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5 responses to “Author Interview | Conversing with Marilyn R. Wilson on living your life ‘outside of the box’ and growing through the inspiration given by the creative souls who seek to inspire us all.

  1. My bookshelves always charm me simply because they are overflowing with books I love and have read and even more I hope my life allows time to read, though I don’t think it will. That’s what saddens me, but such is the life of a bibliovore who reads with average speed and has a busy life, right? So glad you’re enjoying your books again :D

  2. Just stopping by to say “hello,” Jorie :) It’s been so long! You have a whole new look? I like it! Not that I didn’t love the other ones, too :D I do hope you feel better soon, my dear :) You really are a die hard!

    • Hallo, Ms Donna Marie!

      I’m an artsy kind of soul – I love the flexibility to switch things up a bit time after time. This motif suits me as it is a counter-reflection of my current banner & colour settings in the twitterverse. I love being able to use the different backgrounds and then *tweak!* my blog a bit to play up on the colours & patterns!

      Hmm,… I was unsure what you meant by ‘die hard’ – complimenting me on being a 2nd Year Book Blogger OR something less complimentary!? If it’s criticism, could you explain? I’d like to know what you meant as it was left a bit open to understand directly.

      Yes, it’s been awhile for sure — I know you are sorting out your own level of ‘balance’ between your public and private worlds as much as I am, therefore, it was quite serendipitous I met-up with you shortly after #KidLitChat this week! Wicked awesome having a place to ‘hang’ after Rizzoli & Isles!

      You’re always welcome as I do appreciate your feedback and enjoy your visits.

      • It was a compliment, dear :) I wouldn’t have said something that wasn’t. I meant you were a die hard in the respect that, even though you were feeling so sick, you still posted!

        • In this regard, you were right — I simply didn’t want to let more time slip past me; when you come out of a bad virus you just want to take back your life ‘so to speak’. I’ve been a busy beaver attempting to right the sails of my blog since this posted; I’ve been reading up a storm and appreciating the chance to soak into some pretty impressive story-lines! Tomorrow I get to release some more reviews, and the weekend is happily stacked with interesting reads, too! May your bookshelf have kept you equally charmed by the story-tellers who cross your path! :)

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