Category: Blog Birthdays & Blogoversaries

Jorie celebrates her 2nd #blogovesary whilst embracing a new wicked sweet #histfic chat #HistoricalFix!

Posted Tuesday, 31 March, 2015 by jorielov 19 Comments

2nd Blogoversary Badge created by Jorie in Canva.

A full two years has eclipsed past me since I initially found the inspiration to create Jorie Loves A Story! If I were to be honest, I am not even sure how ‘two years’ have come past, but they have, and I’m proud of the work I’ve put into my blog inasmuch as the beautiful moments which have renewed my joy along the way. The ability to connect to my readers through the ruminative thoughts I leave behind on behalf of the stories I read, is a blessing I am full of thanksgiving to share with everyone who finds my bookish blog. Yet, it is the unexpected grace and bliss, to be able to connect directly to writers who pen the stories which alight inside my heart and imagination which has enriched my life with an infinite measure of gratitude. Today I am celebrating where I started, where I have transitioned forward, and everything still yet to come.

The hardest blog posts to compose are the ones where you want to celebrate all the lovely memories of the past year, and to do so without leaving anyone out of your notice. The trouble is I have a bad habit of forgetting to take notes along the way, and although my heart is full of gratitude and a multitude of memories are washing over me as I compose this note, I realise it is quite difficult to summerise a year as a book blogger because most of the time I am finding the ‘best moments’ are quite spontaneous and take me unawares during the hours in which I am both reading and blogging the stories you’ve come to appreciate reading about on Jorie Loves A Story. Read More


Posted Tuesday, 31 March, 2015 by jorielov in Bits & Bobbles of Jorie, Blog Birthdays & Blogoversaries, JLAS Update Post, Jorie Loves A Story