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2 responses to “A conversation | with Jaye Elliot and her story “No Chance Meeting”

    • Hallo, Hallo Ms Elliot,

      The joy was mine truly! :) I love finding new authors of INSPY who are writing the stories I want to be reading as a reader. I was truly inspired by the conversation we shared and I loved being able to promote this novel as like I said, its the kind of story I gravitate towards the most. I also felt it was interesting how you tackled the finer points of the character’s struggles, how you kept the story rooted in modern realism (especially as these are characters you can visually see as composites to everyday people) and how uplifting it felt overall as you had a lot of light and hope underscoring the dramatic bits. I intend to request this at my library to see if they can add it to their catalogue. I’ll have to update you on the process of my request.

      Thank you for giving me such a wonderful guest feature to showcase!!

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