Tag: His Frontier Christmas Family

Book Spotlight w/ Extract and Notes | “His Frontier Christmas Family” by Regina Scott

Posted Tuesday, 5 December, 2017 by jorielov , , , , 0 Comments

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Hallo, Hallo dear hearts!

The Love Inspired (imprint) by Harlequin used to compete with the novellas I loved reading with my Mum which were Heartsong Presents. This publisher has a long history – including how Harlequin at one point in time merged Heartsong into their imprint line until they were bought out and the line was dissolved. Sadly, to this day we miss those four novellas a month by the authors of Heartsong Presents – (as this was a mail-order book service) which is why we’ve been starting to gather interest in Love Inspired authors. Some of the authors from Heartsong Presents are Love Inspired authors now (or were all along if they wrote for both publishers) – when I saw this series coming up on the calendar from Prism Book Tours, I knew I wanted to take part in it – as one thing Mum and I love are ‘series’ of INSPY novels.

This particular Historical series matches my own personal interests in Frontier Americana stories – where you have the frontier itself, the bustling of the wilds of America still being settled and tamed against the backdrop of mail-order brides, frontier families who are ranching for the first and seeing how cities are being developed. This is is an interesting time in American history – where those who were daring to carve out their own lifestyles went West, to claim not only land but a stake in their future.

I, personally, love curling into these kinds of stories and am delighted today, I can share with you a new author and a new series I’ve just discovered myself. I am hoping this will be one of the Love Inspired authors I will be reading in 2018 as I need to start from the beginning with The Bride Ship, as I have a penchant for reading series in order! In lieu of this, sometimes, I read the first novel and the last released – especially in cases where the whole series is hard to find.

This is part of my series of focus on Christmas Romances + Holiday Romances this year on #JLASblog! You’ll happily find reviews, guest author features (ie. interviews & guest posts) as well as this Spotlight w/ Extract and Notes part of my celebrations of the holiday season. I’ll be reading more Christmas Romances as we move towards Christmas week – whilst continuing my readings in Non-Fiction and Science Fiction respectively. There is a lot to make you smile right now on Jorie Loves A Story! Especially as it’s the first year where I could coordinate to focus on why I love reading these kinds of stories during one of my most favourite Seasons of the year!

You’ll find an Extract from the novel below and my notes on behalf of what is being disclosed inside it. I look forward to your comments regarding this novel – especially if you’ve been following the series, kindly let me know your own takeaway thoughts and what you love about how the series has been developed thus far along into it’s seventh installment! Grab a cuppa & enjoy!

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His Frontier Family by Regina Scott

A Family Made at Christmas

After taking guardianship of his late friend’s siblings and baby daughter, minister Levi Wallin hopes to atone for his troubled past on the gold fields. But it won’t be easy to convince the children’s wary elder sister to trust him. The more he learns about her, though, the more he believes Callie Murphy’s prickly manner masks a vulnerable heart…one he’s starting to wish he was worthy of.

Every man in Callie’s life chose chasing gold over responsibilities. Levi—and the large, loving Wallin family—might just be different. But she can tell he’s hiding something from her, and she refuses to risk her heart with secrets between them. Even as they grow closer, will their pasts keep them from claiming this unexpected new beginning?

Converse via: #Historical + #Romance or #HistRom & #FrontierRomance

Published by: Love Inspired (@hLoveInspiredBks) | imprint of Harlequin

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Posted Tuesday, 5 December, 2017 by jorielov in Blog Tour Host, Book Spotlight, Farm and Ranching on the Frontier, Historical Romance, Homestead Life, Indie Author, Mail-Order Brides & Marriages of Convenience, Marriage of Convenience, Old West Americana, Prism Book Tours, Romance Fiction, Western Fiction