Acquired Book By: I’ve been hosting for Prism Book Tours since September of 2017 – having noticed the badge on Tressa’s blog (Wishful Endings) as we would partake in the same blog tours and/or book blogosphere memes. As I enquired about hosting for Prism, I found I liked the niche of authors and stories they were featuring regularly. Oft-times you’ll find Prism Book Tours alighting on my blog through the series of guest features and spotlights with notes I’ll be hosting on behalf of their authors when I’m not showcasing book reviews on behalf of Harlequin Heartwarming which has become my second favourite imprint of Harlequin next to my beloved #LoveINSPIRED Suspense. I am also keenly happy PRISM hosts a variety of Indie Authors and INSPY Fiction novelists.
I received a complimentary copy of “A Rancher to Remember” direct from the author Karen Rock in exchange for an honest review. I did not receive compensation for my opinions or thoughts shared herein.
Why I love reading the Rocky Mountain Cowboys series:
*2019* has begun quite uniquely – as some years have the tendency of doing – I was still recovering from my five week virus in January which nixed my idea of a re-reading of this series for #ContemporaryJanuary. At the end of January and within the early bits of February brought the return of my chronic migraines in full force, to where I started to seek out more research into what was [potentially] triggering them & how I could sort out a path forward with the hope of lessening them. This lead me to the book “The Migraine Relief Plan” and a new protocol of medicine which has kept me migraine-free for over five weeks now.
However, despite my earnest yearnings to re-read this series – the timing has still been a bit off for me personally – *March!* proved the warning about the ‘ides of March’ ought to be taken a bit more seriously some years over others – where the writing was simply on the wall very early-on it was going to be a month of woe & adversity. I still remember a few weeks coupled in the middle where I was questioning how I was even able to continue posting to my blog as my heart and mind were simply ‘elsewhere’ offline.
I knew I didn’t want to rush my introduction into the one story of the series I haven’t yet had the pleasure of reading (“Bad Boy Rancher”; the book is eyeing me from the shelf and questioning why I keep holding off reading it!) which is why I decided to continue reading this series with the sixth installment. I’ll find a moment of peace & serenity when my life calms back down again to where I can re-read the whole series with the benefit of not having a deadline to chase into but rather just have the hours to spend a respiteful holiday soaking in the life of my favourite cowboys and cowgirls! Except to say, I had forgotten – I need to chase down a copy of “A Cowboy to Keep” as apparently this title has gone *out of print!* somewhere between when I first started reading this series and now! It is the only story (the prequel, too!) I haven’t been able to add to my Rocky Mountain Cowboy shelf of joy. I previously inter-library loaned a copy to read and I might still have to continue doing that when I get into re-reading this series!
This marks one of my first readings of the Rocky Mountain Cowboys without a migraine and for me that is something to be celebrating! I’m also entering into my sixth year as a book blogger whilst reading the *sixth!* installment of a series which has charmed my heart & soul!
You might remember I had shared ahead of revealling my thoughts about “Winning the Cowboy’s Heart”- how the Rocky Mountain Cowboys is a series I fell in love with reading since I first started borrowing the books through my library – adding ‘Christmas at Cade Ranch’ to my local library as they accepted my purchase request and having the joy of hosting a few of the blog tours connected to the series which led me to this lovely sixth novel!
There is a seventh novel on the horizon this *2019!* as well – as I received a bookmark which happily alerted me about the release schedule for the Rocky Mountain Cowboys series – thereby books 5-7 are releasing in 2019 whilst books 8 & 9 are scheduled for 2020! This gives me plenty of time to schedule my personal re-reading of the series and be right in-line with one of the forthcoming releases! I was trying to see when the seventh novel was going to publish (wondering if it was going to be a Summer or Autumn release!) however it isn’t yet listed online. [ until I read the Author’s Note and discovered whose story is arriving this Summer! ]
IF this is the first review you’ve stumbled across of mine for this lovely Western Cowboy series you might be wondering what draws my eye into this series and to the writer’s style of story-telling – one of the best joys for me as a reader, outside of my love of the Cade family and the men of the series is where Ms Rock set the series to reside: deep in the heart of the Rockies! There is something about mountain living and the atmosphere of ranching that uplifts a girl’s soul!
Ms Rock does a great job of taking you into the heart of addiction – first through the opinions of family who feel they are being helpful but in reality their falling a bit short with a few good observations. Secondly, she takes you into an NA meeting to hear the stories of other addicts who are struggling just like Sofia to quash their innermost doubts and to remain above the pains of addiction whilst re-setting their lives free of the substance of their choice. It was in one of those meetings where Sofia felt both ashamed to be present and rather awkwardly at first, comfortable amongst those who she could relate too.
Ms Rock also highlights what it is like to have a controlling personality – someone who is unable to yield or bend – this was spoken about in regards to Sofia’s father but in the present time-line of the series it is mostly directed towards James who has a definitive way of ‘taking over’ and claiming roles he was not meant to lead because doing so would jeopardise another person’s sense of self.
One of my favourite parts of the story is how closely Sofia and Joy (the Cade siblings mother) bonded over being in such close quarters whilst she was recuperating. Joy still had quite a bit of spunk left in her and she had a right to want to keep living her life to the fullest she could. Sofia inspired her in equal measure of Joy inspiring Sofia to take new risks and to keep bettering herself for her future and her son’s (Javi). Javi was an impressionable child but he also understood what was important in his young life. I can see why Sofia stressed about how he might react around James and why being around James for both of them was proving to be a bit too difficult.
One of the beautiful things about this series is how redemption and second chances permeate through the stories. Erstwhile, you are becoming closer in acquaintance with the Cade family themselves – the ranch they live on becomes the anchour to their lives, the place where they gather and they grow; where love nurtures their present and where it breathes hope into the future. Each installment of this series builds on the last story in sequence – thereby, by the time you start at A Cowboy to Keep whilst reading each new story thereafter, you are given a wonderful portrait of a resilient family. A family whose honest about the hardships in life and where good or bad, this is a family who remains evermore true of themselves.
Everything comes full circle in the Rocky Mountain Cowboys series – you get to see where loose ends knit back together and the one beautiful thing about this series is you get to have continual updates about all the characters you’ve loved reading about in prior installments! If you take the title of this one for a second to ruminate – you’ll find the word “pride” speaks volumes towards understanding where this story was leading you to venture. It isn’t just the pride of the current cowboys in the Cade-Loveland families but of all the cowboys within their mutual lineages who led to the current heroes of the series.
One of the things I admire most about how Ms Rock writes her stories is the continuity aspects of her series – where you can move from one installment to another in a seamless transition. I’ve started reading this series from the prequel into the first and second novels – before arriving into the fourth ahead of the third. I almost thought that was a mistake on my part, as I wasn’t sure if this fourth installment would pick up directly out of the third or return to an earlier conflict. The beauty of reading this series slightly out of sequence is how compelling it was for the feud to take precedent and thereby allowing me to continue the continuity I have been appreciating by reading this fourth novel.
The feud itself was established in the earlier stories – setting down the foundation of how both families are at war with each other – not just over the water rights (though those are a valid reason for the ill will between them) but it goes back to a matter of principle and honour. Of the circumstances relating to the original feud’s origins and how unsettling it is for the details which have remained behind paint a rather dark portrait of their ancestor’s lives.
Through all of this, Ms Rock has rooted us into the Cade and Loveland families – showing us how human each of the families are and how vulnerable the members of their families are to the adversities of life. In many ways, both the Cades and Lovelands have each endured a lot of obstacles and have made their own sacrifices over the years – over and beyond the feud which has always stood between them. Ms Rock makes this a living reality for us as readers – as you don’t have to get too far into the stories to feel the tension coming the Cades or the Lovelands – their natural reactions to each other is out of spite and anger; fuelling the feud and deepening the chasm between them.
-quoted from my reviews of “Christmas at Cade Ranch”,
“Falling for a Cowboy” and “A Cowboy’s Pride”
As you can see – I am truly emotionally attached to this beautifully lovely series and I am honoured I get to be on the blog tour to welcome in the sixth installment of a series which gives me so much love & joy to be reading!
A Rancher to Remember
by Karen Rock
Source: Author via Prism Book Tours
They can’t change the past…
but they can choose their future
Globe-trotting journalist Cassidy Fulton is back in Carbondale, Colorado. Only she can’t remember why—or the accident that killed her estranged sister. Helping her piece together this mystery is her brother-in-law and former fiancé, Daryl Loveland. Overcoming their grief seems impossible. Yet one thing is clear: Cassidy can’t imagine her life without Daryl or her adorable niece and nephew. But can the ranch ever really be her home?
Places to find the book:
ISBN: 978-1335510617
Also by this author: A League of Her Own, Author Interview (Christmas at Cade Ranch) Karen Rock, A Cowboy's Pride (Spotlight w/ Notes), A Cowboy's Pride, Christmas at Cade Ranch, Winning the Cowboy's Heart
Also in this series: Author Interview (Christmas at Cade Ranch) Karen Rock, A Cowboy's Pride (Spotlight w/ Notes), A Cowboy's Pride, Winning the Cowboy's Heart
Published by Harlequin Heartwarming
on 2nd April, 2019
Format: Mass Market Paperback
Pages: 384
Published by: Harlequin Heartwarming
Converse via: #Contemporary #Western + #Romance
The Rocky Mountain Cowboys series:
A Cowboy to Keep (Prequel) (see also Review)
Christmas at Cade Ranch (Book One) (*reviewed)
Falling for a Cowboy (Book Two) (*reviewed)
Bad Boy Rancher (Book Three)
A Cowboy’s Pride (Book Four) (see also Review)
Winning the Cowboy’s Heart (Book Five) (see also Review)
A Rancher to Remember (Book Six)
→ Forthcoming release: Book Seven! (Summer 2019!)
feat. Maverick Loveland and Ella Parks!
(*) Christmas at Cade Ranch and Falling for a Cowboy
were reviewed in-line with A Cowboy’s Pride
from the author’s note:
Before I opened the novel, I discovered on Twitter there is a story attached to this beloved series of mine which I haven’t yet read as I honestly didn’t see the s/o about its publication! Curiously it was within the pages of Woman’s World US – you know, the magazine you generally see when your at check-out at the grocers? You might give it a whirl a few times a year but sometimes it is just one of the zines at check-out you gloss over whilst waiting your turn to buy your groceries! Laughs.
Apparently this time round, I missed quite the exclusive short story as I have been looking forward to learning more about Joy and Boyd’s romance as it has been percolating quite a bit in the background of all the installments – I wasn’t sure if this was a stand-alone addition to what is already established or a look-back at how their relationship first started to form? It felt like a prequel to their romance (in regards to where we are currently in the series) – at least from the snippet I spied on Twitter! I am always hopeful they will steal more scenes and pop up again in the threads of the current story-line! Even though yes, technically, as Ms Rock recapped beautifully in her author’s note – we were given quite a heap of loveliness in regards to their relationship status recently – but, ooh! I seriously could have more Joy and Boyd in my life!
The best bit to this note though is the revelation of whose story is next and the arrival time is SUMMER! Ooh, now whose excited with me!?
I could also relate to her dedication – my great-grandmother lost her husband at a young age as well and I thought it was lovely she was dedicating this to her grandmother who experienced the same tragedy. Not to mention the fact she had sparked a love of romance novels in Ms Rock and I had a feeling that is partially what has inspired her to write them now herself.
My Review of a rancher to remember:
You don’t even realise your holding your breath for the ENTIRE first chapter until you reach the segue moment where we shift over into Daryl’s life back in Carbondale! Talk about a heart-stopping opener of a novel! In my mind though, I kept remember two other films which parlayed a bit on this same theme of a photojournalist who was out in the field and who needed to get the film back to their paper or magazine in order to get the story they were working on printed. It is the kind of danger you understand about these kinds of journalists – the ones who push themselves into the brink of death if it meant uncovering something they felt justified their personal risks. I felt caught inside the emotional fear of Cassidy’s escape into the forest – how she didn’t know whether or not she’d have the luck enough to out run her pursuers or if they would catch her before she could make haste to exit their territory. I’m telling you, your heart is a pulse beat away from wondering how much worse her situation could become before you have a moment of relief which came by way of a segue back to the Loveland and Cade ranches!
Daryl Loveland is shouldering an incredible burden – not just the fate of his marriage and how his relationship with Leanne was disappearing in front of his eyes but he had leftover anguish about how he was raised. Scars like that do not heal easily nor do they fully erase from a person’s spirit – Daryl was a kind father with a good heart – as he recognised when he should be more patient and calm when it came to his children even if his insides were boiling past repair. You can see it in how he was trying to work through a disastrous dinner where everything went to heck and a haystack; yet, he stilled his anger and kept things calm for the kids. His daughter and son were questioning why their Mum hadn’t returnt home – which is when of course, your own heart went to pull for this troubled family. You knew he had a lot weighing on him just by what was being shared this early into the story but I don’t think anything prepared him or I for whom was behind the doorbell.
As jarring as the opening chapter had become, I had a feeling there was an equally rough road ahead of Cassidy and thankfully I was not mistaken. I didn’t quite predict how rough her life would become as I was thinking she was going to have a hard exit out of Southeast Asia when in reality her troubles came to a head a bit closer to ‘home’, so to speak! This was also seriously one of the better trauma induced amnesia patients I’ve come across recently in fiction – as Cassidy of course is a victim of her injuries but it is how Rock highlighted that fresh angst over lost memory which truly resonated with me.
I loved the scene with Sierra and the injured eagle – mostly as I have held a deep appreciation for wildlife rescue my whole life whilst I’ve also have taken injured animals to rescue organisations for rehab before they were re-released. It is a beautiful testimony to how we can all play a part in the cycle of life and how dependent the natural world can sometimes be on our everyday kindness. It was lovely finding this sentiment reflected through Sierra but also, of how well she knew her brother Daryl as he wasn’t just stopping over for a crash course in raptor rescue procedures!
Sometimes brothers need the straight-talking advice of their sisters – specifically this is exactly what Daryl needed out of Sierra! She doesn’t mince words and happily owns her thoughts when it comes to doling out advice to one of her brothers who feels down on himself but without the realisation that he’s putting too much blame where it doesn’t belong. I knew I liked Sierra but in this story, she truly warms your heart for how caring she is to find the higher road to help Daryl through his self-afflicting recriminations which do not belong against his spirit. I mean, you can understand how he came to this realisation – that is aptly explained – but I took Sierra’s side when it came time to owning the reality and the truth; Daryl is far too hard on himself for his own good!
I caught myself laughing when Cassidy finally conceded to Daryl’s plans and gave her parents a reason not to stress over her recovery. What made me laugh is that for all her tough ways and her grit to chew out the life that circumstance gave her – Cassidy still needed family, even if she wasn’t sure how that would work out or even how it would be in reality – she craved the assurances of family all the same. In that one moment, you saw her humanity in a way I am not sure she even realised she had revealled.
Your heart goes out to Emma and Noah – they have the kind of restless uncertainty that happens when you lose your parent(s) without warning. They are still young children but it is the hardship of not truly understanding their mother that is also interfering with their healing process. Their Mum was a hard nut to crack as they say – she definitely was her own person but when it came to being there for her children and her husband; she was more aloof than grounded. Rock didn’t totally go into the background of what drove Leanne away or why she wanted to live a life separate from her family but the ripple effects of those choices are well explored. She left an emotional tsunami in her wake and it was going to take time to recover from the aftermath.
The hardest part of any immediate life change are the hours following the transitional period – those moments where life has to carry forward, hours exchange themselves for days and weeks and you have to find your own rhythm to carry you through the moments where life makes less sense than it had previously. This is what Rock has done with Cassidy’s plight within A Rancher to Remember. She’s given Cassidy ample time to reconsider her options and to seek out the heart of what makes her function as a person, as a woman and as a human. She’s been so cut-off from any aspect of normalcy and regular life, it is almost as if she never gave herself the option of ‘opting-out’ of continuing her career.
The in-between time was giving Daryl, his children and Cassidy a time-out period. They could re-assess what was truly important and to find traction in the nuance of ordinary life. Sometimes just doing ordinary things has the most weight towards healing and recovery. I was tucked into their adventures as if I was another person in the family! I even loved the idea of the farm store but it was what they were doing with it that made it seem like a lasting local treasure! If you can farm and find a way to use your surplus to the positive in your ledgers, I think you are one step ahead of the problems most farms have in staying viable.
Grr. All I can say is grr! When it came to that interloper who wanted to make a fast dime by using land for fracking! I had just finished a lovely story which brings this front to centre – but why anyone would knowingly want to erase what someone had built up as their livelihood only to erase the entire landscape of that land by the toils of fracking is beyond me! It doesn’t just wreck the one plot of land, it affects everything round it and below! I felt as fighting made as the Loveland’s and I definitely would have been in their pocket to help protect against anyone who felt they had a right to pull off a hat trick!
Rock has solidified this series with its deep roots spilt between the Cade and Loveland families – towards that end, she also has intensified our appreciation for these families due to their life affirming bonds and sibling advocacy. They have become entrenched in your heart as you read their stories and this one proves to have one punch after another! I was torn between my concern for Joy and Cassidy; they were each facing their own demons in this installment to where you just wanted to reach out and hug them both! Daryl had a winning personality even though he didn’t have a lot of self-confidence in himself (which reminded me of a lot of the American Idol contestants lately who have zero confidence in their abilities right now) nor of his role within the Loveland family.
Despite all of that and the pressure of the unknowns relating to Leanne (Cassidy’s sister, Daryl’s wife) – Rock brings us fully round to the heart of what makes this series such a worthwhile read. She draws you close to the drama of how family has to bend and yield round each person’s adversities and trials; everyone has something to face in life and everyone has something to overcome – that’s where family steps in and helps you get through those darker parts of life which seek to destroy your soul. Family has your back and family helps you rebuild your life when you think you can’t start anew and find a new purpose to anchour your future towards. This is why I love this series – its about the realness of how the realities of living can seek to push you down but its how you rise out of the ashes that counts the most.
#EqualityInLit a notation:
This particular story-line focuses on Daryl, of whom, I either once knew of or had overlooked the fact that he is the adopted son of the Loveland family. I am curious to wonder if this had been disclosed previously or if this is the first time? Either way, I truly respected how Ms Rock was showcasing Daryl’s internal struggles – with his place within the Loveland siblings and the ways in which he is conflicted being adopted overall. He has a lot of emotional baggage to work through in this installment and the least of which is revolving round his newly deceased wife and his ex-fiancee who was his wife’s sister. He has to sort himself out first, I think, in order to better understand the rest of his life. It is the age old advice – know thyself first, then enter into a relationship.
On the Contemporary Western Romance styling of Ms Rock:
In this instance, I felt like Ms Rock was flexing her skills as a Romantic Suspense novelist – as I know she has a whole other side of her writing career. I happen to be reading her Contemporary Romances within the Harlequin line of Heartwarming but I know she also writes grittier story-lines and different kinds of romance to boot. When you get locked inside her first chapter for A Rancher to Remember – you really are connecting with the fullness of her writing style. You’re on the edge of your seat and it is hard to breathe through the tension she’s pounding out into those paragraphs as you can just feel that clutch of fear gripping Cassidy even if she is owning to the fact she’s a polished photojournalist – we’re all just human after all. A hard pill for someone like Cassidy to swallow as she wants to be invisible to the fear itself but as Rock points out so eloquently – fear both bolsters your chance to survive and keeps you humble.
Whenever I am re-visiting either the Cade’s or the Loveland’s, it doesn’t take long to notice how well-versed Ms Rock has become in writing these stories! Each new installment is an extension of the whole series and a direct continuation of the last story you’ve read. The timeline has always lined up rather brilliantly and you’ve never had to forsake your curiosity about anything in the series either – as Rock happily knits everything together for you in a pacing which owns to the spirit of the series itself.
This time round, I thought it was fitting we were swinging by the Loveland ranch – they’ve had such a hard go of it throughout the series til now, it would be lovely to focus on them for a spell! It also helped draw together the events within their family against the events we were privy to previously as this is an evolving series where even if you resolve one heartache in a previous installment, you might need to brace yourself to transition through a new set of adversities or incidents that might push your beloved characters to the edge of what they can personally handle. All with the joy of knowing that in the end, Rock will give her characters a fitting sense of resolution and will give us, the reader, a wicked good read!
This blog tour is courtesy of: Prism Book Tours
By clicking this badge you can find out about the giveaway associated with the tour;
my particular tour stop doesn’t host the giveaway as I’m a review stop, however,
you’ll find many other bloggers who are hosting the information!
This review is cross-posted to LibraryThing.
{SOURCES: Cover art of “A Cowboy to Keep” and “Christmas at Cade Ranch” as well as the author’s photo and biography were provided by the author Karen Rock and are used with permission. Cover art of “Falling for a Cowboy”, “Bad Boy Rancher”, “A Cowboy’s Pride”, “Winning the Cowboy’s Heart” and “A Rancher to Remember” as well as the book synopsis for “A Rancher to Remember”, the Prism Book Tours badge, the blog tour banner were all provided by Prism Book Tours and used with permission. Post dividers by Fun Stuff for Your Blog via Pure Imagination. Tweets embedded by codes provided by Twitter. Blog graphics created by Jorie via Canva: Book Review Banner using (Creative Commons Zero) Photography by Frank McKenna and the Comment Box Banner.}
Copyright © Jorie Loves A Story, 2019.
I’m a social reader | I tweet my reading life
Reading this book contributed to these challenges:
Thank you so much for your beautiful review- of the series and of A Rancher to Remember–as well as hosting my blog tour! I loved every single word and especially appreciated your reference to the part of your bookshelf where the Rocky Mountain Cowboy’s series sits as your Shelf of Joy :) I’m so glad you love the series and we need to find you a copy of A Cowboy to Keep! And yes… Bad Boy Rancher is staring back at you because it needs you to read it! lol. I’m kind of glad you waited so that you can return to Cade World in the middle of the Loveland Books. My next release- To Catch a Cowboy – is out in September. I just finished Sierra last week and I think you’re going to love her in it as well as my Hotshot firefighter hero :)