Blog Book Tour | “The Land of Look Behind” by Aaron Blaylock

Posted Monday, 22 February, 2016 by jorielov , , , 0 Comments

Ruminations & Impressions Book Review Banner created by Jorie in Canva. Photo Credit: Unsplash Public Domain Photographer Sergey Zolkin.

Acquired Book By: I am a regular tour hostess for blog tours via Cedar Fort whereupon I am thankful to have such a diverse amount of novels and non-fiction titles to choose amongst to host. I received a complimentary copy of “The Land of Look Behind” direct from the publisher Bonneville Books (imprint of Cedar Fort, Inc) in exchange for an honest review. I did not receive compensation for my opinions or thoughts shared herein.

*Note: This novel came with a happy small surprise: the Marketing Manager enclosed his card within the pages of the book and I thought – how clever! On two counts: to have a calling card for a publisher I appreciate reviewing for and hosting their authors, and secondly, it makes a curiously portable ‘bookmark’! I spy the bookmarks for the novels on author blogs and social media feeds but this is as good as that for me! Plus, all the imprints at Cedar Fort are listed and it’s a nice bit of memorabilia for a book blogger who appreciates the publisher.

Why I was curious to read this one:

Mr Blaylock pitched his novel to me before I caught sight of it myself, and through his initial contact with me, I learnt a few insights about how an author reads my Review Policy. In other words, he gave me a lot of lovely compliments and he genuinely understood my selection process as a book blogger! I was quite chuffed to have seen the ‘other side’ of my blog and how what I am leaving behind in this niche of mine is being translated to both readers and authors alike. It was the kind of note your thankful to receive as it introduced you to a new author and allowed you to receive feedback on your own ‘pitch’ to authors who may be seeking a book blogger.

Sharing a portion of my response where I began by explaining why I would be open to reading an LDS focused story-line:

As you might have inferred from my previous Cedar Fort reviews, I’m a non-LDS Protestant but this doesn’t affect how I approach reading LDS Fiction or Non-Fiction as I review both styles on my blog. Quite happily so, as I am finding some of the best fiction today is coming out of Cedar Fort, not just for the discernible adult reader but for young adults and children (as reflected in my Story Vault; you’ll find many CF authors spilt through the genres).

I’m happy to make your acquaintance and I was especially surprised you’ve pitched me your book by going through my Review Request page! That spoke volumes to me on how your approaching your career and your willingness to interact with book bloggers and reviewers. It’s a compliment to you, in other words! Well done.

What drew my eye to CF in the first place was knowing I would be seeking out a wide spectrum of fiction wherein I would find stories that were writ with a gentler voice than most contemporary releases. Herein I refer to my discourse in highlighting the unnecessary need to use vulgarity in telling stories for today’s audience. I never felt I was a ‘clean fiction’ reader until I started to see such a surge of overt instances of both vulgarity and explicit violence (another no-no in my opinion) in stories for young adults and adults alike. For YA I’m quite particular about what I will accept as far as visuals, tone, voice and expression of story even moreso than adult because I believe YA should spare certain inclusions that are rampant in Adult Lit.

I personally love adventure novels, one of the last ones I’ve read was Ian Quicksilver by a fellow CF author; it re-established my desire to read more of it’s kind, as who doesn’t want to jettison off on a quest?  Previously it was Uncovering Cobbogoth that set my sails for seeking stimulating worlds where characters have to overcome an adventurous oft arduous journey.

At first glance, I love how the symbol or crest attached to your world is a watermark addition behind the overlay of text for your title. It’s a very cleverly pieced together book cover, which I will mention on my review.

Ooh! You’ve given me a time slip narrative where I can soak inside two timescapes at once? I love discovering parallel stories where there are two folds to the context of where we’re taken! Hence why I was so very appreciative of reading A Fall of Marigolds (review).

I was quite chuffed realising this novel is centered around your own personal experiences in Jamaica and how you were inspired by the country which hasn’t left your heart. I can relate to this, as I have a personal connection to Mexico and the Mayan ruins, of which I have blogged about on different reviews; giving out a bit of information about my adventures on each one. The latest was on the cookbook Daily Tortilla. (review)

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It should be mentioned Uncovering Cobbogoth was my first blog tour with Cedar Fort and my entrance into wicked sweet adventure fiction for Young Adult Lit! It set the bar high and gave me a new standard of what I was personally seeking inasmuch as what I hoped to find in the genre as a whole. So much of what I loved about Cobbogoth has directly influenced me to understand what I’m looking for the most in other works by authors who are focusing on a young adult audience. Upcoming this year I will be a new contributor to a Steampunk blog wherein I will be reading a heap of Steampunk spilt between my new venture and Jorie Loves A Story. The ones I am hand selecting for the new blog will have a specific list of ‘must haves’ I will be disclosing at a later point in time. The rest I’ll populate on my blog but will save the majority for Sci Fi November and the Sci Fi Experience where I purposely showcase a heap of science fiction loveliness each year (since I started in 2013).

The reason I remain transparent on my blog about my choices of what I read for review and the reasons behind what goes into my process to make a selection is to help my readers understand what first draws my attention first and foremost, but also, to a lesser extent to keep an open dialogue with my readers about what keeps us curious about the books we’re reading and the authors we continuously are discovering who are attempting to inspire us to such a level of an experience we will all but beg for more of the same to continue to enlighten us in their future releases.

As I move further into 2016 and beyond, you will find my selections growing more select as I enter into my Renaissance stage of Jorie Loves A Story. Hence why when an author takes the time to reach out to me via my blog’s Contact Form, by email or directly on Twitter (or through DMs) I take stock of how well they understand my reading life and the way in which I blog my literary adventures. If your an author following a book blogger, don’t shy away from talking to us. We’ll all bookishly geeky in our own ways, why not take the chance to open up a convo with us and see where that conversation might lead?

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Notation on Cover Art and the symbolism of The Land of Look Behind:

On the cover and back cover copy is an embedded symbol which follows into the story itself as it’s on the Chapter Headers (whilst alternating with a second symbol just as important and pertinent to the story-line); the way in which the publisher had it as a textural raised (although subtle) symbol is what originally stood out to me about the cover, as it’s three in one: the image of the adventurer in the cave’s opening going into the light of; the typography of the title of the novel; and this symbol that nearly looked like a watermark from afar. In person it has more of a presence and isn’t flat. As it exists in it’s own dimensional space and draws your eye into being pensive of it’s significance.

It took a bit of digging around the internet but I learnt one important bit of trivia: ‘the land of look behind’ is a direct reference to Jamaica as soldiers used to keep their advantage whilst travelling through the country best by never yielding a look-out point in any one direction. They went so far as to ride horses where both riders were never facing forward as one looked forward as ‘one looked back’. This is gives a bit of new insight to the titling of the novel as I personally did not understand the title at first glance, second look or the third reading of it when I sat to read the story outright.

Blog Book Tour | “The Land of Look Behind” by Aaron BlaylockThe Land of Look Behind
Subtitle: A Jamaican Treasure Worth Dying For

Jarvis tried to collect himself.
He needed a plan of action.
Captain Willard had given him strict orders -
but what weight should he give the orders of a dead man?

Three hundred years ago, a soldier named Jarvis journeyed deep into Jamaica and discovered a land of myth, treasure, and danger. Now Gideon, who served in Jamaica as a missionary, returns armed with Jarvis's journal to follow the enigmatic clues with his best friend. But they quickly discover there are forces who would kill to keep the treasure secret.

Travel into Jamaica's treacherous cockpit country in this spine-tingling thriller.

Places to find the book:

Borrow from a Public Library

Add to LibraryThing

ISBN: 9781462117956

on 1st February, 2016

Pages: 320

Published By: Bonneville Books (@BonnevilleBooks),

an imprint of Cedar Fort, Inc (@CedarFortBooks)
Available Formats: Paperback, Ebook

Converse on Twitter via: #LandOfLookBehind


Don’t forget to read my *special announcement*

at the end of this review!

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My Review of The Land of Look Behind:

Opening with a conflict between ethics, mortality, duty and honour, Blaylock locks us inside the mind of Jarvis whose entered a battle of conscious will to understand what is more pertinent to acknowledge in a situation where there is a blurred line between survival and soldiering through your humanity to accept the orders as they were given. The tautly written opening of The Land of Look Behind is so jarringly honest, you can feel the intensity of Jarvis’s struggle to right his soul against the bleakness of his reality. A blackened thickening of his mortal danger encompassed him as he weighed measure for measure what he should choose in exchange for his salvation, as this became more of a mark of conscience redemption than carrying out orders given to him by a person he presumed had perished.

Escalating the drama within this brisk chapter, are the harsh realities of war and the upturnt world in which a soldier lives on a daily basis; nothing is as clear cut as it appears and everything is at stake all the same. Blaylock has expertly written a chapter out of a soldier’s living Hell where the (character) of man is in direct conflict with (the ethical conscious) of a soldier. He let the scene fade out into the slippage of the modern arc of the story, as effortlessly as if Jarvis walked stage left to await his next cue. Compelling us to continue turning the pages, if only to know more about Jarvis – this unknown man caught inside his moral compass in a land that is both unforgiving and shockingly surprising.

Gideon walks into the scene as Jarvis becomes a retroflective character (one who shines a light of truth back onto another) whose crossed over from being the voice of his story to the narrator who inspires Gideon. As we slip back into Jarvis’s timeline we take an absence from Gideon’s life, as his is paused in order to better understand the past. We move in and out of the 17th Century and modern contemporary life where two men find their lives at a crossroads and begin to walk a footstep of a breath in-line with each other.

As we draw closer into Jarvis’s timeline we start to understand the hard choices he is make as a soldier and how during his fight to understand his orders, he is deepening his empathy that what he first could perceive as cut and dry boundaries of ethics and morality are not as clearly defined as he would have hoped. There are blurred areas where men have to make choices in the moment of battle or in the aftermath of one. His walk to balance duty with his conscience plagued him as he held firm to a tight line between what was right and what was most decidedly wrong. His trust in his superiors waned and his distrust of friendly foes was even set to a higher standard as he knew you could be double-crossed without even realising someone’s favour had turnt against you. It’s his desire to find a semblance of reason out of the muck of his war-torn life that lends him the only hope he can ferret out of a situation that has no logical explanation.

The entrance of Todd’s Dad who in of himself is an adventurer (smiled seeing the connection between Todd’s father and Gideon) led to a brainstorming session of how to wrangle out what the symbol could be referencing (as Gideon had found a slip of paper with one of the two symbols on it whilst remembering he had seen the same one whilst on his mission in Jamaica) between himself, Joe (Todd’s father) and his best friend (and roommate) Todd. Of the three, Todd had less confidence towards what he could contribute to the exercise as he wasn’t as well versed in the subject nor could he speculate. Until of course, his father Joe broached a possibility that truly inspired Todd with a thirst of the chase he could not wait to dive inside if only he could convince Gideon the merits of taking the risk! Todd emulated his father but he held himself back a bit from pursuing adventure with the same earnest passion.

Initially I felt Jamaicans speak a language that is quite easy to follow, even if half the time I am understanding words that do not even read the same way in American or British English! The authentic touch this gives the novel is welcome as it speaks to the author’s ability to convey the setting and place of the story with a personal edge of first-hand knowledge. I do admit there were places where the native language bogged down the pace of the story as it took a lot of concentration to follow the corkscrew entanglements of what was happening vs how it was written to follow. The more content given to this language, the harder it was to feel rooted to the story. Stranger still, the language barrier is most evident in the contemporary section of the novel vs the historical time slip portion!

The last quarter of the novel is a roundabout path towards arriving us at the cave – the same cave shown on the cover and spoken about so much in the story, you were wondering when it would make it’s entrance. The cave by itself is worthy of it’s own legend, as most adventurers get bogged down in the details and delay their entreaty into the location that has held their curiosity. In this particular case, the cave is located in a portion of the land that is both haunted and superstitiously guarded by those who would cause harm to a visitor than to share information about the secrets would reveal if knowledge could be shared without consequence. The locals aide Todd and Gideon similar to how John Davis (a Buccaneer) helped Jarvis; there is a tension of trust, to proceed with their intentions to arrive at the cave, and in both slips of time, the journey to the cave is fraught with danger and intrigue.

The parallels continue to tie together between Gideon and Jarvis, to such a degree as it felt like Gideon was repeating part of the lifepath of Jarvis. What I appreciated seeing is how Blaylock showed how our choices can effect our path – this applies to a choice Jarvis made early-on in the story to disobey direct orders by his superior. IF he had not chosen his own intentions then, it would have reverberated a different set of circumstances lateron; and this is a prime example of how a path is not set in stone but is constantly in fluctuation due to our free will and the choices we are constantly making that effectively ‘change’ our future. The introspective layer of insight is what marks this a journey of men who are growing through their experiences and where the adventure they originally sought isn’t quite the one they received in the end.

The symbol on the book cover is the catalyst of the whole story – it’s a beautiful life lesson carried within the fable of what the symbol represents. A story within a story if you will and the symbol’s story is one that is palatable to give strength to everyone who has lost their way or is seeking a way to carry forward with a renewal of wisdom.

I am thankful I chose to stay with this story because Blaylock’s ending remarks spoken through Gideon match my own in regards to life, faith and the reason we are here. It’s a beautiful ending which I would have missed completely because I misunderstood a short exchange of dialogue that would have taken me out of this story and I would have lost the pleasure of seeing how it ends where the circle of life and light entwine.

One part military drama, one part adventure suspense:

The beauty of The Land of Look Behind is how it’s written to underscore the horrors of being a soldier caught inside a war he no longer is certain is the right course of action for the circumstances whilst equally highlighting a quest towards understanding a historical mystery with solid elements of suspense. This novel bends genre to it’s will whilst keeping you engaged and interested in the parallels and the time shifting of where it’s characters are venturing to go. Very realistic on the side of the military drama, as it harkens close to a traditional war drama wherein your caught inside the soldiers mind and heart; a twisting of their soul to rectify their actions and understand what cannot be understood.

At the very same time your approaching this from the point of perspective there is an adventure lurking in the shadows where the present must confront the past; to unveil what is hidden from sight.

Fly in the Ointment and Resolution:

I decided to keep this section fully intact as I had written it as it became a good portion of my struggle to resolve my feelings on behalf of ‘The Land of Look Behind’, as one disruption in the beginning of the novel led me to question the story overall. If I were to edit this section out of my review, I would be misleading my readers as I had a struggle resolving the tone and the implications of what I perceived from the context of the story.

An unexpected discovery inside the Chapter Ring Road starting on page 77 left me so startled, I had to re-read the words a few times to make sure I was understanding what the author had said. What drew my brow to knit together in puzzlement was when I read a statement on page 88. In reference to Todd telling a taxi driver (whilst he and Gideon are in Jamaica) he’s not Mormon, there is a reply by Gideon and Gideon’s Jamaican friend that quite surprised me! If you look at this at face value, it’s reading as if your not LDS / Mormon your living outside the Light of God. I’m hoping this is not the way in which Blaylock wanted readers to interpret this as that will knock my enjoyment of reading this novel down quite a heap!

For instance, I am very open about being a non-LDS Protestant on my blog whilst reviewing #LDSFiction and Non-Fiction, as I try to keep transparent about how I found Cedar Fort and why I love reading the stories they are publishing. It did surprise me originally most of the bloggers who are reviewing their titles are Mormon as the number of us who are of a faith background outside of LDS are limited.

However, this was not an issue for me until I read this section of the novel because it sounds strongly reminiscent of something I read in More than the Tattooed Mormon which at the time I let pass by without referencing as I felt it wasn’t warranted to broach as it was a personal memoir of a woman’s walk of faith; thereby I went in knowing there would be certain differences, which on a small measure I did state on my review. This sounds stronger to me for some reason because of the language of how it’s conveyed – words can be powerful in of themselves and how we translate and interpret what we are reading can be affected by our experiences and our beliefs inasmuch as our tolerances within genres.

If I’m reading this the way the author wanted it to be read it’s quite sad he’s excluding his wider audience by including such a narrow view of spirituality and religious choices. Our walk in faith is individual and personal but why set a dividing line when your contributing a faith-based story to the umbrella genre of INSPY? (Inspirational Fiction includes *all!* religious backgrounds) This is my first Bonneville release where I felt the story fell short of understanding a wider audience of readers and left in a prejudicial comment that simply doesn’t sit well with me.

Despite this wrinklement of displeasure, I cannot deny the fact Blaylock has written a solid story for #MensFiction with the strength of his characters. I am simply finding fault with a lack of tolerance for other religions outside of LDS, as the language of intent from this section was so strong it was hard to shift past it.

Whilst I contemplated this as I continued to read the story I did want to give Blaylock the benefit of the doubt – if he was attempting to highlight the fact Todd lived without faith and/or was Agnostic, he should have made it clearer than simply having the characters laugh it off. It’s not cut and dry if this was a friend wanting another friend to find the courage to accept God into his life, as it felt much more clearer to read this as excluding other walks of faith outright. I wish there was more context to this section but without it, my original reaction stands. I will add a question about this to my interview with Mr Blaylock and get to the bottom of what he was truly trying to say. I continued to read the story because I had become invested inside it and also, I wanted to see if Todd’s character might become better understood as time moved forward. I wanted to seek an answer or a reasonable explanation if one was to be found further inside the novel.

I only grew more frustrated by finishing the story; until I reached page 235* and there are other references to non-LDS denominations which leads me to believe this section was written without the intent I understood it to have within. It’s definitely a clear example of how words can be misunderstood and re-interpreted past what we intend to convey. I think it would have been better to either strike the dialogue as it was written or to re-write it where it’s meaning was made clear to where misunderstanding it would be a non-issue.

On page 235 Blaylock finally answers my enquiry – as Todd’s absence of spiritual wellness is answered by his questioning of how Gideon knew to trust without sight whilst they were in the cave. A question of ‘faith’ and it was something Todd had to contemplate before he agreed to follow Gideon. This gave me hope that my initial reaction was based on how page 77 read to me was a misunderstanding of the author’s intention to present a story about a missionary who remained a close friend with an Agnostic.

On the writing style of Aaron Blaylock:

His transitions are well conceived as he augments his story into a perceivable reality you can accept with a plausible skill of knowing ‘could be true’ if you accept some things in life are simply meant to be known as they enter your lifepath. He’s written a clever coming-of age story on behalf of Gideon whose growth as a man and as a spiritual guide to others is deepened by his journey with Jarvis. Jarvis, meanwhile, becomes the catalyst of how Blaylock knits together a life lesson and a challenging adventure to the readers who are seeking something quite extraordinary and unexpected from their reading lives.

Although told from two strong male lead perspectives, Blaylock has written a narrative that is accessible across gender divides because he has written a humanistic story that is not limited to one particular reader’s point of view or perspective. His realistic approach to ground us inside Gideon’s quest for truth and for seeking a part of himself that is partially lost or cast aside is humbling because he’s written Gideon in such a way as to be approachable. Jarvis on the other hand is relatable because of his strong sense of duty and commitment to follow through on what he perceives as the life an honourable gentleman would lead. Each of the blokes in the story have strong and resolute walks of self-directed soul-searching and they both are attempting to understand ‘something’ just outside of reach of their awareness.

At the very same time, I was thankful this has such a strong centering of wicked good fiction for boys and men. There aren’t as many strong male lead role models in fiction these days (outside of the superhero fandom and legacy series) except for the ones I am finding by Indie Authors and Press; such as the offerings of ChocLitUK, Cedar Fort, Light Messages Publishing and a select few INSPY releases by Major Trade publishers as well. There is an about-face focus on taking the empathsis off strong men who are grounded and realistically honest to our contemporary world and placing a stronger presence of upstanding blokes in historical narratives. Too often I think literature forgets to include the men of whom we celebrate in Hallmark Channel movies and Turner Classic Movies; the ones who champion women, support equality and who love strong women. It’s refreshing to find a narrative told from a male perspective that is as interesting as reading a Women’s Fiction story for how heart-centred this one is for the journey of the men inside it.

Perhaps they need to promote Men’s Fiction for today’s literary bloke who is seeking a story he can relate too and appreciate reading. It would make sense as each of us need an uplift in our readerly pursuits and why should that exclude men? This is one reason I created a category reference “Literature for Boys” when I find strong examples of how positive men are being represented in the books I am reading. It might also have to do with the fact I eventually want to adopt a sibling group of boys and I would love to have a ‘go-to’ reference of stories to give to my future sons. I am strongly motivated to find these characters due to my father and grandfathers who were unlike most in my generation as they fully supported their wives and children. Too often the other fathers did not place their families first which was hard for me, as I had hoped more had a father like I was blessed with myself.

I think the selections for boys and men to curl inside stories they want to read is far more limited than what we (as women) have for ourselves. Men read as much as women, but why only have offerings where the lead focus is on the traditional situation of ‘boy meets girl’ or ‘girl meets boy’ or a ‘meet-cute’ or something in and around a relationship but not focusing on a more introspective journey such as we find in Women’s Fiction that expands itself so beautifully on the fuller scope of a women’s heart, mind and soulful journey whilst she is alive. Women’s Fiction tucks into the harder issues women face inasmuch as harder hitting story-lines which are a treat to read due to their breadth of insight and grace of soul. I think there needs to be more Equality of Choice in fiction where men (and younger boys who are just starting to gain an interest in reading) can find champions of literary delights of their own; where they can forsake sleep and recognise themselves in the characters they are reading whilst not being limited to Science Fiction and Fantasy releases.

The Land of Look Behind is a mark of measure in the right direction,

continuing forward from Ian Quicksilver: the Warrior’s Return.

I seriously need to re-queue The Skin Map by Lawhead as I felt at the time it was heading to be a story I would feel speaks on this level of focus and pro-positive lead characters from a male perspective.

David Morrell (with his Thomas De Quincey Mysteries), Charles Todd (with his Inspector Ian Rutledge series), Sophie Hannah (with her re-defined Poirot), George Steger (with his Sebastian Chronicles), Susan Spann (with her Shinobi Mysteries), Julie E. Czerneda (with her The Clan Chronicles), AshleyRose Sullivan (with her Awesome Jones series), C.A. Gray (with her Piercing the Veil series) are all prime examples of writers who are focusing on writing strong male leads who have something wicked to contribute to literature as a whole. I am so proud to have found their stories and be a book cheerleader on their behalf to help spread the word on the incredible joys these stories give a reader!

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Let's champion writers like @AaronBlaylock re-defining #MensFiction w/strong male leads! Share on X

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This Blog Tour Stop is courtesy of:

Cedar Fort Publishing & Media

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Upcoming next on Jorie Loves A Story for #LandofLookbehind:

(A special LIVE author Q&A with Aaron Blaylock on 26th of February, 2016!

Stay tuned for further details via @joriestory & @AaronBlaylock!

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Pls RT to spread the word: LIVE Author Q&A w/ #readers & @AaronBlaylock 26 Feb! #LandofLookBehind Share on X

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Readers will be able to leave questions & comments for Mr Blaylock in the comment section from 11:59pm 25th February straight into the LIVE Q&A where the author will be chatting in *real-time* to everyone who drops by to say ‘Hallo’ and chat for a bit! He will be responding to the questions left ahead of the block of time he’s ‘live responding’ before engaging directly into the new comments appearing live as the conversation materalises.

Be sure to mark your calendars for this wicked sweet event!

The LIVE interaction is preceded by an interview between Jorie & Mr Blaylock!

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I look forward to reading your thoughts & commentary! Especially if you read the book or were thinking you might be inclined to read it. I appreciate hearing different points of view especially amongst bloggers who picked up the same story to read.

Comment Box Banner made by Jorie in Canva.

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{SOURCES: Cover art of “The Land of Look Behind”, book synopsis, author biography, author photograph of Aaron Blaylock and the blog tour badges were all provided by Cedar Fort, Inc. and used with permission. Ruminations & Impressions Book Review Banner created by Jorie in Canva. Photo Credit: Unsplash Public Domain Photographer Sergey Zolkin. Comment Box Banner made by Jorie in Canva. Post dividers and My Thoughts badge by Fun Stuff for Your Blog via Pure Imagination. Tweets embedded due to the codes provided by Twitter. Click to Tweet embedded due to the new plug-in I am using to aide the promotion of my blog.}

Copyright © Jorie Loves A Story, 2016.

I’m a social reader | I tweet as I read:
(sometimes even far ahead of a reading!)

About jorielov

I am self-educated through local libraries and alternative education opportunities. I am a writer by trade and I cured a ten-year writer’s block by the discovery of Nanowrimo in November 2008. The event changed my life by re-establishing my muse and solidifying my path. Five years later whilst exploring the bookish blogosphere I decided to become a book blogger. I am a champion of wordsmiths who evoke a visceral experience in narrative. I write comprehensive book showcases electing to get into the heart of my reading observations. I dance through genres seeking literary enlightenment and enchantment. Starting in Autumn 2013 I became a blog book tour hostess featuring books and authors. I joined The Classics Club in January 2014 to seek out appreciators of the timeless works of literature whose breadth of scope and voice resonate with us all.

"I write my heart out and own my writing after it has spilt out of the pen." - self quote (Jorie of Jorie Loves A Story)

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Posted Monday, 22 February, 2016 by jorielov in 17th Century, 21st Century, Action & Adventure Fiction, African-American Literature, Ancient Civilisation, Art, Balance of Faith whilst Living, Biblical History, Bits & Bobbles of Jorie, Blog Tour Host, Bookish Discussions, Cedar Fort Publishing & Media, Christianity, Content Note, Debut Author, Debut Novel, Equality In Literature, Fly in the Ointment, Historical Fiction, Historical Perspectives, History, Illustrations for Stories, Indie Author, Indie Book Trade, Inspirational Fiction & Non-Fiction, Jamaica, Lessons from Scripture, Literature for Boys, Men's Fiction, Military Fiction, Modern Day, Mormonism, Multi-cultural Characters and/or Honest Representations of Ethnicity, Realistic Fiction, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Time Slip, Treasure Hunt, Warfare & Power Realignment, World Religions

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