put to conversation.

I must confess, throughout reading this novel I found my feelings on its behalf vacillated; I was either wholly engaged with its direction, utterly at a loss for words to describe my disappointment or so betwixt knowing how I felt, I nearly put it down completely! In essence, it was a story which gave me a pensive amount of contemplation – a near wrestling of feelings and on Jane’s behalf, I found her even more lovable than before! In fact, my favourite part of this novel is the enlightenment ringing true on behalf of Jane Austen – as I myself, have fashioned her to mind whilst reading of her, reading her canon or whilst engaged in after canon readings based on her collective works; there are many incantations of Jane which strike through everything interconnected to her person.

In the ending chapters, I smiled. I smiled because the theory I was ferreting through my own thoughts was threading into the author’s own theory of deduction! I might have missed a considerable amount of exchanges in the letters (see below) however, blessedly, Hemingway knitted together the missing bits by re-addressing what was previously disclosed throughout Part III. It was here, I continued to smile because despite everything, I truly felt he had substantiated his theory of why he told the story in the manner in which he had – part of me hoped other readers would see Darcy and Lizzie in this novel. Of recognising what Hemingway has done with this story and how it inter-relates back to Pride.

Now, dear hearts, I must sort out a way to get Volumes II and III,… for you see dear hearts, the gentleman who wrote this understands Miss Austen! Consider him the David E. Kelley for #Janeites!

A note on #EqualityInLit:

It was lovely to see a speech impediment included in this novel – Ashton has a slight stutter throughout the course of the novel; where he is not always entirely comfortable sharing his point of view and thereby, the stutter is more pronounced. Other times, once he is aware of his environs, of the company he is currently keeping, the stuttering reduces to where it is not noticed if at all. It was interesting this was included, as it is not oft highlighted in Historical story-lines the learning differences and variances of delivery of speech as spotlighted in Contemporary stories. It ought to be more common though, as issues in speech, hearing impairments, spoken dialogue issues (ie. muteness) and other afflictions in regards to processing information (ie. Dyslexia) and spatial awareness challenges I am sure are well-known throughout history even if they are not as documented as they are within the last 100+ years.

Thus, it was a delight to see how Hemingway treated this element of inclusion and how he gave Ashton an entrance into regular society – by being himself, for never apologising and for owning his uniqueness. It was a champion thing to do and I applaud the author for how organic this became throughout the story.

A small fly in the ointment: Choice of Typography

In regards to the letters contained within the text, my eyes were struggling to read the italicize context of them. For whichever reason, this particular style of font was affecting my eyes – generally, letters & correspondence in novels are my favourite parts – I love a wicked good Epistolary side-line or main thread of narrative, however, I had to gloss over these inclusions – long or short as I worried I might draw a headache and dear hearts, those of you who have visited me regularly know I suffer from chronic migraines. It is something I try to avoid at all costs – the font issues did not deter me from the novel but I did of course, wonder about what was inside the letters,…

It was either a trick of light, perception of text through typography or a new wrinkle of being dyslexic but this is one of the few times I had trouble discerning the words – the letters started to bleed together and thereby, it was something I had to move past rather than continue to stare at something I could not untangle. Life is curious,… did I fail to mention the ENTIRE Part II of this novel was written in Letters? *le sigh* A whole section ‘lost’,…

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This blog tour is courtesy of: Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours

The Marriage of Miss Jane Austen blog tour via HFVBTsAs previously stated, my review was initially delayed due to health issues stemming out of recovery from a bad virus I succumbed to the days after Christmas. Three weeks later and I am still recovering my stamina and strength; I do pray no one has to go through this bout of illness as it’s quite hard to put distance from it once it grabs you. Likewise, I had to cancel my planned interview with the author, as whilst I was researching what to ask the author I stumbled across two interviews (this one and this secondary one) which I felt encased most of what I had thought of myself to ask. These interviews were so well versed and executed, I asked to withdraw my interview from the blog tour. Whilst noting, I was not yet well enough to entertain sorting out new thoughts in which to ask on behalf of this trilogy.
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2018 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge badge created by Jorie in Canva.

This review is cross-posted to LibraryThing.

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{SOURCES: Cover art of “The Marriage of Miss Jane Austen”, book synopsis, author photo & biography of Collins Hemingway and the tour badge were all provided by HFVBTs (Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours) and used with permission. Post dividers by Fun Stuff for Your Blog via Pure Imagination. Tweets embedded by codes provided by Twitter. Blog graphics created by Jorie via Canva: Book Review Banner using (Creative Commons Zero) Photography by Frank McKenna, 2018 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge banner and the Comment Box Banner.}

Copyright © Jorie Loves A Story, 2018.

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Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

About jorielov

I am self-educated through local libraries and alternative education opportunities. I am a writer by trade and I cured a ten-year writer’s block by the discovery of Nanowrimo in November 2008. The event changed my life by re-establishing my muse and solidifying my path. Five years later whilst exploring the bookish blogosphere I decided to become a book blogger. I am a champion of wordsmiths who evoke a visceral experience in narrative. I write comprehensive book showcases electing to get into the heart of my reading observations. I dance through genres seeking literary enlightenment and enchantment. Starting in Autumn 2013 I became a blog book tour hostess featuring books and authors. I joined The Classics Club in January 2014 to seek out appreciators of the timeless works of literature whose breadth of scope and voice resonate with us all.

"I write my heart out and own my writing after it has spilt out of the pen." - self quote (Jorie of Jorie Loves A Story)

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Posted Friday, 12 January, 2018 by jorielov in 19th Century, After the Canon, Blog Tour Host, Bookish Discussions, Christianity, Family Drama, Family Life, Historical Fiction, Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours, Historical Romance, Inspired By Author OR Book, Mother-Daughter Relationships, Pride & Prejudice Re-telling, Second Chance Love, Siblings, Sisters & the Bond Between Them, the Regency era, Women's Fiction, World Religions

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2 responses to “Blog Book Tour | “The Marriage of Miss Jane Austen” (Vol.1) by Collins Hemingway

    • The pleasure was all mine Ms Bruno!

      I never could have known the journey I would take into the trilogy Mr Hemingway had written would expanse such a breadth of insight into the Regency but also another lens into the life of Jane Austen. I truly hadn’t realised what I was about to experience when I first read this initial first volume and I am beyond grateful I had a chance to read the next two in sequence whilst hosting the interview at the end as a capstone to my experience. I am full of gratitude to you for helping connect us as readers and bloggers to emerging new voices in Historical Fiction we might not otherwise have discovered.

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