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5 responses to “*Author Interview*: Trini Amador, on behalf of his novel Gracianna!

  1. Ohmygosh, that is an amazing interview! Awesome questions, Jorie, and I loved the responses Trini Amador gave. I haven’t read the second part of your showcase just yet (I will as soon as I finish this comment!) but I already know that I’m going to be adding Gracianna to my to read list :)

    • Hallo Christine,

      I had a feeling you might be online tonight, as I know your working hard on your writing!! :) :) And, need to take a hiatus every so often! Thank you for your compliment on my interview questions! I truly did enjoy interviewing Mr. Amador!! I am finding my own rhythm with author interviews and each one I have the blessing to host I find more confidence in asking the questions that I do! :)

      • Yes, you can definitely expect me to be online Tuesday nights this month (and every month), Jorie, as I have a writing group that goes from 6PM-10PM so I’m usually writing-ed out (if you’d like to call it that) and in need of an escape of sorts after!

        You’re welcome! I’ve never had the pleasure of interviewing an author, but I can imagine it being rather daunting in the beginning – not to mention interviewing someone with so many incredible experiences like Trini Amador that I’m sure would make it even harder to decide which ones you want to discuss with them!

        • Hallo again, Christine,

          Oh, that is rather lovely hearing this! I will enjoy interacting with you on Tuesday nights, as I am making this my night to work on my blog (housekeeping!) as I started tonight by dusting off some older posts that needed a bit of attention as much as stream-lining a few pages in my header! :)

          I think you would enjoy it – as you have such a heart for understanding writers and the process they go through as your a writer yourself (we’re akin on this!), and I think that allows you to tap into which questions in an interview that would best key in to the heart of the writer your focusing on.

          I honestly wasn’t overwhelmed by his experiences as I have lived quite an adventurous life myself in many regards, but rather, I was striving to focus on questions that perhaps hadn’t been conceived to ask in prior interviews he had given. As Mr. Amador is currently on his ‘second blog book tour’, and in that, I found a happy challenge! :)

          • And I totally had a long reply to this comment written up and then clicked on something so that I lost it. Darn it!

            The main point of my reply, though, was that I’m going to wait a couple more months before partaking in any author interviews so I have a chance to become even more familiar with the book blogosphere and that I too am using Tuesdays as blog night! And it really doesn’t hurt that one of the Tuesday memes is ‘Top Ten’ so there are plenty of books to be introduced to ;)

            Right now I’m trying to work on finishing up my review policy (which won’t be going ‘live’ until December 1), but I’m having a difficult time figuring out in what way to organize it. I know what I want to say, just not what order I should put it all in!

            I, unfortunately, have not had many of those experiences as of yet (never been out of the US – boo!), but I do agree being part of a second blog tour to be a happy challenge, having to sort through what others have asked so that you don’t repeat any but perhaps expand on his responses :D

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